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The passed few weeks

Hope this clears up some confusion

It clears up a lot of confusion for me.

The house was in my wife's sister-in-law's mothers name and it was paid off years ago. They were actually talking about selling the place a few months before we got down here, the mother has Alzheimers and was going in a home. To the luck of the draw 2 days after the fire the neighbor had a family member make the owner an offer which is to be settled this coming week. The items that we lost were in the bedroom we stayed in, the rest of the house had smoke damage.

Hope this clears up some confusion

In that one bedroom, you had a freezer that hasn't worked in a long time...
Okay guys I am gonna need a little help a family member has a 17 cubic foot chest freezer that hasn't worked in a long time and is just collecting dust in their garage.
Well we can end this thread since I lost this item to the house fire

4 cats, a crib, a box of Camachos, and a coolerdor.

Everyone is fine, 4 of the cats didnt make it and 2 of them were pregnant. I was cooking at the time it happened and I heard people yelling "WATER!!". I had no idea what was going on. I went running down the hall with family running towards me. When I get ino the bedroom all I seen was fire engulfing my sons crib and going up the wall. The best I could of one was get water and attempt to put it out, ran back outside fast seen all were out and ran back in to try addng more water. Ran back out got more fresh air, ran back in my wife gave me a fire exstinguisher wrapped a towel around my nose & mouth and gave it 1 more shot. Well that didnt work so well, the smoke was about 5 ft from the ground, and it was hard to see and breathe below the smoke line. So basically my brain said get the F out so I listened, and sat across the street and had every emotion come flooding in watching eveything we owned go up. Heard things exploding and wondered what would make it and what wouldnt. And then for the rest of the next few hours, sat and thought what do we do next. For the next week sifting thru ashes sucked, I did find the metal emblem that was on the Comacho box and 6 cigars that did make it out of the 200 in the coolidor, its pretty wierd during a fire, to see what makes it and what dont. But as you can see we are still alive and breathing, messed up thing is the following week the wife took a pee test and its positive another baby on the way. And yes I would gladly accept cigars from anyone who would send them. I thought about all the smokes I lost days after the fire and I was like dammit, but then turned to the wife after her asking whats wrong, my simple reply was "damm I hated those bath towels" and chuckled. I can go on, but this is kinda long as it is. I do believe my address is on my profile but I will check and post it if isnt.

And 2 days after 1 room burned out, someone wants to buy the house. Crystal clear to me.
In that one bedroom, you had a freezer that hasn't worked in a long time...

4 cats, a crib, a box of Camachos, and a coolerdor.

All the baby needed was a flat screen and a hot tub and it would've been set.
Rich, glad everyone is safe! I've lost personal belongs to both fire and water, and though some of those things can never be replaced, they are just things.

Thanks for letting us know you changed your address in your profile.
The cats died in the kitchen of smoke, cause they couldnt get out of the house. The chest freezer was in the garage and got smoke damage. The crib was next to our bed and that was in the bedroom that had the fire in it which was the same room where my wife, son and myself lost 98% of our belongings. Shit that cant be replaced like my Flyrod, my shotgun or my compound bow that I have had since I was friggin 11, amongst so many other things. The box of Comacho's I bought empty for 2$ from an online auction and I had some of the RP and RyJ 5ers I had inside. Geez I feel like this turning out to be 20 questions. Ya know I needed a place to vent some of my feelings and I figured I could do it on these forums and feel better but it hasnt, and it turned out to be like this.
Thanx a bunch

Sorry to hear about your loss bro! Even though you have some items that are not replaceable, at least you still have your family. My thoughts will be with you and your family, I hope everything works out for you!

ETA - About your above comment, in reading through the thread, there was a lot of things in your posts that made no sense (could have been grammatical, or just seemed odd)....Not saying that people were picking on you, just trying to get a clearer understanding of your situation. I am sure no body meant any harm, just trying to get the whole picture...
Sorry to hear about your loss bro! Even though you have some items that are not replaceable, at least you still have your family. My thoughts will be with you and your family, I hope everything works out for you!

ETA - About your above comment, in reading through the thread, there was a lot of things in your posts that made no sense (could have been grammatical, or just seemed odd)....Not saying that people were picking on you, just trying to get a clearer understanding of your situation. I am sure no body meant any harm, just trying to get the whole picture...

I agree Rich, I asked about the insurance to see how you could've been uninsured and felt bad for the fact you were. my house was actually overinsured and it was still a nightmare to deal with everything and I'm not sure I could've managed without it. Sorry if I came across as picky, just curious and confused.
The cats died in the kitchen of smoke, cause they couldnt get out of the house. The chest freezer was in the garage and got smoke damage. The crib was next to our bed and that was in the bedroom that had the fire in it which was the same room where my wife, son and myself lost 98% of our belongings. Shit that cant be replaced like my Flyrod, my shotgun or my compound bow that I have had since I was friggin 11, amongst so many other things. The box of Comacho's I bought empty for 2$ from an online auction and I had some of the RP and RyJ 5ers I had inside. Geez I feel like this turning out to be 20 questions. Ya know I needed a place to vent some of my feelings and I figured I could do it on these forums and feel better but it hasnt, and it turned out to be like this.
Thanx a bunch


No offense, but most of your posts look like someone sneezed on a keyboard, and then wiped it down with a towel. Not much of anything is making sense, so forgive me for asking a question. It's odd - your profile is pretty well written, but as far as your posting goes, it's a complete 180.
But as you can see we are still alive and breathing, messed up thing is the following week the wife took a pee test and its positive another baby on the way. And yes I would gladly accept cigars from anyone who would send them. I thought about all the smokes I lost days after the fire and I was like dammit, but then turned to the wife after her asking whats wrong, my simple reply was "damm I hated those bath towels" and chuckled. I can go on, but this is kinda long as it is. I do believe my address is on my profile but I will check and post it if isnt.

This is something that is NOT crystal clear to me. ??? That's fine if you want to vent, but this completely casts your "venting" in a different light to me.
Ok I myself must appologize, for some odd reason the puter that I am on it is not working with the multi quote, so I cant seem to address my replies correctly to the people who made them. And yes when I get piturbed, my sense of grammar goes right out the window (guess its a jersey attitude thing). No Tom, I dropped a cup of orange juice and used my shirt ..... lol. As far as my statement about sending cigars, that was answered in a recent post.

As far as my statement about sending cigars, that was answered in a recent post.


Well I don't see it here, so whats your answer?

I've read all of your recent posts, and I don't see any justification for you openly requesting cigars be sent to you.
Sentences, paragraphs, grammar. Don't hit "Add Reply" without them and a whole lot of confusion, contention, and questioning will be avoided.

It's really not that hard.

As far as my statement about sending cigars, that was answered in a recent post.


Well I don't see it here, so whats your answer?

I've read all of your recent posts, and I don't see any justification for you openly requesting cigars be sent to you.

Yay reply works, anyway back to your question. There was a little confusionon my part, I think some cross threading was done and in my thread "A very large humi" that question was asked to myself, and I told the person that, cause they wanted to know if it was ok to send them to me. Guess certain things can't be multi-tasked.

dumbass I mean Rich
Yay reply works, anyway back to your question. There was a little confusionon my part, I think some cross threading was done and in my thread "A very large humi" that question was asked to myself, and I told the person that, cause they wanted to know if it was ok to send them to me. Guess certain things can't be multi-tasked.

dumbass I mean Rich


Based on Scottw PMing me and clarifying a couple things, I can understand to a degree why you posted this:
And yes I would gladly accept cigars from anyone who would send them.

[/snippity snip]

I do believe my address is on my profile but I will check and post it if isnt.

From what I was told, HM asked the question:
Can I send you some cigars at least?

Your above post makes some sense, however, you posting "And yes I would gladly accept cigars from ANYONE," I take issue with that. I understand that HM wants to send some cigars to you, and good on him for doing that, but why write a statement of accepting a specific member's cigars to also include "anyone?" Why not just say thank you to the specific member for their gift, or handle it privately? Why publicly invite all members, or "anyone," to send you cigars?

You have made multiple posts that contradict one another in regards to your story of the house you were dwelling in. It begins that it is your house that burned down, and all of your family possessions:
The resulting hiatus of my laps of the forums was due to the house myself and my family stayed at. It caught fire and we lost everything from clothes, to furniture, my coolidor, all the things that are right in your face on a daily basis.

Obviously, you don't state it is YOUR house specifically, but the idea is there when you move on to talk about the destroyed items such as the furniture, clothing, and of course...your cigars. You move on to tell a horrible tale that I hope I will never have to endure, about how you went back in multiple times to bravely fight the fire three times, but finish that it is now time for you to heal and wait for the nightmares to cease. Okay, so moving on.

Your next post comes after a few well-wishers where you openly talk about how you're frustrated with the postal system, largely due to the fact that your friends have items being sent to you, but they aren't there. You go on to state that they would greatly help, being as you are out of work and all. Although that is quite upsetting, you tell us that there is nothing you can do but "do the daily fight, day by day."

In your next post, you tell us that it was actually a friend's house that was burnt down, not yours, and those people had no house insurance and were too cheap to buy it. This is where I become confused, because I thought it was YOUR house that burned down, completely engulfing your possessions, furniture, and of course your cigars.

In your next post, we find out that the house belonged to your girlfriend's brother, and you had moved in to help them out with bills, which turned out to be a load of crap and they ended up taking advantage of your kindness. But, apparently it turned out fine because they were able to quickly sell a burned down house.

Some members ask for clarification of your posts, and in this post, you finally clarify that if was actually just the room you and your family stayed in that burned down and engulfed all of your possessions such as furniture, clothing, and of course your cigars, not the actual house.

In this post, you tell us your first hand account of what happened on that fateful day, and go on to list specifically what was lost in the fire:
For the next week sifting thru ashes sucked, I did find the metal emblem that was on the Comacho box and 6 cigars that did make it out of the 200 in the coolidor,
You also go on to add that you just found out your wife/girlfriend/common-law partner is now pregant again. So, based on this post, we know that you lost approximately 194 cigars in this tragic event. After being questioned about the items that were lost in the fire, you finally answer about the box of Camachos that belonged to the metal emblem you found, and your reply is that it was actually an empty box of Camachos with a few Romeo y Julieta cigars inside, and not a full box as was previously believed. At the end of your post, you seem mildly frustrated, saying that you came here to vent and not be put on the spot answering "20 questions."

I'll tell you why so many people are asking questions Rich. From where I sit, it seems to me like the facts of the situation continually change, the more questions are being asked, but one factor remains the same: How many cigars you lost in the fire. Although a house fire is a tragic event to be sure, the constant reminder in many of your posts about how many cigars you lost, and even the specific post requesting "anyone" to send cigars to you comes off as mildly suspect.

I can be wrong, and I'll be the first to admit when I am, but I'm just telling you exactly what it looks like in an informed, well-researched, polite way. It looks like you're using the situation to get some replacement smokes.
Let's cut to f'ing chase...I am sorry about your misfortune BUT this is the most pathetic mooch attempt I have read in a while! Your story smell!
Thanx everyone for the prayers and such, things will get better in time. Just now if the dammed mail system would get thier act together, they cant seem to get the correct mail to my house. I have friends that have sent me stuff which hasn't gotten here yet. And since I am not working at the moment it could surely help. But time will tell and all I can do is do the daily fight, day by day.


Unfortunately we were staying with family and had no house insurance. They were to cheap to buy it, and I updated my new address on my profile last night when I finally got back online in my new place. And I am glad all are fine, no clue what I would of done if I lost anyone.


Smells fishy here too Rich.
Let's cut to f'ing chase...I am sorry about your misfortune BUT this is the most pathetic mooch attempt I have read in a while! Your story smell!

:laugh: LOL, yeah, sorry about the long winded post Joe. Here's the reader's digest version:

I'll tell you why so many people are asking questions Rich. From where I sit, it seems to me like the facts of the situation continually change, the more questions are being asked, but one factor remains the same: How many cigars you lost in the fire. Although a house fire is a tragic event to be sure, the constant reminder in many of your posts about how many cigars you lost, and even the specific post requesting "anyone" to send cigars to you comes off as mildly suspect.

I can be wrong, and I'll be the first to admit when I am, but I'm just telling you exactly what it looks like in an informed, well-researched, polite way. It looks like you're using the situation to get some replacement smokes.
Ok now I see what happened, I did some copy/paste from the other thread which is leading up to the mooch thing and alot of the confusion were dealing with now. I am not mooching, nor do I want it to sound this way. Two members added a kind gesture in my other thread and it was replied to them. It also added some confusion along the way and I should of been more cautious and proof-read it. I also should of just been more patient, and thought, before I replied to end the confusion in this thread. But my moods got ahead of me and it shouldnt have, my appologies. I really wasnt expecting to be asked so many different types of questions
All I can say is that I hope a fire in the place were someone resides dont happen cause it really sucks. I know everything can be replaced, family aside but what cant be replaced is the memories the items holds for a person. If I didnt have my son eric I wouldnt of given a crap about them as much as I do now. Like the flyrod that I used for many years, and him hopefully wanting to learn how to use, then him feeling the same feeling many of us do when we use something of our fathers that he passed to us. I really dont know what else to say at this moment.

Good nite all
I've been through a fire. It really hurts more that you can imagine. We take for granted all the luxuries we have in life. Think about those cigars and how you come across them. Some are just bought but some come from friends and strangers. Many have a story too tell. I have many that the people that sent them put a lot of thought into what they were sending. I can't imagine loosing them like that. This man just lost everything. How about we put ourselves in his shoes and cut him some slack. If you don't want to send him cigars how about some prayers.
I don't want this to turn into a fiasco, just asking for understanding. I wish you the best Rich. Remember, when one door closes, another one opens. When my fire happened, I kept telling myself, "This too will pass." And it will, I can asure you.
I've been through a fire. It really hurts more that you can imagine. We take for granted all the luxuries we have in life. Think about those cigars and how you come across them. Some are just bought but some come from friends and strangers. Many have a story too tell. I have many that the people that sent them put a lot of thought into what they were sending. I can't imagine loosing them like that. This man just lost everything. How about we put ourselves in his shoes and cut him some slack. If you don't want to send him cigars how about some prayers.
I don't want this to turn into a fiasco, just asking for understanding. I wish you the best Rich. Remember, when one door closes, another one opens. When my fire happened, I kept telling myself, "This too will pass." And it will, I can asure you.

Humi Mini, I'm pretty positive I was quite polite and reasonable in presenting everything to him, so I don't see how I'm not "cutting him some slack?" Not once did I jump down his throat and cry, "BANHAMMER!" Not once did I call him a liar or a mooch, I simply told him the reason why so many members are questioning the nature of his posts. I think I've given him plenty of understanding.

Also, this has nothing to do with anybody not wanting to send him some cigars, so your statement is invalid. This is about his questionable posts referencing his loss of cigars and the brazen statement about having "anyone" and everyone send more to him.
I've been through a fire. It really hurts more that you can imagine. We take for granted all the luxuries we have in life. Think about those cigars and how you come across them. Some are just bought but some come from friends and strangers. Many have a story too tell. I have many that the people that sent them put a lot of thought into what they were sending. I can't imagine loosing them like that. This man just lost everything. How about we put ourselves in his shoes and cut him some slack. If you don't want to send him cigars how about some prayers.
I don't want this to turn into a fiasco, just asking for understanding. I wish you the best Rich. Remember, when one door closes, another one opens. When my fire happened, I kept telling myself, "This too will pass." And it will, I can asure you.

Humi Mini, I'm pretty positive I was quite polite and reasonable in presenting everything to him, so I don't see how I'm not "cutting him some slack?" Not once did I jump down his throat and cry, "BANHAMMER!" Not once did I call him a liar or a mooch, I simply told him the reason why so many members are questioning the nature of his posts. I think I've given him plenty of understanding.

Also, this has nothing to do with anybody not wanting to send him some cigars, so your statement is invalid. This is about his questionable posts referencing his loss of cigars and the brazen statement about having "anyone" and everyone send more to him.

Master of the mighty moustache, like I just said in my passed post that statement was made to 2 other members in the other thread and it was my fault that I didnt edit it out, I copied/pasted and hit reply. This is a cigar forum and that was what I included in my passed posts on either thread of mine. Secondly your statment is making me sound like I am demanding everyone send me cigars, thats not true dont put words in my mouth. I cannot stop repeating this but 2 members offered to send some to me and if I minded and I used the word "anyone" to address both of them in one statement in the other thread. The nature of my other posts was defending myself, and trying to clear up confusion which wasnt working.