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Newbie Questions

Beard of Zeus

New Member
Sep 7, 2007
I'm a newbie and I've been trying to read around before I get involved in passes/trades. Everyone seems nice here and super generous, but I've read comments about people claiming others are trying to pass off cigars from the bottom end of C Bid or CI samplers, and it makes me a little worried to get involved because I don't want to piss anyone off. I've gotten some cigars from CI like 5 Vegas Series A and Carlos Torano Virtuoso that surprised me and I ended up really enjoying. Obviously I wouldn't try and throw one in a pass after I've taken something with an MSRP over $5, but I'm just kind of thinking out loud so people can maybe give me a little guidance before I delve into the trading waters. I think I'm gonna do Secret Santa this year to get started and will give out something I really like to be safe. I guess if I had to summarize my question, how much thought should I put into what I would put into a pass in the future? I'm wouldn't ever try and screw anyone over, but should I just always put in something top pf the line because people might not share my taste? Also is there a good way to build up my rep a little before I start trading? If this is the wrong forum go ahead and delete the topic.
I think that your best bet is to read and post when you can add something. Trading/passes will come later. People at CP really want to get to know you first.

Make sure you use the search function first before posting and read the newb guides in all the forums as well.
I think that your best bet is to read and post when you can add something. Trading/passes will come later. People at CP really want to get to know you first.

Make sure you use the search function first before posting and read the newb guides in all the forums as well.

Yep. Just like Martin says.

Read, buy, smoke. Worry about trades and passes latter. If you get a bunch of stuff you do not like, sell it at a loss and think of it as a learning experence . If somebody wants you to send your end first do it. CP is a great place and to be honest if I had not found it my first humidor would currently be a box to throw my change in.

Good times here.

For simple passes and trades, when first delving into the water, I think it's a safe bet to simply trade MSRP for like value MSRP. For future passes, when trying to add something special into the pot, then other variables add more value than simple MSRP can. Cigars that are coveted by cigar enthusiasts for reasons other than just their retail cost. That can mostly be summed up in one phrase: "Hard to get". Custom rolls, aged, discontinued, special release/low production, etc all add value to a cigar more than just their cost. Sure, it's nice to smoke a 1926 serie, but those are relatively common if one can afford their sticker price. It's the one of a kind (a wee bit rarer) smoke that aficionados seem to covet after they have been involved in this hobby over the longer term.

I'd suggest working on the basics (MSRP) before worrying about the other cigars. A true enthusiast of any hobby is well served with a good foundation to begin with. Walk before run. So on and so on.
Great questions, and solid advice so far, Zeus.

Smoke what you like, read, and listen to the advice of others. If you haven't taken advantage of the Noobie Sampler trade yet, do so. It's a fantastic deal and a great way to begin building a solid reputation as good guy and a good trader. Passes and the like will come. If you get into a pass and have questions, there's really only one opinion you need to worry about - the guy that started the pass. Honest questions asked via PM will likely always get answered with honest replies.

When I got started, I smoked and enjoyed many of the CI smokes, including the 5 Vegas lines. Don't get too hung up on brands or tying to impress; honesty and experience will get you through.

These are perhaps the best pages going in the cigar world. I learn something new most every time I post here. And, you will not find better, more generous, more helpful folks anywhere.

Most of all....have fun. That's what it's all about..... :cool:

Regards - B.B.S.
Read, ask, smoke and post reviews, fill out your profile, search is your friend, and try the Noob Sampler. Oh and find a herf in your area, or better yet start one. It can only bring enjoyment.
I would say do a newbie sampler ... I did and denverdog sent me a treat and my first anejo. This a good way to get your name out there and get some nice sticks.

Check it out:
Newbie Sampler Thread FAQ

1. What is the Newbie Sampler Thread?

A: A place where a Newbie (or anybody actually) can trade for a variety of Cigars. This thread was started with the idea of getting a newbie to trade with an "experienced" guy who wanted to get some cigars. The Newbie would buy the old guy what he wanted (or send cash) and the "experienced" guy would send the newbie a nice package of assorted singles to get the newbie started on some new favorites. Minimum trade value is $50 but most FOGS can handle trades of $100 or more. There is a two trade limit.

2. Why would I want to trade with these people?

A: You are looking to sample a large variety of smokes. You can either go and overpay for a bunch of singles or you could get involved with a trade, receiving top quality sticks from a personally cared for selection of cigars that are ready for you to smoke. It's your choice.

3. How do I know I will actually get my cigars?

A: The people trading here have been doing so for quite some time, and are not going to screw around with a good thing for all parties (and not going to let anyone else screw it up for them), in order to screw you out of a few dollars.

4. How do I know I am not getting ripped off with a bunch of dog rockets?

A: Again, read the BB and you will get a feeling for those who trade here. May one or two of the cigars you receive be a dog rocket to you? Yes it is possible since taste is subjective, but how long do you think someone is going to be able to continue to trade if they are not giving fair (and to be perfectly honest you usually get MORE than fair value) in their trades. Why would anyone want to trade with them?

5. I haven't been around here long, but I have been smoking for _____ and I don't think I really should be qualified as a newbie.

A: You are. Get over it.

6. So how do I go about doing this? Who do I trade with?

The current trader (usually has "(Now Up!)" by their name), is the person that you would contact. You initiate a trade by sending a PM or E-Mail to that trader simply stating that you are interested in a Newbie Sampler Trade and any additional pertinent information including budget constraints. (i.e. "looking to do a Newbie trade in the ballpark of $60 - $80 dollars").

If for some reason that trader is unable to accomodate you (i.e. budget amounts don't work out or trader can not accomodate type of sampler desired), you move on to the next person on the list until someone can meet your needs.

7. Where can I get more information?

A: Yup, you’re a newbie. If you have a question, feel free to ask away. Most people will give you very good information.

Solid advice all the way around. I'm a newb as well, and I try not to post unless I feel like I really have something to add. Hang around and let people get to know you. I wouldn't worry about trades and passes right now. I've been here for 4 months now and haven't done a trade or a pass, but I've learned a great deal and made some new friends which is what really matters IMO. I would steer clear of trades and passes until you've been here a while, but that doesn't stop you from bombing people (which is more fun than trading anyway IMO)!

Use the search funtion, and if you can't find a clear answer in a thread but you see someone who could probably answer it (judging by the posts they did make), just send them a PM. I do more PMs than posts just to save the board the clutter of newb questions. That way you don't bug the board with too many newb questions, but you get the answer you need. I may be the only person that does that, but it has worked well for me.

I agree with all of the above. Just had my newbie sampler from mmburtch delivered. It's a great way to meet some of the fine folks and end up with a great selection of smokes fast.
The search will most often answer my questions.
I've been on a few different types of forums, here more than any they really do look after each other like brothers.
When you do think you're ready to get in on your first pass...

Read a couple of the completed passes to get an idea how these things work. I can't tell you how many passes I read before I grew the cajones to start one myself. I also got in on the Newbie Sampler when I first got here. Swissy really hooked me up and it really was a great opportunity to get to know some people here and build some repor with the fine BOTLs around. But, in the meantime, kick back relax and have a cigar and a drink.