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Responsibility of the FOG's.


I was just at the optometrist for my annual eye exam. If I'd known you were going to post something like that, I'd have asked for them to be gouged out. :sign:


Come on Wilkey... you've seen it before. The impression is still on your forehead...... :sign: :sign: :sign:
Let's get back to something constructive.

Namely, talking about MY root.

So when I say something about improper English or spelling to you CC. I'm baiting, but when you do it, its OK?
How am I not taking criticism well? ??? It's pretty simple, you made a vague criticism about my "lack of commas" which you just admitted here that you cannot back up.

On the contrary, it is you who does not take criticism well.

Just a suggestion, you really should capitalize letters when required. It would make your posts look much better. ;)

I did not say that i could not 'back it up'.

I said that if I go back and show you where you could've placed commas to make your writing more appealing to the reader, you would argue it.

I have repeatedly explained why I don't use captitals on internet forums, but since it is so bothersome to you and I wish to show respect, I shall type the way you wish me to.

Now, I REALLY didn't wish to spend any time 'backing up' my claim that more comma usage might make your posts look and read better, but since you will not let it go.....

Here are some examples that you may argue and argue until your heart is content. Others may chime in with their opinions as to whether or not the commas that I added are helpful to to the flow and pause of the sentences.

That is Harris' opinion, but not mine or others, LC. Harris has been a member of other boards, many of which I'm not aware of, but he's relatively new here. This is the first time I've seen this thread and I completely disagree with this:
I also think taking shots at someone for their grammar or spelling is the pettiest thing that someone can do to another person. We are not in English class, there are no points given for proper use of the English language. Leave that kind of sh#t off the site.

As I have said before, people who constantly spell things wrong and use words improperly make a site look bad. When I recommend sites to others and they come to those sites and see people writing like morons, they are immediately turned off and then ask me why I would post on a board that is obviously populated with a fair number of illiterates and/or lazy people who are too sloppy to show respect for the board. The only people that get their spelling and improper use of words pointed out are those who do it to the point where it is a concern and it should be pointed out. Most times when their errors are pointed out, it is not done in a mean or nasty way. Reasonable people know they were wrong and don't take it personally, however, others consider it a personal attack, which is ridiculous. If you don't like being criticized for being wrong, then stop being wrong.

Now maybe I'm interpreting it wrong, but it sure sounds to me like you think that Harris has been contributing here for as long as I have. I also stated that Harris has only become active here within the last year.
No, cigardawg, your are dead wrong; it is NOT "petty", it's a matter of correcting someone who is posting something that is blatantly wrong. By the same token, if someone posts blatantly wrong information, like saying: "Padron 1926 Anniversary", are you saying that I'm being "petty" when I point that out too? How about if someone says that "All Padron cigars are made from Honduran tobacco and are manufactured in Honduras"; are you saying no one should point out the fact he's wrong for fear of hurting his feelings? Only thin skinned babies who simply cannot take constructive criticsm call this being "petty." Most reasonable people APPRECIATE someone pointing them in the right direction because they become a better person for it in the long run.

You are also exaggerating when you say I "constantly" engage in this. When you grossly exagerate, your argument loses all credibility.

Sorry cigardawg, but there's no way I can cite specifically who when I say "Many", because these conversations have been over the past three years, much longer than you've been here, and MANY of them were during conversations in person, on the telephone, and in PMs. The PMs have been deleted. So no, I can't offer you any proof, you're just going to have to take my word for it.

You certainlly do whine a lot don't you?

Incredible. :rolleyes: Correcting grammar and spelling IS "mentoring", LC-Smoker, whether you want to believe it or not and it is indeed vey similar to correcting ANY error or mistake that anyone posts.

Thank you for pointing out my errors, I will strive to do better. However, if you have issues with "lack of commas", then please point out specifics; otherwise you don't have a legitimate point. You are wrong when you said that "thin skinned" should have a hyphen, there is nothing wrong with the way I wrote it. If you want to point out my errors at least do it correctly. ;) I find this rather hilarious coming from a guy like you, who seldom uses the "Shift" key when he posts! If you are missing my point, when you start a sentence, you should capitalize the first letter, okay celt?

I think celt would make a fantastic assistant, don't you SamClemmons? :thumbs:

EDIT, on second thought, he wouldn't since he writes fairy poorly himself. Who knows though, while some people write poorly, they make very good editors, so maybe we do indeed have a place for you after all, celt.

Now, again, by no means am I an English Scholar, but in my opinion, the commas that I added offer better flow and pause to the writing.

*edited for SPELLING
*additional edit for clarity: If the posts which I added commas to were originally my own, I would have used different punctuation (end the sentence earlier with a period or question mark, etc...) so the posts are still not what I would consider the best flow for me, the reader.
So when I say something about improper English or spelling to you CC. I'm baiting, but when you do it, its OK?

5.) No baiting. Do not try and get a rise out of another member. This is considered baiting and is not tolerated here.

If Bill gets a 'rise' out of this...it's a personal problem...one that I'm sure he has well in hand!

edit to correct font
That's a classic. Now is there one on punctuation.... :sign:
Oh and once again my Webster's dictionary which is "Webster's II, New Riverside University Dictionary" with a copyright date of 1984, 1988 and 1994 does not have "thin-skinned" in it. If you'd like me to photocopy the page, scan it and post it, I'd be more than happy to at your request.

I guess you and I are just different, I don't find it at all "irritating" when someone points out my errors or when I post wrong information, I very much appreciate the input as it makes me a better person. As I mentioned earlier, I very much appreciated Jim K's information because I learned something from it. I still have very little respect for him because he refuses to apologize to me for a very nasty statement he made about me last December when he was dead wrong. It might be nice if he'd apologize but he refuses to.

It would be much easier to respond to your posts if you didn't go back and edit, adding paragraphs of additional text.

Sure, if you feel it is necessary to scan and post that page in your "Webster's II, New Riverside University Dictionary" with a copyright date of 1984, 1988 and 1994, ALONG WITH "every dictionary that you have ever seen" that you adamantly professed didn't include it, have fun.

*edited to CAPITALIZE
Oh and once again my Webster's dictionary which is "Webster's II, New Riverside University Dictionary" with a copyright date of 1984, 1988 and 1994 does not have "thin-skinned" in it. If you'd like me to photocopy the page, scan it and post it, I'd be more than happy to at your request.

I guess you and I are just different, I don't find it at all "irritating" when someone points out my errors or when I post wrong information, I very much appreciate the input as it makes me a better person. As I mentioned earlier, I very much appreciated Jim K's information because I learned something from it. I still have very little respect for him because he refuses to apologize to me for a very nasty statement he made about me last December when he was dead wrong. It might be nice if he'd apologize but he refuses to.

it would be much easier to respond to your posts if you didn't go back and edit, adding paragraphs of additional text.

sure, if you feel it is necessary to scan and post that page in your "Webster's II, New Riverside University Dictionary" with a copyright date of 1984, 1988 and 1994, ALONG WITH "every dictionary that you have ever seen" that you adamantly professed didn't include it, have fun.

celt, when I try and add a new post with a different idea, the system will not let me do it, it adds to the original post. Kinda too bad if you find this inconvenient but that's just the way the board works.

At this point, you're showing your colors, I'm trying to state my points logically and respectfully with you yet you seem to be on some kind of a mission here. I only offered to show you a copy of my resource because you implied that I was not being truthful and you see fit to respond with sarcasm.

As far as your prefered style of the placement of commas in my previous posts, in my opinion you used far too many and it makes it flow worse than my original post. Again, it's all a matter of personal preference not a matter of being right or wrong.

It is you who cannot "let this go."
I'm pretty sure dipshit is spelled the same in all dictionaries...... I'm also pretty sure that if you look it up, there's a picture of everyone posting on this thread, next to the definition.

It is you who cannot "let this go."

C'mon Bill, we all know it is you who cannot let "it" go...... if you did you'd fall off and bump your noggin. :laugh:
So when I say something about improper English or spelling to you CC. I'm baiting, but when you do it, its OK?

Your posts here were clearly baiting hale there's no denying that. Most of the time when I point out your errors, it's an attempt to make the posts on this board look more professional rather than written by illiterate morons. Unfortunately for you, you seem to thrive on trying to start trouble with quite a few of us around here and when you do that you usually wind up getting a face full.

Your post I quoted here has a period after "CC" which should not be there. Did you mean to use a comma instead? Based on your past pattern of posting on this board, I highly doubt this was a "typo" on your part since you have a history of breaking one reasonable sentence into two incomplete ones. :laugh:

I'm pretty sure dipshit is spelled the same in all dictionaries...... I'm also pretty sure that if you look it up, there's a picture of everyone posting on this thread, next to the definition.

It is you who cannot "let this go."

C'mon Bill, we all know it is you who cannot let "it" go...... if you did you'd fall off and bump your noggin. :laugh:

I am concerned with your obsession with the male penis. Don't you think it's time for you to seek counseling? ???
Your posts here were clearly baiting, hale. There's no denying that. Most of the time, when I point out your errors, it's an attempt to make the posts on this board look more professional, rather than written by illiterate morons. Unfortunately for you, you seem to thrive on trying to start trouble with quite a few of us around here and when you do that, you usually wind up getting a face full.

Your post I quoted here, has a period after "CC", which should not be there. Did you mean to use a comma instead? Based on your past pattern of posting on this board, I highly doubt this was a "typo" on your part, since you have a history of breaking one reasonable sentence into two incomplete ones.
Your posts here were clearly baiting, hale. There's no denying that. Most of the time, when I point out your errors, it's an attempt to make the posts on this board look more professional, rather than written by illiterate morons. Unfortunately for you, you seem to thrive on trying to start trouble with quite a few of us around here and when you do that, you usually wind up getting a face full.

Your post I quoted here, has a period after "CC", which should not be there. Did you mean to use a comma instead? Based on your past pattern of posting on this board, I highly doubt this was a "typo" on your part, since you have a history of breaking one reasonable sentence into two incomplete ones.

The second sentence in incomplete, therefore wrong.

Nice try matt. Maybe you ought to stick to something you're good at like surfing porn sites. ;)