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noob questions


New Member
Feb 2, 2009
i have just started stuffing my own cigarettes and in the process have done alot of reading about cigars,humidity,etc. i was wondering if putting my cigarettes that i roll in a humidor would work like with cigars and allow them to age and get better? also im interested in trying cigars i would love to get off of cigarettes but wow the cost from what i can gather is extreme with cigars. i also have a wife that smokes im pretty sure she is not going to want a huge cigar to smoke so i have to take her into consideration as well i would really like to move both of us to cigars 1) because it seems like we would smoke less 2) they sound healthier than cigarettes. but the price is going to scare the hell out of her. we are stuffing our own to save money but all the trial and error stuff is costing about the same. cigars trial and error sounds rrrreeeeaaallllyyyy costly does anyone have any advice on these things? thanks to anyone that tries to help me.
Cigarette tobacco does not age.

Buy some Padron 2000s, try those out. They are easy on your palate for new cigar smoker, but still flavorful enough that a lot of long time smokers still turn to them.

I'm sure all the rolling has improved your dexterity, so please try to use the shift/return/period keys.
Just pick up a cigar and try one, if you like it then you know where you need to be.
What I've found is that cigar smoking and cigarette smoking is completely different.

Cigar smoking is like having a nice glass of wine--it's a luxury. The amount of cigar smoking you do depends on how much your income and lifestyle will allow you to. I have a cigar or two each week, but I'm sure once I get out of school and into a well-paying job I'll be able to afford enjoying cigars more often.

Cigarettes are like...well, cheap liquor for alcoholics? Most daily cigarette smokers I know are simply addicted and smoke to feed the addiction. I smoke cigarettes on occasion and I know a handful of people who do so too.

That's just my two cents. I'm sure others will see things differently.
Another thing to consider is that the cost of rolling you own is going to go way up come April due to the SCHIP bill. The tax on roll your own tobacco will be increasing from $1.0969 per pound to $24.62 per pound.
thanks everyone i know about the schip thing and i am looking at alternatives. I know that i really enjoy smoking now that i stuff my own, it's a whole new world for me and my wife. This is why i'm curious about cigars, smoking real cigs is alot different than pre-packed. I do not know where to start with cigars and i really dont have the money to try alot of different kinds of cigars. I think me and my wife would like things that are more on the sweet side maybe a small amount of spice but not alot.
Cigarette smokers are also more likely to inhale cigar smoke. They take a lot longer to smoke than cigarettes as well.
I am sure it will be hard to stop inhaling, but i guess that is a chance I am willing to take. At this moment I am just curious about cigars maybe they are my thing maybe not. I guess the only way is to try them out and see.
Well, I just recently took up cigar smoking and stumbled upon Cigar Pass. This site's been nothing but a great help with my newbieness, and I'm sure you'll be able to find what you need here.
roobieoxr made the comment that cigarette tobacco does not age. I am confused its a plant just like cigar or pipe tobacco which to my understanding does age, so why would cigarette tobacco not age. Now i can understand pre-packed cigarettes not aging but what about the stuff your own would it not be the same as aging cigars or pipe tobacco? I am sorry if this is common sense to the rest of the world, it just doesn't make sense to me. I do plan to try cigars and possibly pipe's, but my wife is not interested in anything but cigarette's so I want to look at the possibility of cigarettes in a different way. That is a big part of the reason I have been reading so much about cigars and pipe's. I have learned a lot in my reading thus far maybe it only applies to pipe and cigar tobaccos, can someone help this make sense.
Cigarette tobacco does not age.

Buy some Padron 2000s, try those out. They are easy on your palate for new cigar smoker, but still flavorful enough that a lot of long time smokers still turn to them.

I'm sure all the rolling has improved your dexterity, so please try to use the shift/return/period keys.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Good timing Robbie. You forced me to exhale about half a mouthful of Trinidad Coloniale smoke through my nose when I started laughing.

- Tim
Cigarette tobacco does not age.

Buy some Padron 2000s, try those out. They are easy on your palate for new cigar smoker, but still flavorful enough that a lot of long time smokers still turn to them.

I'm sure all the rolling has improved your dexterity, so please try to use the shift/return/period keys.

Oh, and I concur with the last two statements.

After starting to smoke cigars I can't stand cigarettes anymore. IMO it's comparable to a glass of high end cognac vs. a 40 oz. of Steel Reserve. I practically never smoke cigarettes anymore due to the fact that their "premium" tobacco taste horrid. I am not sure if it's the additives the cigarette companies lace their products with or the actual tobacco they use (if anyone else has noticed this and knows if it's either one please inform me because i am interested to know.) but it is enough to make me stop smoking cigarettes altogether (unless I am drinking... then the nicotine urges are unstoppable no matter how bad they taste.)
roobieoxr made the comment that cigarette tobacco does not age. I am confused its a plant just like cigar or pipe tobacco which to my understanding does age, so why would cigarette tobacco not age. Now i can understand pre-packed cigarettes not aging but what about the stuff your own would it not be the same as aging cigars or pipe tobacco? I am sorry if this is common sense to the rest of the world, it just doesn't make sense to me. I do plan to try cigars and possibly pipe's, but my wife is not interested in anything but cigarette's so I want to look at the possibility of cigarettes in a different way. That is a big part of the reason I have been reading so much about cigars and pipe's. I have learned a lot in my reading thus far maybe it only applies to pipe and cigar tobaccos, can someone help this make sense.

My guess would be that the tobacco used for cigarettes is processed much more than for cigars. Granted, I know next to nothing about cigarettes, so take my words with a grain of salt. What I can tell you is that cigar smoke and cigarette smoke smells nothing alike. Aside from the paper used with cigarettes, there's probably a very big reason why they don't smell alike.

Also, as you may notice reading around this site, 99% of cigar smokers smoke for the pleasure of it. It is a relaxing and damn near meditative hobby. It is not like the cigarette smokers I see, and who I'm friends with, who seem almost unaware of the cigarette they are smoking. They smoke because it's a habit and/or addiction. We smoke because we want to appreciate what the cigar is going to tell us (if that makes any sense).

If you're interested in trying cigars out, by all means do so! There are plenty of affordable high-quality brands for you to try. But they are a different beast than a cigarette. If you stick around and really like what you experience, you'll understand what that all means.

BTW, for what it's worth, I've been smoking cigars for over 10 years. I've smoked (or at least tried to smoke) two cigarettes in my life. Both times I was drunk off my ass and both times I was disgusted with how horrible the cigarette tasted.
The Black Cloud,
Thank you very much for your comment, I do understand a small amount of what you are talking about with the pleasure of smoking. I know that since i have been stuffing my own cigs that I have been very interested in the whole experince of smoking not just the habit. Another thing i have slowed way down from what i was smoking, for instance, when i smoked pre-packed i would go shoot pool and smoke at least 30-40 sticks in about 6-7 hours now i only smoke between 10-15 in that same time frame. I have read alot about cigars and pipe's and the taste that everyone talks about sounds really interesting to me. At the same time the roll your own community talks about things in a very similar way, but cigars seems like they have alot more to offer in the way of pleasure i will be trying cigars I just have to start at the lower end. I just cant afford the higher end stuff at this time. I know if i like cigars and I slow much more on cigarettes I will be able to afford alot better cigars in the future.
One more thing, thanks for not making me feel like a complete idiot or like i don't belong here.
Welcome to CP slammer. If you are truly confined by a budget, I might suggest taking up the pipe. You can buy some good bulk tobacco for considerably less than what you would pay for a box of even inexpensive cigars. Both cigars and pipes offer an enjoyable, relaxing smoking experience that I doubt you can get with cigarettes. There are quite a few good cigars that can be had for not a whole lot of money if you do some searching here on CP. Good luck to you.
Thank you for your suggestion, I think the pipe option is going to have to be the route for me. I really am on a tight budget right now I hope this changes in the near future, but I'm not holding my breath. so I guess its off to research pipe stuff now Thanks to all