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Home Depot, you just lost my business.

OK, I'll cool it down a notch.

But guys, this isn't just a single ad that made me blow my top. Look around. There is a systemic problem in this country. It seeks to degrade men, and relegate us to the status of personna non grata. You may choose to look the other way and say "real men" don't worry about this sort of thing. Well when DO you begin to worry?

Do you begin to worry when smoking bans affect your neck of the woods? Do you begin to worry when "zero tolerance" drug policies get a high school student suspended for five days for taking a vitamin? Do you begin to worry when a little boy is suspended from GRADE SCHOOL for giving a girl a kiss on the cheek and is then suspended for sexual harrassment? Do you begin to worry when your spouse or sig. other takes a verbal shot at you at a party with friends? Where does it end? When do you stop looking the other way?

You can call me an alarmist if you want, but I ask you, what needs to happen before you pull your head out of the sand and see what's happening around you?
IronBar said:
OK, I'll cool it down a notch.

But guys, this isn't just a single ad that made me blow my top. Look around. There is a systemic problem in this country. It seeks to degrade men, and relegate us to the status of personna non grata. You may choose to look the other way and say "real men" don't worry about this sort of thing. Well when DO you begin to worry?

Do you begin to worry when smoking bans affect your neck of the woods? Do you begin to worry when "zero tolerance" drug policies get a high school student suspended for five days for taking a vitamin? Do you begin to worry when a little boy is suspended from GRADE SCHOOL for giving a girl a kiss on the cheek and is then suspended for sexual harrassment? Do you begin to worry when your spouse or sig. other takes a verbal shot at you at a party with friends? Where does it end? When do you stop looking the other way?

You can call me an alarmist if you want, but I ask you, what needs to happen before you pull your head out of the sand and see what's happening around you?

Well, I would say you're an alarmist but that would be slamming you :p

I think you are confusing the overall "cracking down" of society on our freedoms with some sort of gender-related thing.

I think there are just as many men as women who are for the smoking bans, for example.

I agree that the actions taken by schools for minor transgressions has gotten out of control. But I don't think you can blame it all on women, or some societal movement that seeks to downgrade men.
Hell, when I saw that commercial the first time, I thought it was great that they had something that would keep my wife from pestering me to do her little "projects" that most other wives do themselves.

I absolutely hate home improvement projects and I gladly pay someone to do things for me so I can sit outside with a cigar and a drink, or watch the game. I work to damn hard and long to spend my free time doing manual labor. Besides, If I want it to look and function correctly, it's cheaper to pay someone to do it right the first time, because I'm a klutz.
I know I'm a bit late on this but...maybe you're kinda overreacting a bit? ;)
I don't know man ... I work with some of those radical feminist lesbian (or lesbian wannabes) bee-atches who work in areas like "Womens Studies" or "English" and they're enough to make anybody puke. We're not going for equality of the sexes here, its gay, lesbian, and now the transgendered that we're supposed to be supporting because they're soooo discriminated against.

If you fart, burp, scratch yourself or go hunting you're a freakin neanderthal who should have no say in anything.

We see this bullshit on campus where we're supposed to fight against rape, date rape, and violence but the feminists put on some ridiculous play, the Vagina Monologues, with a scene where a 13 year old young girl had lesbian sex with an older (24 YO) woman. At the conclusion of that scene, the 13 year old girl tells the audience that it might have been rape, but "well, I say if it was rape, it was a good rape."

This perversion of our culture is insideous. I thought that ad was just stupid .... but one thing added on top of another ...... at some point ya gotta stand up and yell "enough is enough".
Nothing to worry about Ironbar as long as you know you wear the pants and she wears the skirt in the relationship ;) If it's the other way around, then you should start to worry :whistling:
I know where this thread is going, I'm bailing!
But, I did bust out the popcorn.
Rod said:
Aaron and Iron, you're both about to cross the line. Take it to email.

Rob has already given a warning in this thread.
smallg said:
hornetguy said:
...mildly retarded boobs that just sorta grin and stumble through life, and would be absolutely lost if it wasn't for their wise, patient, and somewhat condescending wives....

Well, that's me in a nutshell. :p I guess Home Depot is my kinda place! :laugh:

yeah, I KNEW I'd be steppin on some toes :laugh:

OUCH! :blush:
AaronFromPA said:
Well now you know what women have felt like for the last 40 years of sexist television. This is simply a case of being dished what we put out there when the advertisment/TV industry was male dominated. And just as in every other part of life, if you can dish it out you damn well better be able to take it because sooner or later the shoe will be one the other foot. I am not saying it is in any way "right" or "wrong" I am simply saying that after seeing more half naked women portrayed as bimbos in beer ads than my eyes could count (thank you beer ads) I think we can take a bump or to in return without screaming boycott.

WOW you read my freakin mind :thumbs:

I was gonna say the same thing,thanks, :D saved me some time :D
tdog said:
Rod said:
Aaron and Iron, you're both about to cross the line. Take it to email.

Rob has already given a warning in this thread.

And anyone who purposely mis-spells my name will receive a 24 hour ban on their account...
Lumberg said:
IronBar said:
you're probably a nancy boy who's bought in to all the media attacks on men in general.

You think all the stupid laws in the world such as smoking bans are made up my men? Hell no. They're made up by women

Don't you think you're going a bit far here?
Hey sh!t bag... Pot.... Kettle... Black... ?
Apparently, the author of this thread didn't read the rules/regulations of this board. Contreversial subjects are not welcome!

How about the Miller Cat-Fight Girls wrestling over a laser level? Or maybe the Coors Light twins?

Now THAT would be good TV!

The pussifaction of the American male is just a microcosm of the pussification of America. Everything today has to be perfectly PC in fear that we piss JUST ONE person off, because when that one person gets offended, he/she sues.
I've noticed this too, it does get a bit out of hand, but it's not a big deal. When that feminist protested the NHL commercials, I figured, that in commericals the generalizations are that women are sex objects and men are dumbasses. So don't bother protesting either way, we're even. Let's face it, both genders treating eachother equally with dignity and respect isn't gonna sell beer or cleaning products. :laugh: And capitalism matters more than anything. :p
I realize I am kinda late here, but I have been away for a little while and it takes some time to catch up.

Anyone notice how much free advertising Home Depot got here? Now HD is going to be the first store I think of.
Qualls07 said:
I realize I am kinda late here, but I have been away for a little while and it takes some time to catch up.

Anyone notice how much free advertising Home Depot got here? Now HD is going to be the first store I think of.

Lowe's, Lowe's, Lowe's, Lowe's, Lowe's, Lowe's, Lowe's.
Ralph said:
The pussifaction of the American male is just a microcosm of the pussification of America. Everything today has to be perfectly PC in fear that we piss JUST ONE person off, because when that one person gets offended, he/she sues.

That's an excellent point Ralph. In America you're guaranteed several rights. However you are not guaranteed the right to never be offended. I seemed to have forgotten that little nugget in my tirade against Home Depot.

However, my stance hasn't changed. I will still not shop at HD, or patonize any company that seeks to reduce men to buffoon status.