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Hailey's Tale!

On Tuesday we went to the vet - the platelets were up, probably due to the shot of vincristine last Friday.
Her red count was stable - meaning 'still low but not lower'.

Well, after having her be really lethargic and her breathing heavier....we brought her to a specialist(internist) yesterday.
It may have been more for our peace of mind, but we went.
He confirmed we were on the correct path, adusted the meds just a touch, sent out labs for a larger tick panel, as well as a check to see what the red cells were doing.
He feels the lethargy is mainly due to the drugs. We figured as much, just needed to pay a few hundered $$$ to validate our feelings...go figure!

Her food intake has been chicken/rice/hamburg(all cooked)..and some bread.
This is to get some food into her, as her taste for kibble is shot.
The vet(s) said to get her whatever she'll eat.
Well, she is gobbling it up.

About an hour ago I get up and find she had an 'accident' (poo-diarrhea) in the kithchen.
It seems her new diet is catching up to her.
Yes, we tried to mix the kibble slowly...but it didn't work...we'll try harder or just get more paper towels.

We're taking the day off - well, I'll go in for a 1/2 day this morning - she'll have someone with her for when she gets 'that look' and can be let outside.

We'll get the blood test results later today.

She's still movning around when and where she want, albeit slow at times, and her demeanor is still excellent.

Thanks agian for all the thoughts!
Gary, Are you boiling the chicken/hamburger? If not, you should. Also, see if the vet agrees that she should eat some active yogurt. That might help with the gut flora. A few tbl a couple few times a day wouldnt hurt for a week or two.
Yes...we are boiling the chicken...should we do the hamburg that way as well?

(thanks for the feedback!!!)
You should probably boil the hamburger as well. Our vet recommended boiled chicken, steamed rice and cottage cheese mixed together when our dogs had this kind of issue. They still get the runs but its not as bad and you can add a little kibble into the mix and see if she eats it if its covered in cottage cheese and chicken juice.

Hope she feels better soon Gary.
Yes, as others mentioned, boil the meat. Too much fat gives dogs the runs. If your Vet allows yogurt, that stuff can be miraculous, if warranted.
She took a bad turn. We had to have a transfusion done this afternoon.

She's resting comfortably at the ER...smiley and sitting up (unlike how she was this morning!)

Her platelets are way up, but her other counts dropped.

We now have to see if her marrow can regenerate the cells....if I recall how it works.

It's been an f'd up two days to say the least.
Stay strong Gary, definately wishing for a great outcome for Hailey!
Thanks guys.

She'll be in the Emergency Hosp. unitl at least Monday AM. Then I take her back to the internist on Monday.

Her counts are holding. And she's resting.
Dammit! I hate seeing the updates with nothing getting better. Hang in there Gary, and give her a scritch behind the ears for me,
Sorry Gary! :( Stay strong, we are all pulling for Hailey!
Right now 'stable' is a very good thing and is a stepping stone toward her good health!

Her red count is up a little more today. She's eating some kibble - with PB - she loves that stuff!
We are boling some chicken and hamburg and rice...the vet said to bring some down.

The 'specialist' will do a full work up tomorrow when I bring her there.
That way the work up can be from the same place, rather than worry about technician or machine variation.

We saw her this morning and she was very happy to hang out with us for a while.

I'm sure she knows you fellows are sending well wishes!
....boiled chicken and rice; any dog in the universe would love that..!! We feed it to our little mutts when they aren't feeling so good....or if we just want them to have a full tummy....:p

Best wishes for your doggie, Gary - B.B.S.
We stopped down and gave her chicken and rice.
She's really not a fan of the rice...bur gobbled down the mix.
We then put in a small amount of hamburg and she ate the rest.

The vet was happy to see her eat.

Oh yea, after we left this morning, they brought her in back and gave her the kibble with peanut butter
She took a little bite and proceeded to flip her bowl over - like she knew we'd be back with cooked food...too funny!!

Cautious optimism.
My best wishes and thoughts. She sounds like she doesn't think its time to leave you all. All my best!
Just caught this thread.......best wishes. Dogs are family, and i'm not sure they realize they aren't human. Hope the road to recovery continues!
She's at the internist's and will probably be there unitl at least tomorrow!

Her temp. is good, she's waggy and barking some...and really really didn't want to go with the vet tech.

She's getting a full set of blood work done, the results will be in tomorrow.