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MMA... for kidz!

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Jul 22, 2008
Just saw this on ESPN. There's PRE-teens, children from 6 years old to 12 years old studying MMA fighting, the most brutal hand to hand combat. This is perhaps the stupidest shit I have ever seen... Can you say "Child Abuse"? The showing kids giving each other arm bars, blasting each other in the face, knees to the ribs and face. Kids were like crying and shit.

I love MMA fighting, but encouraging children to pound each other is just sick. >.<
Why is it stupid? It's a form of martial arts and I don't think it's any different then any other.

I think martial arts is a great way for kids to learn discipline and such. Child abuse? Far from it.
Why is it stupid? It's a form of martial arts and I don't think it's any different then any other.

I think martial arts is a great way for kids to learn discipline and such. Child abuse? Far from it.

Then when kids go to school, get mad cause someone called them "poo poo head" and start beating the crap out of them?

There's already been reports of the kids using this out of place.

Lets see you put your child in an arena to get his face bashed in. You probably would though, since you have no conscience from what I've seen.
You get self-discipline and self-confidence from martial arts by sticking to a fairly rigorous training routine and gaining mastery of skills. If it was easy, it wouldn't be successful.

Mixed martial arts can be violent, but it's more on how and why they're teaching it. If 90% of it is sparring, then it's not going to teach anything other than how to beat on each other. Admittedly this might make better TV. If 90% of it is technique and drills and more drills and yet more drills, then that might turn them into reasonably well-adjusted human beings who can take care of themselves.
You get self-discipline and self-confidence from martial arts by sticking to a fairly rigorous training routine and gaining mastery of skills. If it was easy, it wouldn't be successful.

Mixed martial arts can be violent, but it's more on how and why they're teaching it. If 90% of it is sparring, then it's not going to teach anything other than how to beat on each other. Admittedly this might make better TV. If 90% of it is technique and drills and more drills and yet more drills, then that might turn them into reasonably well-adjusted human beings who can take care of themselves.

Adults get that from it. But children?

Put a gun in a child's hand, show him how to shoot it and when something makes him mad guess what? He's going to pull the trigger. Watch the story about it on ESPN. They seem to agree with me.
Why is it stupid? It's a form of martial arts and I don't think it's any different then any other.

I think martial arts is a great way for kids to learn discipline and such. Child abuse? Far from it.

Then when kids go to school, get mad cause someone called them "poo poo head" and start beating the crap out of them?

There's already been reports of the kids using this out of place.

Lets see you put your child in an arena to get his face bashed in. You probably would though, since you have no conscience from what I've seen.

What is to stop any kid, regardless of what training they have, to start fights b/c someone called them a "poo poo head"?

This happened when I was younger, happened before my time and will continue, regardless.

To be honest with you, my 8 yr old step son has been in Karate for 2 years now. Has he ever been in a fight? Nope, but I would expect him to defend himself if someone provoked him. I think any parent would want their kid to be prepared if that happened.

Now, would I purposely put my 2 yr or 8yr old sons in MMA just so I could watch them put someone in an arm bar? No. That's not the purpose of martial arts. It has nothing to do w/ my conscience.
You probably would though, since you have no conscience from what I've seen.

Wow...from what you've seen? You have been here not even 2 days and this is the second time you have insulted/talked trash about a member, the first time being me. You need to step back and find out what this place is all about my young friend.
Put a gun in a child's hand, show him how to shoot it and when something makes him mad guess what? He's going to pull the trigger. Watch the story about it on ESPN. They seem to agree with me.


A child respecting firearms and learning gun safety will lessen the chances of said child using a gun for violence. Additionally, knowledge of firearm operation will allow children to properly react if, heaven forbid, another student brings a gun to school. Knowing to get the hell out or take action when the shooter is out of ammo is valuable, and has saved lives in the past.
I think it's cool. I mean, some people consider kids playing tackle football violent, but I think it teaches teamwork and discipline. Oh, and also how to take pain when you break a bone! :laugh:
Why is it stupid? It's a form of martial arts and I don't think it's any different then any other.

I think martial arts is a great way for kids to learn discipline and such. Child abuse? Far from it.

You probably would though, since you have no conscience from what I've seen.

WOW! Let me say that again and I'll "keep it real" as you say... WTF? Where do you get off saying somthing like that about a respected member of this community? You don't know Brandon! You've been here 2 fuggin days and this is how you act? You should be the last one to question someone's conscience, after all you are the one who in their intro post has a cartoon of someone groping a passed out woman on a couch! I catch someone doing something like that to someone in my family & it's wn't be pretty for the groper. :angry:
Yes most of us like a little bawdy humor once in a while, so I'm not some prude. We also protect our community. So a bit of advice: step OFF and rethink your attitude because that BS comment above is NOT welcome here. ;)
Cory has been banned, guys. See the Patriots 2008 thread...
Put a gun in a child's hand, show him how to shoot it and when something makes him mad guess what? He's going to pull the trigger. Watch the story about it on ESPN. They seem to agree with me.

I get your point - kids lack impulse control and it's best to put them in structured situations where this can be managed rather than enabling them to do more damage when they do screw up. Gotcha. But you're going to open a holy big can of worms by using guns as a metaphor.

PS. It took me about three months to get to 40 posts. Slow down, butterfly. You have much to learn.
This isn't an entirely new thing... I started training in Martial Arts at 4, and fought in many, many MMA tournaments before I was twelve. The measure of discipline you gain from martial arts is priceless, IMHO...
I originally came here with good intentions. I came to discuss and learn cigars. I posted my opinions about my sports team with valid evidence to back up my opinions.

Then one person decides to provoke an arguement by resorting to childish tactics by correcting my grammar (as if neglecting to use a apostrophe makes my statements inaccurate), calling me names (is this elementary school? grow up), and asking his friends to join in and support his arguement. I was nothing but polite and courteous to those who stayed on topic and refrained from trying to bring another person down and provoke an arguement. I thank those who behaved the way they should, as an adult.

Just because its the internet and you can say random bullshit without having to deal with someone face to face doesn't mean you should. Why does a dog lick his balls? Because he can. Doesn't me he should, but he does anyways. So go ahead, keep treating new comers with no respect, provoke an arguement, flame them for not registering sooner. Hope it makes you happy, cause its definitely not making the others feel good about themselves. Stooping to personal attacks with no facts to back it up over the internet about someone you never met. Makes you feel tough, doesn't it? In the end your childish attitude is just preventing the community from growing and expanding, and it severely ruins the integrity of the website. If this continues the site will slowly crawl to halt and will just exist for forum trolls and whores to continue using the websites their tool for superiority. Its a shame to see a community with such potential turn out to be such a disappointment.

As for Rod, I doubt you wanted to suspend me or thought I deserved it. I clearly didn't do anything wrong except respond to personal attacks. Yet I had a group of over 10 senior site members who disliked me because one of their friends didn't like me. And the majority rules. As admin you had to do what makes the most people happy, regardless of whether they were right or wrong. Its polotics. But you should under no circumstance join in with them and start flaming. Your a site leader, people are supose to look up to you. You are supose to be fair to all, and help those who need help. But like a sterotypical forums moderator with an ego bigger than the rest and a maturity levelof a 13 year old, you abuse your power to stroke your ego. Shame is your using Invision Power Boards and cPanel, which makes it extremely vulnerable to SQL injections which could allow me to take control of the entire site. Yes, as I stated I'm a web-designer, developer, and networker. ;)

I thought this website would be different from others I use. Figured smoking cigars is a topic for mature people, thus the people useing it will be mature. Guess I was wrong though.

And I know none of you will even take to heart anything that I just said. In one ear out the other. You will just quote this and reply with childish tactics thus proving me right furthermore. In the end your still just another douche bag on the internet who is trying to find some sort of social acceptance. Not capable of compassion, understanding and acceptance. Just another pathetic low life scumbag.

In the end I get the last laugh, because I'm the only one with morals. Enjoy your website.


Now quote this and post your stupidest response and act as if it made sense.

Why is it stupid? It's a form of martial arts and I don't think it's any different then any other.

I think martial arts is a great way for kids to learn discipline and such. Child abuse? Far from it.

You probably would though, since you have no conscience from what I've seen.

WOW! Let me say that again and I'll "keep it real" as you say... WTF? Where do you get off saying somthing like that about a respected member of this community? You don't know Brandon! You've been here 2 fuggin days and this is how you act? You should be the last one to question someone's conscience, after all you are the one who in their intro post has a cartoon of someone groping a passed out woman on a couch! I catch someone doing something like that to someone in my family & it's wn't be pretty for the groper. :angry:
Yes most of us like a little bawdy humor once in a while, so I'm not some prude. We also protect our community. So a bit of advice: step OFF and rethink your attitude because that BS comment above is NOT welcome here. ;)

From a different thread. Started disrespecting me when I did nothing to him.
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