The overall value of DPG cigars has gone down across the board, no doubt about it. My sincere hope that this recent bout of mediocrity will be short-lived and the company can return to making the cigars it did two years ago. Unfortunately, it is a tough act to both up production and maintain quality.
I believe it is the duty of both the retailer and consumer to inform a beloved company when it has gone astray. The best in any business can stretch themselves too far and need a gentle reminder to come back down to earth; however, if the collective cigar world remains uncritical, we'll get a healthy dose of what's coming to us.
So what do we do? Let the owner of your B & M know what you think. Next time you see a company representative, let them know what's on your mind. Heck, if you see one of our favorite tobacco honchos in the flesh, don't be too sheepish to give them your opinion.