Totally forgot about this thread, cygar- I wasn't able to twist it off but I was able to straighten it out. There are like 3 small holes in the back of it and I stuck a eyeglass screwdriver in there and wiggled it a bit and after enough playing around with it I got it to straighten out.
As for rob - I beleive as the temperature falls the humidity will fall as well. This may be why at 60F you can only achieve 59% humidity. Some other things to consider are as follows. Is your seal tight on the wineador? Have you salt tested and calibrated your hydrogometer? Do you have sticks in there while you are doing all this? Are you constantly opening and closing the door to check on it? All of these things should be considered.
My suggestion would be this...first, find out how to get your wineador up to 65 or 66 F. You say its on the lowest setting, so this shouldn't be an issue. Next, remove any sticks and store them in a tupperdore maybe in a cool spot of your house, maybe get a boveda humidity bag for it or something, just to be on the safe side. Check the door seals to make sure you have a nice airtight seal. Take out your heartfelt beads, and your glass of distilled. Charge the beads up according to directions, and add them into the wineador. I wouldn't bother with the glass of distilled in there if the beads are already charged. Set the wineador to 66 F. After you have salt tested and calibrated your hydrogometer, put it in the wineador and give the whole thing a couple of days run time before you do anything like checking it.
At this point, if its not holding temp and or humidity near the desired level, you may need more beads or some empty cigar boxes to add as a humidity buffer. Boxes made of cedar are probably the best, you should be able to get some emptys for a few bucks at a local brick and mortar. You could also notch the temp up to 68F which may help a little as well. Once you have everything set and its working the way you want, I would then start adding your sticks from the tupperdore back in. Then watch it some more but don't get too carried away with opening and closing to check it everyday. Just remember, wet sticks will likely raise the humidity a bit (which the HF beads should help by taking some rh back out of the air) and dry sticks will lower the humidity a bit because they are soaking it up (which the HF beads should start to release more rh back into the air). If they are too dry however, the beads may not keep up so you may have to do a little recharging of them.
All in all, take your time, and slow down. Hope this helps.