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West Nile Virus hits California


Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
A few weeks ago I saw a bird outside my house as I was coming home one night. It was a big black crow. I got out of my car and went over to see if he would fly away. He just sat there, I nudged him, but he wouldn't move. Immediately I thought it was the West Nile Virus. Didn't think a whole lot about it until today, as now I'm seeing dead crows around my area constantly. Saw two dead crows outside my house today. Turned the news on and now they're reporting the West Nile Virus is in California and tons of crows are dieing from this disease which is spread by masquitos.

If the WNV is in your area, be careful. I'm gonna stock up on a bunch of "OFF".
We've had this in Connecticut for the past few years. You got it Rod, the first indications are the dead crows.

Here's a link from the Connecticut DEP (where I used to work) website with some articles about WNV.
Is there any of the continental 48 states without the West Nile Virus?
It seem like it has spread everywhere

I don't hear about WNV in my part of PA but not too far away in MD they have had reports. I'm sure it's around.
Thats just like a PA person to blame it on us MD'ers ;) ..... yeah we have some cases here every year. None near me but always a few around.
when i lived near chicago during the initial "outbreak" i got a mild form of this virus. got bit by a skeeter in indiana and the next day i was sick with some of the symptons. the bump from the bite lasted almost three months too.