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Update: So....I might be buying a tower


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2007
More specifically this one.


It will be a few months till I plan on buying it, as I have to find a place to put it. Actually I'm not even sure I'll be able to find a place to put it yet. But I'm going to start looking into it abit for now. And I have a couple of questions about moving up to something like this.

1) Humidification system - What to use? Would a cigar oasis II be sufficient for this? I can get the Oasis II for $100 if I order it with the cabinet, so that option is pretty attractive if the Oasis is a good choice. Any other/better options out there? Would it be wise to throw a couple pounds of beads in there with it?

2) Seasoning - How would I go about seasoning something this big? Just hook up the oasis/other active humidification system and let it do its thing?

3) Anyone have experience with this particular tower? Any others I should maybe consider as well? I would like to keep it around the $1000 mark with everything (ie. tower, shipping, and humidification)

4) And shipping, anything I should look out for with shipping? The shipping info states its $200 to my door, but removal from the truck, going up stairs, and being taken in the house are all optional. Would it be worth it to look into these options?

Anything else I should look for or consider?

There are a few fellows here that have similar towers. The Oasis doesn't get the circulation done for a tower of this sort. You tend to get a humid top or bottom part depending where the unit is. I know Mr. Peat and Rod uses the Avallo system, I don't know what Golfgar uses with his. Good luck with what ever you end up with.
I built my own tower (see thread) and use an Oasis II with it and it's the exact same humidity at the top as it is at the bottom. That said, mine's all modular wire-style shelves so the air moves freely (function over aesthetics I guess), so that MAY have something to do with it. What I did it wipe down the inside with distilled water and then plugged the Oasis II in. Waited 2 days and then stocked her.
I built my own tower (see thread) and use an Oasis II with it and it's the exact same humidity at the top as it is at the bottom. That said, mine's all modular wire-style shelves so the air moves freely (function over aesthetics I guess), so that MAY have something to do with it. What I did it wipe down the inside with distilled water and then plugged the Oasis II in. Waited 2 days and then stocked her.

What kind of wood did you use. I may do something like that because I have all the tools and I am good with my hands.
Here's the thread:
Quick answer is that it's all highest grade voidless maple ply. People hear plywood and freak, but maple ply is SOLID MAPLE throughout, no voids, EXTREMELY stable (something I think to be a MUST with a piece that'll have 70%RH inside, and god knows what difference outside), and with my vacuum clamping system I can make it look however I want. It has fiddleback mahogany outside and quilted spanish cedar on the inside.
Check out the review I did on Avallo:

I've used several different options for humidifying my cabinet, and nothing compares to the Avallo. Talk to RonC at Cigar Solutions, he is the exclusive reseller of the Avallo system.
Holy! $500 for a humidification system!? Call me cheap, but I'll stick with my Oasis II any day!
I have one that the inside is close to that. I personally use the Avallo System as I can set it to whatever Humidification % I want. I love that fact and the size of my humidor it only required the 2 canister setup. I got my humidor from Rod and have had zero problems with it.


Here is the link for them. You get the replacement filters for the canisters from Cigarsolutions. I hope that helps and I've had my system for nearly 3 years now and have had ZERO problems. :thumbs:
Few questions abnout the Avallos, how long do the wicks last? How easy was it for you to route the wires through the cabinet? I know my experience with routing the wires may be different and more difficult, but I would like to know how easy/hard it was for those who have this system. Is it hard to get in between the shelves? What about around the singles tray in the middle? Any Maintenance that needs to be done to the system other than refilling the canisters? And lastly are you able to buy additional canisters and fans later down the line if I feel like expanding the system?

Depending on where I may buy this from, if it ends up being from cheaphumidors I may just go with the Oasis since its only $100. Though if I buy else where, depending on the cost of the tower, I may buy the Avallo system. Not sure which I would prefer though.

Well, I have quite a few places to look into buying from, now I just have to find some where to put it.
I have a tower like that and use 6 lbs. of heartfelt beads with 2 glade fans for circulation. Other than rehydrating the beads every month or two (depending on time of year), this setup has worked well for me for going on 3 years.
I have a tower like that and use 6 lbs. of heartfelt beads with 2 glade fans for circulation. Other than rehydrating the beads every month or two (depending on time of year), this setup has worked well for me for going on 3 years.
Looks like I need to come to SLC and pay you a visit :whistling:
Setting up the Avallo was fun, at least for me. Routing the wires was simple. Most of the shelves come out, which makes setting the system up a breeze. In my humidor (seen posted in my review above) the middle shelves are glued into the cabinet. I simply routed the wires through the open slots, so it wasn't a problem. Just keep your wiring clean, use zip ties, and you'll be fine. Took me about two hours to fully setup my humidor, only because I'm a clean freak when it comes to neat wiring.

It really depends on your location, beads may work great if you have high RH in your town, however RH here in LA is usually in the low 40's. Beads just don't work for me; they don't charge the humidor fast enough after I open the door. The Avallo kicks right on when I open the door, and begins recharging the humidor right away. I do use beads for the coolers, and they work great.

I replace my wicks about 3 times a year. Feel free to give Ron a call, and I'm sure he'll answer any questions you have. His website is http://stores.cigarsolutions.com
I'm with Rod about the Avallo. I found it pretty easy to set up and we have the same humidor. No idea why he got the one I did. :p
The wicks themselves I tend to change 2 or 3 times a year. You know when they are starting to go bad as the system will run more and you can see them slowly breakdown.

The humidor and the Avallo system was by first big purchase when it came to my cigars. Its definitely the best thing I ever did. The first set up I did was half ass and I am not some genius at wiring and what not. I had my system set up pretty fast. It took a day to season and after that, it works without any additional work involved. Only have to put water in the canisters when they get low. Other than that, a kid could run it. I found it to be very user friendly.

I got the humidor through Rod and the Avallo system at a recommendation from another CP'er since he had heard great things about it. And yes, I remember who recommended it even after all this time has passed. :)

Edited to add: if my conversation with Avallo about the wicks. Avallo used to sell them but Cigarsolutions is a friend of theirs and now supplies them. If my memory serves me right, the 4 pack of wicks was a little more with the Avallo company and is cheaper at Cigarsolutions and its the same product. I can't complain about that as I just got a 4 pack of them since I am setting up the big humidor again.
Holy! $500 for a humidification system!? Call me cheap, but I'll stick with my Oasis II any day!

I own a Hydra and two Oasis I's and have had less than satisfactory results with them in my desktops and Vinotemps. I've never owned an Oasis II. My Avallo system uses 4 water canisters, each with its own fan, and 4 circulation fans that run on a seperate timer. It keeps an approximately 30 square foot cabinet humidor holding way more than 1000 cigars at a constant humidity throughout - I have no humidity variance at all top, bottom or middle. IMO, comparing an Oasis to an Avallo system is like comparing a claw hammer to a jackhammer: each tool will get the job done but... ;)

Also, Oasis II's are around $200 (prior to accessories) while Avallos start around $250.

- Tim
Holy! $500 for a humidification system!? Call me cheap, but I'll stick with my Oasis II any day!

I own a Hydra and two Oasis I's and have had less than satisfactory results with them in my desktops and Vinotemps. I've never owned an Oasis II. My Avallo system uses 4 water canisters, each with its own fan, and 4 circulation fans that run on a seperate timer. It keeps an approximately 30 square foot cabinet humidor holding way more than 1000 cigars at a constant humidity throughout - I have no humidity variance at all top, bottom or middle. IMO, comparing an Oasis to an Avallo system is like comparing a claw hammer to a jackhammer: each tool will get the job done but... ;)

Also, Oasis II's are around $200 (prior to accessories) while Avallos start around $250.

- Tim

When I first got my cabinet I put in the Cigar Oasis II XL, and had absolutely nothing but problems with it. It would run all night long, and you could hear the hummmmm clear across the house (at night). You can't hear the Avallo unless you're standing right next to the cabinet, and even then it's really quiet. The Cigar Oasis would constantly cycle on and off, and wouldn't maintain proper humidity. The bottom of the humidor would always be way over humidified while the middle and top of the cabinet would be much lower in RH. Like Tim said, not much more and you can have an Avallo, which will evenly distribute humidity throughout your cabinet.

Good luck!
My Staebell is about the same size and shape as those towers. After having an active fan / wick system (very similar to the Avallo) I can tell you that there's nothing comparable. "You get what you pay for" is the honest truth. I have several socks of beads in the cabinet to serve as RH ballast and during the summer months when the ambient RH is much higher than I want the cabinet to be, they keep things reasonable inside.

Look at it this way - what are the cigars worth that are going to be stored in the cabinet.....??.... :whistling:

Good Luck - B.B.S.
Holy! $500 for a humidification system!? Call me cheap, but I'll stick with my Oasis II any day!

I own a Hydra and two Oasis I's and have had less than satisfactory results with them in my desktops and Vinotemps. I've never owned an Oasis II. My Avallo system uses 4 water canisters, each with its own fan, and 4 circulation fans that run on a seperate timer. It keeps an approximately 30 square foot cabinet humidor holding way more than 1000 cigars at a constant humidity throughout - I have no humidity variance at all top, bottom or middle. IMO, comparing an Oasis to an Avallo system is like comparing a claw hammer to a jackhammer: each tool will get the job done but... ;)

Also, Oasis II's are around $200 (prior to accessories) while Avallos start around $250.

- Tim

When I first got my cabinet I put in the Cigar Oasis II XL, and had absolutely nothing but problems with it. It would run all night long, and you could hear the hummmmm clear across the house (at night). You can't hear the Avallo unless you're standing right next to the cabinet, and even then it's really quiet. The Cigar Oasis would constantly cycle on and off, and wouldn't maintain proper humidity. The bottom of the humidor would always be way over humidified while the middle and top of the cabinet would be much lower in RH. Like Tim said, not much more and you can have an Avallo, which will evenly distribute humidity throughout your cabinet.

Good luck!

I will add this. Its so quiet compared to other things in the house. I actually sleep on the floor and my pillows is right in front of my humidor. I can wake up to keys rattling and this doesn't even bother me. As BBS said, "What are your cigars worth?"

I never paid attention to my RH till I actually started collecting cigars which lead to the nice cabinet and the Avallo System. Its something you will not regret. I use only 2 Canisters in mine and it keeps the RH perfect. Even when I had it completely full, the 2 canisters was enough. I mounted the 2 fans in the middle of the cabinet and wham, the top gets the RH nicely. Even with all the boxes I have in it.

You can do your own research and find what will work for you. If I get a bigger cabinet, I'd stick my money with the Avallo as I have owned mine for exactly 2 years and 5 months. I took it at a leap of faith and glad I did. :thumbs: