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Some personal info for my other family….


Yada, Yada, Yada.
Jun 22, 2004
I debated on whether to post this at all, but figured what the hell, you guys are family even if we’ve never met!

About 2 years ago, we were going on a bike ride and I was taking a bike off a hook on the ceiling and the end of the handlebar hit me in the left eye. It hurt and my eye got blurry, right in the middle where the retina focuses. I went to my optometrist and he looked at it and said if it gets worse, see him again. The pain went away, but the inability to focus stayed and I just dealt with it. This past December I went in to use up my vision eligibility for the year and they wanted to do retina pictures. Being the cheap ass I am, I didn’t want to pay the $25, so they did it for free. Well, he saw something that he didn’t like and referred me to a retina specialist. Went to the retina specialist last week and he too didn’t like what he saw and referred me to the only eye oncology doctor, in Oklahoma.

We drove to OKC yesterday, for a 4 hr appt. Through numerous tests, dye being injected into my vein and an ultrasound, they concluded that I have Ocular Melanoma. So skin cancer in my left eye, which is pretty rare and only happens to 6:1,000,000 people. I’m waiting on scheduling for plaque radiation therapy, which is where they put a bottle cap sized disc with radiation, behind my eye. I’ll have it in for 4 days, then they’ll remove it and we’ll monitor it. It has a 95% success rate, but will/can cause further eye damage (similar to macular degeneration) 1-2 years down the road. I’ve told my immediate family, but not going to post anything at this point, on FB or anywhere else. Again, I consider this place family and wanted you guys to know.

This just reinforces Infinity and DevilDoc thoughts on saving cigars or beer or whatever else you might save. Things happen for reasons outside our control. If I wouldn’t have gotten hit in the eye, this wouldn’t have been caught. Smoke those special cigars, drink those special beers/hard to find whiskeys, because you just never know. Once I’m in the clear, something special will be enjoyed to celebrate!

I’ll keep everyone updated.
Will be thinking of you Brandon, hopeful that everything is as painless and positive as possible, brother.
Very sorry to hear this Brandon. I have zero doubt that you will come through this with flying colors. Keep us updated and you certainly have our prayers
Woah! Don’t know what to say. Was just sitting outside smoking one of Brian’s cigars celebrating getting a clean bill of health from the Doctor today. Was kind of surprised after all the abuse I gave my body for well over 5 years. I feel kind of guilty now Brandon.
Wow my friend sorry to hear this news. We will be thinking about you.
Wishing you well and a speedy recovery my friend. Please let us know if you need anything!
WTF! I am sorry to hear this is happening, but I am glad you shared. IF you need anything I am only 3ish hours away!!!
Well keep us posted. We'll all keep an eye out here for more news! 😛

Get better soon and always try to find the humor in all lifes dealings.

I say each of us set aside a fave stick and then bomb the hell out of you when you post word that it's in remission.
Woah! Don’t know what to say. Was just sitting outside smoking one of Brian’s cigars celebrating getting a clean bill of health from the Doctor today. Was kind of surprised after all the abuse I gave my body for well over 5 years. I feel kind of guilty now Brandon.

Don’t feel guilty John. I had a full panel of blood work done, during my last doctor visit in October. Every part of my blood tests, were in range, nothing out of normal. It wasn’t expected for sure, but glad it was caught.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes. Means a lot.