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Here puffy, puffy, puffy....here

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No zebra, you are in no position to make statements on what I think because I do not "think (I'm) abov (sic) the law" this is another "false accusation" from you.
I have to disagree with you there, Bill. It's pretty clear you do in fact think you're above the rules here.

Not "everyone" zebra. I've been here longer than 80% of the rest of the membership.
Bill, just because you claim to have been here 80% longer than the rest of the membership does NOT entitle you to act the way you do, and continually belittle new members. You really should take some of your own advice, and "read more, post less".

this really has nothing to do with it. I've been here longer than 85% of the rest of the membership and have been active the for the entire time I've been here.
So again, your time here nor your post count gives you any right to act the way you do, with the snide remarks and baiting tactics. Your activity here has become more negative than positive.

You sure seem to be extremely intolerant of people (one of which is obviously me) who rub you the wrong way so much so that it blinds you from being objective and fair.
Bill, why don't stop digging the grave deeper? You're not making any sense. What you're accusing Zeebra of is EXACTLY your problem. You are the one who is "intolerant" of people. I have yet to see Zeebra go off on someone; he's been a very fair member of this community. You, Bill, are the one who continually goes off on tangents and thrives off drama.

Does the term "practice what you preach" mean anything to you?
Does it mean anything to you, Bill?

You really need to go back and read some of your posts. You don't make any sense. You come on CP every day and bring all the drama with you. I'm sick of your lame comments. You act as if this is Bill's little website, and you can do/say anything you like without repercussions.

I wish the three people who PM'd me this morning would also chime in and say how they really feel. It's ashame we have so many members, new and OLD (been here for 4+ years) are sick of your attitude and poor disposition, Bill.

Also, I thought Rod locked the Torano thread because he asked all of us to...
Bill, this issue is now about you. This thread will remain open.

Either knock off the drama, or your account will be suspended. Perhaps you need to take some time away from the forum for awhile. If you want to keep it going, then the suspension will become permanent, and it will be un-reversible. Your choice.

zebra jumped to some conclusions and I responded without flaming, insults or name calling. He claims to find my behavior objectionable yet engages in it himself, that was my point and I do not understand how this is "drama."
I think we're beyond the Puff and Discdog question at this point. The item on the table for many of us is whether Bill -- CoventryCat86 -- can be the member that many of us wish he would become.

Personally, I don't think CP would be the same without Bill here. He's part of what makes this board what it is. On the other hand, I don't think it's any secret that I have had concerns over his negative attitude and unwarranted personal attacks on other members. For me, it's very much a love/hate relationship.
I don't believe you. If you didn't know who Al was before, you do now and you still haven't made ammends.

Would you like a list of the many people who have not "made ammends?" As I stated before, I find the fact that there are three vastly different versions of a story out there to be extremely troubling and I'm not at all comfortable with puffstuff based on some PMs he sent me back when he first got here. Based on that. I cannot personally "make ammends" with him just because you want me to.

Would you be so kind as to summarize what you feel I need to "make ammends" about and I will do my best to explain.

Might be best to let this rest for a few days. Quite a few viewpoints and issues here, none of which seem to be coming any closer together.
Right on cue Bill. Bravo. You're quite predictable.
You lookin' for a fight there zeebar?


Not at all. I'm just pointing out the fact that Bill gets involved in these threads, then doesn't apologize when he's in the wrong. His little comment about "Who is Al"? is really childish considering "puffstuff" has been signing his name as Al on most of his posts. In the past, Bill has also pointed out to members the difference between puffstuff and puffnstuff. So he knows full well who Al is, he just doesn't want to admit he's wrong.
Geezus. And you know these to be definitive truths? Do you dismiss the possibility that there is no "right" side in this? Let me tell you what is childish. Grown ass men blowing smoke up each others dresses. It makes for an entertaining read and I enjoy it immensely but it's still childish.


I know that Al had first hand knowledge of what transpired with Gabriel as he was there and heard the conversation over a speaker phone. Bill's knowledge of the events comes from what's been posted on message boards. So for me to believe one version over the other, I'll take the guy who was actually there when it all happened.
Just to be clear here. Discdog's version and Al's version are different. Which one do you believe?


Oh good lord. When stories get posted on message boards, they have a tendency to read differently based on who's reading or who's writing. Some folks such as yourself are quite eloquent in their writing styles, and can make a point quite clearly. Others can ramble, and mess things up. Discdog's version and Al's version are the same story in essense. If the fine details of the story are a bit mangled in the telling of it, that's in no way a reflection of one or the other lying.
Gabe running up the price. One says he did and one says he didn't. That isn't muddy water. Those are opposing statements.

I honestly did not know who "Al" was so you are dead wrong, I do not "know(s) full well who Al is" Wasn't that pretty clear when you asked me about why I had not apologized to "Al" and I responded that I did by quoting my apology to discdog?

Now how about you admit you were "wrong?"

Hey Bill. Let's leave the other issue off the table right now and come to this statement from you. One in which you prove that you're lying. In post #54 of this thread you replied to my post. I referred to puffstuff as "Al". I never once called him "puffstuff", yet in your reply to me in post #54 you knew EXACTLY WHO AL WAS. You changed it back to "puffstuff" in response to my attack on you.

So please explain to the forum why you claimed you didn't know who "Al" was this whole time. It should be very entertaining.
I honestly did not know who "Al" was so you are dead wrong, I do not "know(s) full well who Al is" Wasn't that pretty clear when you asked me about why I had not apologized to "Al" and I responded that I did by quoting my apology to discdog?

Now how about you admit you were "wrong?"

Hey Bill. Let's leave the other issue off the table right now and come to this statement from you. One in which you prove that you're lying. In post #54 of this thread you replied to my post. I referred to puffstuff as "Al". I never once called him "puffstuff", yet in your reply to me in post #54 you knew EXACTLY WHO AL WAS. You changed it back to "puffstuff" in response to my attack on you.

So please explain to the forum why you claimed you didn't know who "Al" was this whole time. It should be very entertaining.

I'm sorry zebra, I was honestly confused. It wasn't the first time and I'm sure it won't be the last.

Might be best to let this rest for a few days. Quite a few viewpoints and issues here, none of which seem to be coming any closer together.

Not the best thing I've heard all day, but close.
I honestly did not know who "Al" was so you are dead wrong, I do not "know(s) full well who Al is" Wasn't that pretty clear when you asked me about why I had not apologized to "Al" and I responded that I did by quoting my apology to discdog?

Now how about you admit you were "wrong?"

Hey Bill. Let's leave the other issue off the table right now and come to this statement from you. One in which you prove that you're lying. In post #54 of this thread you replied to my post. I referred to puffstuff as "Al". I never once called him "puffstuff", yet in your reply to me in post #54 you knew EXACTLY WHO AL WAS. You changed it back to "puffstuff" in response to my attack on you.

So please explain to the forum why you claimed you didn't know who "Al" was this whole time. It should be very entertaining.

I'm sorry zebra, I was honestly confused. It wasn't the first time and I'm sure it won't be the last.

Apology accepted.
I haven't seen this many guys with hard-ons for one another since I went to Bfreebe's 3rd Annual Circle Jerk Party thinking it was a tribute celebration to the band.
What a fucking Soap Opera... I'm just the FNG around here, but drama like this makes people think twice about hanging around, imo.

---John Holmes...
I am still somewhat new here compared to some who have posted in this thread. I consider CP to be my home on the internet and when things at my real life home get crazy I usually put a stop to it. For some reason I have chosen not to get involved in the drama here up to this point, mostly because I felt it was none of my business. With that said, this drama has gotten out of control and I do not understand why. It is rare to get so many people in the same place with the same interests.

Zee has never really spoken his mind other than to be kind to others. From what I can see here he was just voicing an opinion in defense of someone he considers a friend so why bitch slap him? Most everyone in this thread has voiced their opinion at some point or the other. Some more than others. Bill I have no beef with you never had but sometimes I do not understand why you get so angry. The original discussion in this thread between AL, DD and Gabriel seems to have been resolved. From my point of view both AL and Gabriel offer great deals to the BOTL here.

I have one year here and if I had acted in the way Bill has recently I would have banned and rode out of town on a rail by the fogs here to include Bill and would have deserved it.

As a older member Bill I would think you should avoid conflict and set the example for stupid newbies like me. The funny thing is I respect you for standing up for the newer members and often see your point of view, but I do not understand the vindictiveness that sometimes comes to the surface. If I was ever in Connecticut I would do my damnedest to herf with you but you have a mean streak like a backyard bully that comes out from time to time. My question is why you are a respected member when respect is generally earned?

When a guy like AL who provides great deals to us and is also a stand up BOTL decides to leave then it is time to look at the cause. The only thing I see that caused it is his thread with Bill when one member affects a community as a whole it is time to talk to that member regardless of how respected or established he is.

Well I have said what I felt needed to be said. This is one time I just don't get it. The remarks in here are not meant as attacks or personal assaults just a dumb newbs impressions.


after re reading this I can see were one part of this could be considered an attack. Bill I did not mean to say you did not earn your respect. I choose not to edit it out because it is not the right thing to do.
What a fucking Soap Opera... I'm just the FNG around here, but drama like this makes people think twice about hanging around, imo.

You're right, it absolutely is like a soap opera. However, your statement "this makes people think twice about hanging around" is why I believe a lot of guys have gotten involved in this thread. I also believe most guys, who are active members here at CP (including Rod, at least it seems), have gotten very tired of the increasing level of negativity and drama which has been occurring, and therefore are searching for ways to minimize it. Sometimes airing it out is the best way to resolve a problem.
I don't personally know very many people on this board, as I've never been to any of the herf's or big get togethers. I don't travel much anymore, and my cigar preferences are pretty set at this point, so I don't ask as many questions as I used to, either. I still read the board pretty much every day, even though I rarely post. There's always plenty to be learned here. In terms of online personalities, I'm a big fan of some of the guys around here, in particular Ginseng, SamClemmons, Moki, GGiesse, and AVB (though his politics drive me up the wall!). :love:

But in real-life, I see Al a couple of times a month, as I'm a regular customer. I assume that CCs motivation in his posts is to keep the board honest, to keep the scammers and low-lifes away. I appreciate the folks who do that for the board. But I've got to tell you, Al is a top-notch guy who really cares about both this hobby and his friends and customers. I think the board benefits from having him here as more than just a vendor, but as a member, a BOTL. He's doing what he loves, and it shows in the way he conducts himself in his business and his relationships.

So, CC, if I'm right that your motivation is just to make sure this board stays clean, check around with some of the guys you trust, but I think we're in good shape with Al.

If this is some kind of ePenis thing, then there's probably no resolving it.

Here's a link for guys that aren't sure how this all got started. Discdog, Gabe and several others go by the same name they do here, Saint Luis Rey is Coventry Cat. This is only to clarify how this got started and hopefully will be the end to all this.


And you know this how precisely? I would ask that you please refrain from posting information that you do not know to be true.

Also, I thought Rod locked the Torano thread because he asked all of us to
Keep this bullshit at the "cesspool" where it belongs, please.

This is strangely reminiscent. I do not know this to be true, but if not, SaintLuisRey must be your doppleganger. Your mannerisms and writing styles are identical. Bill, have you used the login SaintLuisRey on StogieChat and/or Club Stogie? If you say it isn't you, your word is good. I'm sure everyone will drop the association.
Actually Bill, forget about it. This is exactly the bullshit tactics I abhor. Please accept my apology.
None of my business guys and being a newbie if you want to bitch slap me. No problemo. CP is my main cigar site. I have dealt with many here and have had the pleasure of meeting a few. This is a good site and I see no need not to want to come back. Getting emotionally involved is what leads to this sort of stuff. Just a newbs opinion. In the mean time " Smoker's draw one". :thumbs:
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