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CigarPass Culture, update, etc...


Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
I’ll keep this short… Moderators are currently on hold; I’d rather continue to run CP as we have been for the past 9 years – as a self moderated community. It has proven successful over the years, and I’d rather fine tune it rather than abolish the model. Anyone who gets too big of a head on their shoulders will either be suspended or have their account terminated. I expect everyone to self moderate with respect, and for the general good of the community.

Members who have been part of CigarPass for at least the past few years have typically contributed and paid their dues… With that comes certain rewards and privileges not found in any other cigar community. Newer members who wish to join CP with the mindset of entitlement (seeking sources, privileged info, acting disrespectful, mouthing off, trying to change our culture or rules, etc) will have their membership revoked. Some of you guys clearly have an agenda to change the culture at CigarPass, and I won’t allow it to happen. Everyone plays a role in maintaining a friendly, safe community; however those who have been here long enough (aka FOGS) and fully understand why we do things the way we do obviously have a larger voice. I expect everyone to show respect to one another, and no one is to take it upon themselves to become the main moderator, or act as if this is their personal community.

Thank you,
I suppose there are always exceptions to the rule.

The only agenda for change I have is that respect go both ways. Simple as that.
Rod, THANK YOU! It is refreshing to see this finally come from you instead of the tenured members constantly having to say it and newbs giving it no respect. Hopefully we can get past this chapter of BS that is going on and get back to the great place most of us are all used to having.
The only agenda for change I have is that respect go both ways. Simple as that.
There need'nt be change for respect to go both ways, that should be a given. What needs to be worked on is how people react to, and handle advice/criticism that comes there way that they don't particularly agree with.
The only agenda for change I have is that respect go both ways. Simple as that.
Now lad, see, that's a poor attitude. Respect is earned and you haven't been here long enough to have earned anything. The ol' fellas just get their back up when you post bilge like that. But don't you fret, Doc's going get you through this. You'll be fine.

Angel of Mercy
Thanks for always being on top of things and keeping all the rules clear Rod. I have liked the way the forum has been run since I joined and hope it doesn't come down to moderators. Keep up the fine work
The only agenda for change I have is that respect go both ways. Simple as that.
This has been discussed before, too. Before just now I would have said there were two kinds of respect, but a page I just read said it better... "Don't confuse respect with politeness"

Ok, perhaps I mis-worded what I meant to say. Replace respect with 'spoken to respectfully.' Even if you don't respect someone, there's no reason you can't speak to them in a civil manner.
Thank you Rod for keeping this place self-moderated.
A word to all newbies - "read more, post less".
Learn the lay of the land and work within the rules.
Rod thanks for not instituting the moderators at CP!

Everything old is new again, the respect issues has been debated many times over. If you have to ask for respect, you haven't earned it. Move on and be a productive member here. If the rules and how they are interpreted are not of your liking move on. If a member here gives you a gentle nudge in the rear take it as a wake up call that you may be overstepping your ground here. Nobody's perfect, but if more than a few people call you out then there may be a problem with your vision of things.

There was a CP before I got here and I'm sure they'll be one after I'm gone.
I think this quote sums it up:

The point Jonsey and Doc are trying to make is this crap just didn't happen a couple of years ago. Something has changed, and it would be presumptuous to assume it was the older guys. There has been a very real attempt to redecorate the house they built and furnished. I'm not suggesting that this place should be frozen like a diorama in a museum, but at the very least, the original architects should be able to steer the changes without being labeled as bullies.

It's always funny to watch new members, try and steer the changes. I've always been confused why newer people take it upon themselves to change CP to their liking, as opposed to liking CP for what it is and will be.
Ok, perhaps I mis-worded what I meant to say. Replace respect with 'spoken to respectfully.' Even if you don't respect someone, there's no reason you can't speak to them in a civil manner.

I hear what you're saying - but spraying air freshener to cover the smell of poopies* doesn't always work... ;)

*Chris - I'm being respectful of your need for being "spoken to respectfully". Out of deference to your respectability concerns, I've changed $hit to poopies...
Ok, perhaps I mis-worded what I meant to say. Replace respect with 'spoken to respectfully.' Even if you don't respect someone, there's no reason you can't speak to them in a civil manner.

I hear what you're saying - but spraying air freshener to cover the smell of poopies* doesn't always work... ;)

Neither does the roomba. Lesson learned. Right Moki? ;)

Thanks Rod. As always we appreciate all you do.
Man I need to work less and read more wtf has been going on here? We almost made it to having moderators?

I have had the honor to share great cigars and stories with Rod and consider him a great friend.

Those of you who are disrespectful and have caused what appears to be quite a stir in recent days/months owe Rod an apology (if one has not already been given) he set up and maintains this great community at his own expense. He is a person of high integrity and deserves for his home and his namesake to be respected. I was once told by a wise man (dad) "don't sh*t where you eat and you'll be just fine."

I think as long as we remember that before we open our mouths (hit the keyboard) we will all be better off. Rod I can't ever say this enough THANK YOU for providing such a great place to share one of life's great little pleasures with a community of people who for the most part keep it what it is, a great little hobby.

Rod, you and I have some unfinished business, I have a few desks available that might be of interest to you. I hope to see you this Thusrday to sqaure things away from our last meeting. :thumbs: