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Looking for a "house dog" for the cigar shop.


CP's official Architect
ive been toying with the idea of having a house dog as a permanant resident at En Fuego. there's just something cool about going in an old timey barber shop or something and seeing an old, overweight, lazy dog sitting in the corner. and the great thing is that here in tx, just about everyone is a dog lover. my question is what kind of breed woiud adapt the best? i have aussies, the exact opposite of what i need up there and im not familiar with the "lazy" breeds of the canine. ideally, id like to pick a rescue dog, so he/she may end up being a mutt. but what breeds do you think would do well? maybe if i get one, ill let cp name him.

Probably the laziest/coolest dog I've ever seen is a Bull Mastiff. Probably won't be able to rescue one of those though.
I second the Bull Mastiff idea. My local has one, and he lies right in front of the door as to make sure everyone notices him. I usually spend more time playing with him than I do looking for cigars.
I dunno, the smell of a dog in a cigar shop would be a turn off for me.

Get a big ole Maine Coon Cat. They're friendly as hell, great with people and they don't stink. :thumbs:
Bull Mastif is kind of big. What about on English Bulldog? They are known as the lazy man's dog. Dont have to walk them much etc.
I dunno, the smell of a dog in a cigar shop would be a turn off for me.

Get a big ole Maine Coon Cat. They're friendly as hell, great with people and they don't stink. :thumbs:

A lazy cigar shop dog will probably just smell like smoke after a while. Plus he can chase away all of those intrusive Coon Cat's that mosey on by. :laugh:

Bull Mastif is kind of big. What about on English Bulldog? They are known as the lazy man's dog. Dont have to walk them much etc.

I don't think you'll find many that need rescued nor do they live all that long. I love them though. Perhaps you should just go with an old mut. I mean, what are their chances of ever finding a home before the long sleep. And you can find one just about anywhere that would gladly learn to light your customer's cigars before spending anymore time in a cage. Most rescues or shelters have the dogs long enough to be able to tell you what his or her tendencies are. An ugly and lazy old mut is my vote!
There are some fantastic rescue agencuies out there that specialize in older "hard to place" dogs. Some agencies might have issues with it living in a cigar shop, or any shop for that matter. They can be pretty specific in their placements. Going to a local shelter and meeting a few dogs and bringing home the one that feels right might be the way to go.
An old (or at least mature) lab mix is what I would personally be looking for. I have spent a good deal of my life with labs, retrievers, and mutts of said breeds. They are fantastic dogs.
I have an aussie mix at home. She would be the world's WORST shop dog (ask Gary!). She does loves eating dropped ashes though....but anything bigger than a robusto sets off her "throw the stick...throw the stick...throw the stick" reflex.
I've always wanted a basset hound, and if I ever open a shop, I would have a basset hound, and personally, I would name him Fred. I always liked that name for a basset hound.
I would go with a cigar shop ferret, in a Bee costume :p

But really, help out a local no-kill shelter, I think the best way would be like other have said and just go browse for the one that feels right.

My vote is for a Rotwieler. We had one for 12 years before we had to put him down. Once we got him past the puppy stage, and took him through the obiedience stuff he was a cool and kicked back as you can come. Plus he could be an intimidation factor for would be stick thiefs!
Just go with sorriest lookin', chubby, wrinkly, fartin' old mutt at the pound. You can name him Jonas.
I throw my vote for the Bull Mastiff, we are on our third. After the puppy stage they sure do chill out. They are however massive dogs, the one we have now weighs 170 lbs. It is a male, the other two have been females, the male is more laid back. I also have an English Bulldog who is about 6. He is not laid back when it comes to stangers. He goes nuts when he first meets them, then calms down after awhile.

One thing about both breeds, I have noticed over the 20 yrs I have been involved with them, is if you touch them they will not leave you alone, in hopes of getting some more attention. If you don't pet them they will leave you alone.

My good friend has a rescue Basset Hound, and I don't see how the poor girl keeps moss from growing on her. That has to be THE laziest dog I have ever seen.

I will also add we had a Rhodesian Ridgeback, that we thought was sick for the first two years cause he would do nothing but sleep and eat. Then we figured out he was just super lazy. He was so lazy if he was sleeping and you called his name he would only open one eye to look at you. What a lazy bum.

Good luck in your endeavor.
Honestly I'd agree with Coventry, a cat's the way to go.
If you're set on a dog though, I'd go to the local adoption center and see what the options are...
I've always wanted a basset hound, and if I ever open a shop, I would have a basset hound, and personally, I would name him Fred. I always liked that name for a basset hound.
If this dog is expected to be alone when the shop is closed a Basset is the wrong choice. More than anything, they hate to be alone.

Formally owned by a Basset.
snip....She does loves eating dropped ashes though....but anything bigger than a robusto sets off her "throw the stick...throw the stick...throw the stick" reflex.

OK, that's some funny sheeit right there!!

I'd have to second (or 3rd, or 10th, whatever) the idea of a rescue or one from a shelter / pound. We rescued a Greyhound 3 years ago and while not recommended for a public place like a B&M, they're great pets.

Failing the rescue or shelter, and never having been around many of the breeds mentioned above, I'd have to recommend a Golden Retriever. They have to be the friendliest, most docile, and most intelligent looking dog out there. Or for some entertainment, you COULD get a Jack Russel!!!

How big is your place?? If you have LOTS of room, here's an option:

I've always wanted a basset hound, and if I ever open a shop, I would have a basset hound, and personally, I would name him Fred. I always liked that name for a basset hound.
If this dog is expected to be alone when the shop is closed a Basset is the wrong choice. More than anything, they hate to be alone.

Formally owned by a Basset.

Good point, hadn't thought about that.
How big is your place?? If you have LOTS of room, here's an option:


I'm a dog lover, and any shop that has a "House Dog" earns my attention!

My family volunteers at our local shelter and see hundreds and hundreds of deserving dogs needing families -- just be mindful many have histories that often require additional attention. Give it to them and they'll often turn into faithful companions -- just like our 2 shelter dogs (a doberman/lab mix & an american staffordshire terrier mix).

If you're intent on a loving breed that will capture hearts and attention, I second the Newf! I saw the above pic and almost shed a tear thinking about my favorite dog ever -- "Norman." He lived to be 13, quite old for a Newf and passed away four years ago today. Norman made friends everywhere we travelled and was always by my side. Just be prepared for a lot of shedding!!!!

Best of luck on your search.
