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Two days in ICU.


New Member
Dec 6, 2005
This happened last week.

It wasn’t really a toothache. More like a bruised gum,like you might get from eating hard candy or beef jerky. Not really painful, just bothersome. Next came a slight swelling under the jaw. Swollen glands. I took some Tylenol. Then it became hard to swallow. It got worse.

It was Friday afternoon, so I went to a “Doc in the box”.(Big mistake) He diagnosed strep throat, but the quickie test came back negative. It’s only 91 percent accurate. So he cultured it, with results pending on Monday. He also suspected Mononucleosis. :rolleyes: He told me to come back Monday for the results.

Saturday: It’s harder to swallow. I can hardly gargle, or drink liquids. My throat is constricted. The opposite side of my throat is now swelling. No fever. Can’t lie down because I can’t even begin to swallow horizontally. I doze in my recliner two nights in a row. No real sleep, and I can’t eat anything. I can’t even swallow soup. My tongue is extremely sore, and I can hardly open my jaw. Now it is difficult to breathe, and getting worse by the minute.

Sunday: I call my brother in Forest Grove, Oregon. (He’s a dentist) and tell him the symptoms. He FREAKS! He calls a local specialist on the exchange. Labeled URGENT! Called his exchange 3 times. No reply.This man then called his exchange and informed them he was no longer "on call". Vaughn (my brother) is also licensed in Idaho, as he will open a practice here in a few years. He is reporting this doctor to the board, and taking him to task in front of a board of peers. Vaughn has no tolerance for unprofessional ethical practices.

He calls another local head, throat and neck specialist. (DDS). We meet immediately at the ICU in Nampa. The infection is spreading down into my chest. This man knows what he’s looking at as soon as he sees it, and he takes immediate action. In 30 minutes, Demerol takes me away. I had an abscessed wisdom tooth. The offending wisdom tooth is removed. Incision and drainage of pus. Intravenous antibiotics and lots of liquids. I’m de-hydrated.

Two days in ICU. Follow-up visit next day for removal of drainage tube and general check. I’ll be O.K. Just a little sore and woozy for a few days. Lots of high powered antibiotics and pain killers.

The surgeon and Vaughn said I was less than two days from death,perhaps hours. The swelling had actually pushed my esophagus to one side, and partially collapsed it. When that infection hits your chest, it's cardiac arrest time! If I had followed the directives of the first doctor, I would be room temperature.

I'm posting this story as a warning to you all. If you have a toothache, and then some swelling, and/or difficulty swallowing, don’t procrastinate. Oral infections are nothing to take lightly. They are killers. Take care of it IMMEDIATELY!

Take care of yourselves out there, good people. Life can surprise you! And it can happen quickly.

<Tumbleweed the lucky>
Glad to hear you are doing ok - pretty damn scary - take care and thanks for the info
Dude... glad you got it all taken care of. Those quickie Drs are not very good. I had a friend go through a similar incident when I was in college. They call everything strep throat.

Hope you get to feeling better!
Holy crap dude. Glad you managed to pull outta that one! Sounds like it's time to buy a lottery ticket!

Holy shit Tumbleweed, that was one hell of a harrowing experience!

I can tell you, from having a sister who is a damn fine dentist, that the threat of Bacterial Endocarditis is a real threat too! If any bacteria shold travel into the heart and affect the walls, I don't even want to think what could happen!

Thank heavens for people to help you out and care! And for that other asshole, I'd sue him till the cows came home!

More and more, we have become our own doctor. Glad you're still amongst us. :thumbs:
Glad to hear everything is going good now. I had a similiar incident back in 1997 when I had my teeth cleaned. A wisdom tooth got infected but I didnt mess around at all since I worked in a big Hospital. After about an hour after the cleaning, my cheek was starting to swell.

This crap acted fast and I went back to the Dentist. She was like...We need to get that tooth out now. 45 mins later...2 nurses and the dentist(female) got it out. And the views was lovely. It took 4 breaks of the tooth to pull it out. All the while she was drilling I was in pain. I told her and she said its just the pressure. I said this isnt pressure but my pleas fell on deaf ears. Afterwards... I was walking around and felt something in my mouth. I spit it out into my hand and guess what...It was the drill bit. :0

I went back and told the nurse...Did you lose something? she looked at me funny and I said here is the drill bit I found in my mouth. She had the look...Oh dear god we are screwed. Needless to say, i didnt pay for jack on that mess...All free and I paid attention when the swolling made a presence. Yes, I'm a little paranoid after all the problems I've been through and seen while working 3 years in a Hospital. Just shows ya that anyone can get a Medical degree of some form. :0

Just glad you made it through this one. :)
Scary stuff. Glad that you're still among the walking though. I've got all four wisdom teeth out so one less thing for me to worry about. Still leaves about 25,000 though.

Good to see your doing all right, had a similar instance with a fill in doc, woulda died that day if i had fallowed her instructions.
Good to hear that you are doing better! Sounds like a close call there!
Glad you ok and that your brother inlaw is on smart guy. Remember satan is a dentist lol
You want to hear something really scary. I ain't a real Doc, and I knew rght away it wasn't strep. That clown ought to have his license pulled. :angry:

Yeah, urgent care center, my ass! I took my son to one last week following him getting brained at school. You just don't take chances with concussion. We waited nearly 3 hours before loudly harumphing and leaving for another E.R. (he was ok). While there, we heard the nurses talking of a patient who DIED in the waiting room.

Dude, thank GOD for FAMILY! Glad you're ok.
Glad to hear your okay.

2 years ago, I had a mis-diagnosed strep.throat, and this was in the hospital.

days later, i went into a walk-in clinic, and they did a mono screen, guess what? it was positive. (Dr. was bright enuf to recognise swollen neck glands on back of neck as major red flag).

you can't place a price on health. glad your still with us tumbleweed :thumbs:
Thanks to you all for your kind thoughts. Much appreciated.

Also, the other stories about the pitiful lack of professionalism et.al. at the "doc in the box" sites confirm my experience.

I saw the doc yesterday, and I'm back to about 90%. :D

Take care of dem teefies, guys. --->>> :D :D <<<--- (see dem teefies?)

<Tumbleweed, who HATES Morphine, and hopes he'll never have to use it again! :( >
:0 :0 :0 :0

Thanks for letting us know about this. I never knew oral infections could be so dangerous.

Glad to hear you're doing okay!