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Pet Peeve

Another pet peeve of mine is in the fall, my neighbors across the street rake up all of their leaves and instead of bagging them, like most people do, they pile them up along the street. What always happens is that over the course of a few weeks, most of those leaves blow into my yard which necessitates me having to not only rake up and bag my leaves, but their leaves as well. :angry:

After doing this for two years, I'm seriously thinking next year of taking my leaf blower and blowing them right back into their yard! :laugh:
golfgar said:
Pet peeve lately is "customer service" people who tell you they "can't" do something, when in fact they "won't". Most are more than capable of finding the information or someone who can find it but they just won't go through the trouble of getting it. I now always make them clarify what "can't" means.
I have done customer service for two different companies, yet I still dont like customer service people. The problem is that they (myself included) tend to be low level employees without very much authority, so they like to make the most of what they do have. I have seen co-workers leave people on hold, tell them the computers are down, that the customer didnt fill the originl form out correctly, faxes didnt come through, etc. just because they dont like the attitude the customer is giving them. Basically you just have to really work to get any useful information of them sometimes.
gandolf565 said:
... Another one that whizzes me off to no end is the complete cluelessness that most people have at a 4-way stop. The guy to your right goes first people! ...

What happens when cars approach the 4-way intersection from all 4 directions and all stop at roughly the same time? If each person is supposed to differ to the car to their right, who will be the first to go? The driver from the North differs to the driver from the West who is differing to the driver to the South who is differing to the driver to the East who is busy differing to the driver to the North.

Herfin Bigdog said:
What happens when cars approach the 4-way intersection from all 4 directions and all stop at roughly the same time? If each person is supposed to differ to the car to their right, who will be the first to go? The driver from the North differs to the driver from the West who is differing to the driver to the South who is differing to the driver to the East who is busy differing to the driver to the North.

The guy with the biggest balls goes first, followed by the guy to his left, following in a clockwise fashion. Repeat, rinse, spit.
I really hate it when people drink and it makes that annoying loud 'gulp' sound..just the thought of it..geesh!
Here is mine: Two types of people, #1 Those who are in America and get mad when we do not speak Spanish, and those on Social Security who never paid into it and do not have a disability. Example of #1, I went to McD's and ordered a chicken sandwich. The clerk said with an accent "What Number". I said I do not want a number I want a chicken sandwich. Again he said "What number". He saw I was mad and called the manager over. I asked why he was working the register and why he was asking for numbers, she stated that is all he understands. WTF give him a different job. I would not go to Japan if I did not know Japanese, nor Mexico if I didn't know Spanish. Example for #2, While chasing a subject with a gun at work we ran 8 blocks, jumped 3 fences, and fought for a while. When in custody I asked him where he worked and he stated he didn't, he said he was on Social Security for a disability. i asked what his didability was and he said a bad leg. Not too bad when he was running like a jackrabbit. Yet we give him a $1100 check every month.