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These fires in Malibu


New Member
Nov 15, 2006
I hear that this awefull wild fire has destroyed some homes in Malibu. That sucks.

I am inudated with media telling me that Suzanne Somers home was destroyed.

My pop culture question is this. Why the hell do they think I care more that Suzanne Somers house burned down than I would that Joe Schmoe's house burned down? Does the fact that a home owned by someone with name recognition was destroyed make it a bigger disaster?

We are sliding folks, our glorification of people who can catch a ball or get their face on TV may be the beginning of our end. We are losing sight of what is important................................................the next cigar!

Seriously though, I worry for our future, and one of the reasons I worry is seeing what is increasingly becoming important in this society.

Or maybe I should just lighten up... :blush:
it is a sad truth...but then again the news doesn't seem to report anything important anymore anyways :(
I'd rather know when Suzanne Sommers house burns down than Joe Schmoe's so that I can prepare a nice spot for her in my bed until she gets her house back up and going. The same can't be said for Joe Schmoe. :)
It's pretty bad when people lose their homes to fires whether they're famous or not. It kind of lets you know that even though you're a "star" that you're human and not immune to things that happen to everyday people. Although in Susan Sommers case, I'm sure she realized that after her cancer diagnosis. Anyway, for the people on the west coast, good luck and be careful if you live anywhere near the areas that are effected.
God what a crappy actress and you know if Matt wants here she ain't all that good lookin'.
The fact that you noticed this and do not care that Ms. Sommers house burned down (any more than Joe Schmoe) proves that there is nothing wrong with society. The only people that "care" are the media. It is a name to report and makes the story have more "legs" so to speak (ok bad choice of words).

Funny thing is . . . who really cares that some multi-million dollar mansion burned down anyway. I feel so sorry for them . . . lets take up a collection. :sign:

Really though, not a laughing matter and not a good thing when someone's house burns down but the media over-hypes and distorts everything they touch. Media and news outlets (specifically newspapers and television) have ceased reporting facts and stories. Their purpose now is entertainment and political distortion (for all sides) and not reporting facts.
Man, couldn't agree with JAEwing more. I sympathize with the people that lost their homes, but when someone who not only knows full well the landscape and the inherent dangers of purchasing a home in such a location, but can afford to do so (can you say multimillion dollar homes?) it's very hard to not turn a blind eye. Meanwhile a 14 year old girl is slain in the inner city, a complete senseless homicide, and hardly anyone bats an eye and it gets mabe 2 mins. worth of press in the evening news.

But then again, these are the same media outlets that crank up STORMWATCH 2007 when the slightest drizzle hits.

Anyway, I detest pop culture.
Good thing the tree-huggers put an end to the controled burning of dried out underbrush :thumbs:

Did you hear what she said about her house burning down?

"My nature is to look at the glass half-full," Somers said in a statement. "I don't have a son or daughter in Iraq. I haven't lost a loved one. We will rebuild, and I truly believe we will learn something great from this experience."

Yeah, her house burnt down, but at least she doesn't have a child serving her country. What a turd. :angry:
I didn't take it that way at all. She was saying that her loss could be much greater. Oh, and just so you know, I'm glad I don't have a son or daughter serving in Iraq,
I didn't take it that way at all. She was saying that her loss could be much greater. Oh, and just so you know, I'm glad I don't have a son or daughter serving in Iraq,
He said!!! :thumbs:

I didn't take it that way at all. She was saying that her loss could be much greater. Oh, and just so you know, I'm glad I don't have a son or daughter serving in Iraq,

I guess I just thought comparing having a loved one in Iraq and having a loved one die was kind of a cheap shot. While having a loved one in Iraq would certainly make one anxious, they're not dead. That's all I was trying to say (poorly).
Why the hell do they think I care more that Suzanne Somers house burned down than I would that Joe Schmoe's house burned down?

Come on now, you know that according to Worthington's Law; "more money = better than"