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Is this normal?


Ok, I smoked a 1998 CAO la'anniversarie on Tuesday night, however I couldn't finish it all, (lasted a good hour and still had about a third to go). So, I let it go out and wrapped it in a baggie till today when I could finish it. On Tuesday it was a great mellow smoke that I thorougly enjoyed.

So today when I lit it up, it was a little more harsh, which I expected, then mellowed a little so I went on to enjoy it to the end. To my suprise this cigar knocked me for a loop, first I got dizzy and then nausea. It felt something like a hangover. Which lasted for about an hour. I had always heard of cigars doing this before but in my limited experieince had not had it happened to me before. What suprised me is that nothing came close to happening like this on the 1st night I smoked it.

Is this a side effect of smoking it, then waiting a couple of days or is it just the make-up of this cigar? If I had smoked it all the way to the end the 1st night would this have happened. Cause I sure couldn't handle smoking a cigar that did this to me every time. Or is this possibly the fact that I am a new smoker and not used to the stuff in it.
Hey Rob, if I had to guess from your description, the first thing that would come to mind is that you unknowingly inhaled. Any chance?
I have had this experience several times, without doing the "leftovers" thing.

I think this is what's called the "nicotine" high. Same thing happened to me as a child when I first smoked cigarettes, which I don't do anymore.

I'm not sure if it is from inhaling or not, but sometimes this happens to me with a very strong smoke. If I recall a CAO did this to me most recently, or maybe an AVO. I just know it was a 3-letter thing with an "A" in it. I had to lay down and control my breathing. I was thinking of death as a viable alternative. :(

If you have a hiatal hernia, like I do, there is a chance that the nicotine dripped down your esophagus into your stomach through your valve. Not sure of the medical on this, but I think ParaGod or Lummie can give you the particulars on this.


I wondered about the possibility of Nicotine induction. I possibly inhaled a slight amount as I was trying to get it lit and I was outdoors. I had the same thought about just going to bed and sleeping it off. It luckily was shortlived and I was backl to normal in about 1 hour. So will any cigar do this if you inhale?
Another thing to keep in mind is that the part of the cigar you're not smoking acts as a filter for all the smoke from the cherry.

So as you get towards the end you are smoking not only the tobacco that is burning, but the tars and such that were filtered out of the previous portion of the cigar.

Another set of factors can be your mood, how much food you had in your stomach, and how much caffeine you had had previous to finishing your cigar.

I personally can not mix caffeine with nicotine or I get experiences similar to those described above.

It could be a lot of things, you have to keep smoking and gaining experience.

The short version of the answer to your question is it is NOT ABnormal.
Lumberg has it. ;) Dont care what kind of cigar it is it sucks the next day. Learned to be very choosy about the cigar I smoke and how long I have to smoke it ;) Except for deer season, then if it smokes burn it! :p
Good information all!! I had about a whole pot of coffee and a doughnut about an hour before. I puffed a lot trying to light it with the wind. I did inhale what was a very small amount, no hiatal hernia, but I am sure all the factors along with the fact tht it was down to the last part all influenced how I felt.

That being said, I will be more careful about not inhaling, maybe no more leftovers. Then be sure I have eaten more without the that level of caffeine.

One thing I have learned the hard way (just like you roboref). This can happen if you let a cigar sit for more than an hour or two after smoking half.

Just like Lumberg said, The tip of the cigar closest to you acts as a filter as you smoke. And given the chance to cool down for a few hours the build up of tar will change the taste and the final over all feeling of the cigar.

I did this once with an A Fuente 8-5-8 maddie and thought I was going to blow chunks and it tasted like chit!! There for, I will never save another cigar that I have started no matter what it is or how much is left of it when I have to walk away from it.

My old boss used to do this with $10.00 styx all the time. He would light it and smoke it in his care and let it go out and re-light it three or four more times as the day went on as he was driving from one place to another until the cigar was done. It made his car, his clothes and his breath smell like ass all the time. And that in itself is enough to make someone want to BLOW!!!
It made his car, his clothes and his breath smell like ass all the time.

That's one smell I don't want to experience!!! :sign:
Bat_Chief said:
Hey Rob, if I had to guess from your description, the first thing that would come to mind is that you unknowingly inhaled. Any chance?
I inhale every cigar. The stronger the better. I love the nicotine buzz. Hell it's one of the few legal buzz's I can enjoy :D
Triple_D said:
Bat_Chief said:
Hey Rob, if I had to guess from your description, the first thing that would come to mind is that you unknowingly inhaled. Any chance?
I inhale every cigar. The stronger the better. I love the nicotine buzz. Hell it's one of the few legal buzz's I can enjoy :D

WOW, you da man, Trip! If I inhaled it'd flatten me like a pancake! Matter of fact, did just that on the golf course. Put one hell of a divot in the fairway, but don't tell anyone!
Please repair all divots! Same thing happened to me! Smoked a LFD Chisel Maduro, not a bright idea at 8 am! :sign:
Did you blow the smoke out of the cigar before letting it go out? I read somewhere to pick one up later, you should exhale through the cigar to get rid of as much accumulated smoke as possible and then let it sit to go out. I've been doing this (and ask the wife to when she tries 'em --and then finish hers myself)

I have always found the cigar enjoyable when I picked it back up.
I hav epretty much resolved to not re-light cigars after more than a few hours. You just run into too many problems. Life's too short to smoke crappy cigars, and any cigar left un-lit for more than several minutes is basically a crappy cigar, no matter how much it cost to begin with!
Leebo8-9-8 said:
Yuck! If i can't finish a cigar in one sitting, it's history!

Here Here!
Speaking as an FCB, I always re-light if there is more than 2 inches left. I actually have acquired a taste for re-lit cigars. To each his own. :D
O.K., I just had to share my experience. From what I've heard-being under the weather, not having a lot in your stomach, and ingesting massive amounts of caffeine will lead one to have rather negative expriences. Let me share with you my "perfect sickness" experience in which all three of these factors contributed to my demise one evening. While smoking cigar number two within an hour with randyb1 and gibu(the brand was Onyx reserve) I began to start sweating profusely. My eyes glazed over, and suddenly, I became conscious of the massive cloud of smoke in the room. After vomiting lightly in his bathroom, I proceeded to the door and emptied the rest of the contents of my stomach onto gibu's lawn. I would like to assure everyone that alcohol in no way played a part in this incident. Dizziness, fatigue, and a near death experience were all a part of the action. I've been gun-shy ever since about smoking and mixing caffeine together(did I mention that above?-a latte if you must know) I absolutely enjoyed the first cigar, which was a Romeo y Julieta 1875 cedros #2. I thought that I had died and gone to heaven having smoked that one. What a fine cigar!, life was good. Being new to cigars, I couldn't help but be amazed at gibu, who innocently offered me a second, more potent cigar, unbeknowest to me. that angel of death, gibu-recommended that I try the Onyx, since it was a stronger cigar and that I would have a bolder taste of the second cigar, since it would not be masked by the previous one. My life hasn't been the same since. gibu's advice did work, the Onyx did have a very distinct flavor, both going in my mouth, as did the latte from my stomach coming out in massive quantities all over his yard. Gibu is happy though, he now has the greenest yard in Kansas thanks to fertilizer, part of which, is made from the fine folks at Onyx.

On a side note, please be sure and ask gibu about the cigar that in his words: "I just lost my balance." Karma is a real pain right gibu??
Where to start!?

So, I let it go out and wrapped it in a baggie till today when I could finish it.

Ew! never never never never ever ever never never ever never ever ever never do this again. This is nasty 101. Choose your cigar wisely, based on the time you have to smoke it. Don't fire up a churchill if you've only got 30 mins to smoke. NEVER save a cigar after its been lit, they turn into a nasty ass dog rocket from hell. This pretty solves the nicotine poisoning problem all the way, but I will continue.

I personally can not mix caffeine with nicotine or I get experiences similar to those described above.

??? I love a cup of coffee with a cigar... I sometimes smoke in the mornings, and often when I'm home in the early evening, or don't have to get up early in the morning the next day- I'll enjoy a cup of coffee with an evening cigar. The two compliment each other quite nicely. :thumbs: But that may be just me?

I inhale every cigar. The stronger the better. I love the nicotine buzz. Hell it's one of the few legal buzz's I can enjoy

I often get buzzed, but I do not inhale. I have blown the smoke from my nose! :0 ouch! still, I dont inhale.

I have always found the cigar enjoyable when I picked it back up.

Ew! see above.

any cigar left un-lit for more than several minutes is basically a crappy cigar, no matter how much it cost to begin with!
Yuck! If i can't finish a cigar in one sitting, it's history!

Amen! Smoke 'em if you got'em, and leave'em when you're done! :D

As for the blowing chunks after the Onyx.... I'm not an Onyx fan- but here's my personal advice to you. I like strong cigars, but I'm not a fan of Maduro's. I started out with mild cigars, and YES, even flavored cigars. Now I can't (don't) smoke mild cigars- only medium to full bodied stuff. Still not a fan of Maduro's (which the Onyx you smoked was a Maduro BTW). I would say try a stronger cigar, on a full stomach, drinking only water, but pick something with a natural wrapper. Try a Padron 2000 natural, or La Aurora, or LaFlor ligero (not the double ligero yet), or a LaAroma de Cuba, or if available to you, a "smokers island" stick, but not a cohiba (yet), they are some of the strongest I've ever smoked.

Try it once more, NOT A MADURO- I'd bet you'll find a stronger natural wrapper to be your key to destruction.... I mean the cigar of your life! :p

:thumbs: Toaster
I didn't catch that it was a CAO that you smoked. I have a thing for those, and will be smoking another one relatively soon. No, your experience and those posted after yours are more the exception rather than the rule. While I did have one "bad" experience, I've had about ten good ones. That's a better average than when a person drinks alcohol, and look how many people continue drinking after having a bad hang ver and a night of worshipping the porcelain god! :D :p :D