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How do YOU store your cigars?


Chronically Misinformed
Just thought I'd see if I could get some of you to chime in on this.

-What kind of humidors/cabinets/coolers/etc do you have and how many?
-If you were starting over, what would you do differently?
-And last, about how many sticks are you storing right now?

Personally I have a cheap (though very reliable) 50ct desktop humi, and a 150qt cooler that is currently not in service. It's packed full, and about all the space I can afford to keep right now. :)

Any stories would be a plus as well. :thumbs:
1 - 48qt Coleman, 1/2 pound climmax 70% beads
approximately 250 sticks.

I made it to this configuration after:

1 desktop humi with a cheap humi element
1 better desktop humi with a combo humi/hygrometer
1 small tupperdor, 1 drymistat tube, hygrometer.
1 larger tupperdor, 2 drymistat tube, hygrometer.

I would skip the desktop humi, or at least just go from that stright to the coolidor. Spend the monetary difference on a couple box splits, and some time at Cbid.
Several desktops
Several coolers
Several traveldors
One small cabinet

I have no idea how many cigars I have at present. I don't think I want to know :0

Knowing what I know now I would have bought a custom cabinet and a couple of nice desktops and travelers instead.
1 120 quart cooler (or maybe it's a 100 quart, I dunno, whatever it is it's big enough)
1 Refrigerdor (double the size of those small, dorm cube refrigerators)

Both with beads (65%). I find that with beads, there's no need for fancy hygrometers, the el cheapo analog ones work fine since the beads maintain CONSTANT RH. When I see the hygro drop lower to 60%, it's time to add a tablespoon of water.

Desktop humi, :D that's a funny one :D I have couple that are collecting dust. The el-cheapo humidification devices would dry out every week so it was too much aggrevation to maintain them and besides, they hold so few cigars so what's the point?

I have an Otter Box that I ONLY use for LI Herfs so I'm lucky if I use it more than a few times a year. I put cigars in ziplock baggies for the car with no hmidification. I've NEVER had a problem with them drying out since I smoke them within days. I've found that even two weeks later they're fine.

Starting over? I wouldn't change anything at all. I've thought about building a closetdor but I don't have a good spot in the house. Upstairs gets too hot and dry in the summer. I keep my coolerdor and refrigerdor in my finished basement which is always between 60 & 70 degrees and in the summer, I used a DEHUMIDIFIER to keep the whole room at 60 - 65 %RH which means I never add water to the beads for 8 to 9 months out of the year. In the winter, the dehumidifier doesn't run.

Right now, I have about 500-550 cigars with more on the way ;)
coventrycat86 said:
Desktop humi, :D that's a funny one :D I have couple that are collecting dust. The el-cheapo humidification devices would dry out every week so it was too much aggrevation to maintain them and besides, they hold so few cigars so what's the point?

LOL the way CC smokes one of these would be like a overnight bag

at the present time I have a 150 count humidor, a couple of tupperdors, and a 150 qt cooler

Randy :D
I've got a custom humi 64"x36"x20" that has about 950 cigars in it at the moment. If I would do it again I'd get a taller one with some display doors on the top and a deeper storage cabinet on the botton.

Before I got the humi I had 3 desktops and 2 48qt cooladors. Still have one of the cooladors for overflow but that hasn't happened yet.
I started out with a gifted tuppedor filled with eight to ten cigars, a humidifier tube, as well as an analog hygrometer. Since then, I've moved up with a three-hundred count El Diablo humidor that has worked just wonderfully. I have no idea how many cigars I have in it, it's bulging at the seams it seems(pun not intended) like. More recently, I purchased a 60 qt. Igloo Ice Cube igloodor that works wonderfully. Right now, I have two boxes and two giant baggies filled with roughly fifty cigars each. For my humidifying needs, I have a pound of climmax beads(70%) and a 300 ft. range Radio Shack digital thermometer-hygrometer. Personally, I'm happy with what I have. I smoke about one a ay, so the numbers balance out and I don't have the need to expand yet. I imagine that with my pass becoming complete, that the Igloodor will be completely filled. :D
I have an Igloo Ice Cube 48 qt cooler.
I have in excess of 300 cigars in it, I haven't counted in a while
I use 65% Climmax Premier Media Beads
I use the $20 Radio Shack digital hygrometer

If I ever need to expand storage I will get the same again.

I have an Igloo Ice Cube 48 qt cooler and 2 desktop humidors (50-75 stick). Between the 3, I have around 250-300 cigars total.

If I were to do it again, I'd go with a different cooler, this one is taller then it is wide, so there ends up being a lot of wasted space. I am very strongly considering a custom built end table humidor.

I have a few glad sandwhich bags.... works great and are cheap. I think I'll move up to freezer bags next. Anyone have a preference on Glad or Hefty? I use to prefer the regular sandwhich bags without the pleated bottom and no zip lock top but thats another story for another time.

If I had it to do over again I'd never get into this hobby and retire wealthy on the $$$$ I'd save ;) :D
You guys never cease to amaze me. You actually have enough cigars at one time to worry about how to store them? :0
2 Desktop Humidors
2 Small Tupperware Containers each containing one box of cigars and a couple of loose singles.

I think What I would do differently is to buy the Vicksburg 500 CT humidor froM Bargainhumidor and buy a small Cigar Caddy. I'm going to try my best to stay away from Coolers, so I don't go on a spending binge, but guys and your bombs, keep making me overfill.

edit: I was having fun with my Firefox BBcode Extensions. Makes posting on the forums much easier. ust Highlight and choose a color or bold or italicized.
I have a 300 count humidor, a 150 count humidor and a A Padron Millenium Chest which I'm using as a humi and a large Igloo for overflow boxes. I use Credos abd Credo-like elements in the humis and a large absorbant clay brick in the coolidor. If I knew then how sick I would become I would have bought only the 150 count desktop humi and a large cabinet humi.
1 300 count desktop, 1 600 count desktop (more like a table top actually :D ), 3 54 qt.
If I were starting over, I'd go with something like a Verona (if I could get it cheap :sign: ) and the 300 count desktop. I've been thinking of getting a 150 qt. to consolidate the smaller coolers if only to free up some floor space, but in Utah all the retailers put their coolers in the warehouse after Labor Day (or is that Memorial Day? Never could keep those straight).

As to numbers..............I'm afraid to look. One thing I'd definitely NOT do is shop around on Cbid until I"d learned a LOT more about what I'd like. My god, some of the things I've bought.................. :0
75 count desktop--premier smokes
25 count desktop -- on the bar down stairs
25 desktop -- stored in locker at workplace

17 qt cooler -- 5 or six boxes

Still saving for quality furniture piece to set by the desk.
I have the Verona. Until then I used the giant plastic bin in the basement where the humidity was almost always 70%, so the bin was fine even though it did not have a tight seal (there is a punch line in there somewhere, you know the one about the tight seal). Curiosly the digital hygrometer is reading 70% even though I moved it upstairs today from the basement. Haven't needed more space yet and I'm not sure exactly how many cigars are in the thing. I tried using one of those cigar inventory programs but have not the time nor the inclination to keep exact track of the information.
A 100 ct Humidor

2 300 ct humodor

A cooler and an old fridge in the basement that can be pressed into service if needed as well.

If I was going to do things over methodically I'd go with one large humidor say 300 ct or so to have sticks readily accesable. The bigest thing I could find that also looked nice in the livingroom. Then a large cooler or other storage spot in the basement for longer term storage.

There are just a couple problems with your wuestion here though. Fist, this is a hobby that a person goes into never realizing what it will turn into eventually. There is no way to plan for how big and out of hand it ends up getting. Second, it's a hobby and not business proposition. Emotions and desires take over more often then not. I have had more humidors then I have ever needed for the plan presented above, but each of my humis has a story behind it and I like each one for its own reasons.

The one thing I would have changed for sure though is to go with climaxx beads instantly. They are WAY easier to deal with and WAY more reliable then any other humidification solution anywhere. The beads would have saved me a lot of early head aches. Really, thats the only reason to even have two humis if your just going to be completely logical about it. One for 65% beads and one for 70% if you should feel you need 70 for some reason.

Anyway, other then the beads, theres not a thing I would have done differently.
gibu said:
There are just a couple problems with your wuestion here though. Fist, this is a hobby that a person goes into never realizing what it will turn into eventually. There is no way to plan for how big and out of hand it ends up getting. Second, it's a hobby and not business proposition. Emotions and desires take over more often then not. I have had more humidors then I have ever needed for the plan presented above, but each of my humis has a story behind it and I like each one for its own reasons.
Well, the reason I asked the question of what you would do differently is solely because that most people never realize how big it's going to get; that was sort of the point. I was asking for a reflection of what you'd do if you knew then what you knew now.

And I guess I never thought much about being sentimentally attached to a humidor, as that's just not the way I am. I always thought of a humidor as a tool to be used, like a set of wrenches I use to work on my car. Guess it just depends on the person.
Currently being stored in a 300ct humidor.

If I had the money and time I would like to find an antique wall shrunk and convert it to a humidor.

If I had to do it over again. There was a shop near Fort Bragg that went out of business. I would have bought some of their equipment. I was single then and was making big bucks (yeah right). Now I have to share my money with the spouse and this is not an option.

So it seems the 300ct is all I can have. I am new to the CP and may require the need to upgrade.