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Opus X Perfecxion No. 4


New Member
Oct 28, 2005
Just got finished smoking my first Opus X Perfecxion No. 4. I bought this stick from Shiba (thanks!) last month and I've anxiously been waiting for the right moment to fire it up. The pre-light draw was a bit firm and I could taste some notes of cedar and tobacco - very nice. It lit very easily and right way it produced some great tobacco flavor with just the right hints of cedar and pepper.

The draw was a bit firm, but it still produced an excellent volume of smoke. The first thing I noticed was the stunning ash this thing produced. Simply beautiful!

As I worked into the second third, the pepper backed off and I clearly tasted some citrus overtones, more like lemon zest. While I could feel the power behind this stick, it was very smooth.

As I smoked the final third, the draw opened up big time and I had to slow down a bit as I started getting a nice nicotine buzz.

I pretty much nubbed this one and enjoyed every last puff. A truly great cigar! :thumbs:
sounds like a great smoke! I smoked an one recently and got a lot of the same flavor. I have one more I am saving up, but now I want to go light it up. Thanks for the nice review.

Nice review... I received the #5 in a newbie sampler and it was excellent!! :thumbs:
Citrus, huh? I don't believe I really tasted that. What a great excuse to try another!

Great review.

The #4 was my best Opus of all that I smoked, until the first time I smoked a Petite Lancero. But those # 4's are still a barn burner. :rolleyes:
Sounds like a great smoke. Not much experience with Opus, but seems that most people are sold on them right after trying their first. Funny the same thing happened to me with PAM's & Anejo's must be the packaging :p

Thanks for the review.
Thanks for the review. :thumbs: I love the No. 4. :love: It, along with the XXX Belicoso and the No. 5 are me favorite Opus vitolas. Of course, there is also the Fuente Fuente and the Petite Lancero. Oh, dammit, now I'm confused. I don't know which is my favorite. :p
The #4s that I've had were powerhouses. I'll take the #5s all day.
cigardawg said:
Thanks for the review. :thumbs: I love the No. 4. :love: It, along with the XXX Belicoso and the No. 5 are me favorite Opus vitolas. Of course, there is also the Fuente Fuente and the Petite Lancero. Oh, dammit, now I'm confused. I don't know which is my favorite. :p

I've got a few of XXX resting right now. I think I'll have to smoke one very soon and report back on my findings! :p