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Consuegra bundles

Mar 1, 2006
Hey guys...

I will be in Miami for 10 days soon, and as always, I will be coming back with my share of cigars. I have the right to bring back 150. I read alot of good things about the consuegra bundles. I was wondering if they were worth a try? (of course, I would let them age a couple of months in my cabinet humidor)

I was leaning towards Consuegra seeing that I already have a couple boxes of isoms (I live in Canada! Sorry!) and I wanted to have a every day cigar that I could pass to anybody coming to my house! What do you think?

Also, for the 2 other boxes that I could bring back, any sugestions? I was thinking some Padrons (I will be visiting the factory), and maybe some Padilla, heard lot of good things about those!

Thanks for the input...

I like the #9 Maddies as an everyday smoke. :thumbs:
I won a fiver of Connies in a contest a few months back. I've smoked 3 of them and enjoyed all three. Not great, but definitely a solid cigar with good flavor and plenty of smoke. Not sure of the number but they are the robusto size.
They are 100% worth it. Great daily smoke and a great smoke in general.

For the others, stock up on anything and everything Pepin/Padilla.
I always have an R&J Bully or two around for my "not sure if I'll like cigars" or occasional-smoking buddies.

I'd stock up on 2000/3000 Padrons.

Can't you get the Connies by mail from JR?

Enjoy your trip.
I could get smokes from the mail, the thing is that I live in Montreal, Canada, and Canadian customs charge you 130% tax on tobacco products, plus handling fees, plus custom fees, so a bundle of, let's say, 30$ would come to my door at close to 100$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crazy canuck custom people!

That's why when I need cigars, or just wanna take a trip for that matter, I try to convince my girl it is time to go to miami, or THE island!

Damn, them connies got fans, I think I'll give them a try! Any places in particular to go cigar shopping in miami?
I think El Rey De Los Habanos (Pepin's Cigar factory) is in Miami. If I was going to Florida anytime soon, I'd stop by there. Don't know the exact location though.
4 out of 5 trailer park cigar snobs think Connies are a great deal on a good smoke. :)
Consuegras (Connies) are seconds to the Villazon brands like El Rey del Mundo, Punch, Hoyo de Monterrey, Excalibur, and JR Ultimates, among others. You never know which you're getting seconds of although there is a size comparison chart floating around that can help narrow down which Villazon your bundle may be a second of.

The only downside to Connies is that they usually wrap and ship them with no aging. If you get the chance, look for the bundles with the cellophane that has a yellow tint. The more yellow the tint, the older the bundle will be.

And if you're visiting the Padron and Padilla factories, definitely pick up some of each. :thumbs:

Enjoy the cigars AND the trip! :D
I have had mixed results. In general Connies have been OK.
I have bought a number of bundles, however the last bundle I bought I have had to throw away as many as I have smoked. Rolled way way to tight, I think you could pop a vein trying to get a draw of of some of them.

That being said, they are still a bargain, not great cigars, but not bad either. The price is good too (unless you end up throwing half of them away). I have smoked much worse cigars that cost much more!
If all you can bring back to Canada with you is 150 cigars, don't wast your time with Connies. If you think about it for a muniute the firsts of those bundles are only about 60 to 70 bucks American a box. I never recomend bundles other than RP selects. It's just too much of a crap shoot.

If you are limited by number of sticks, your best savings is in getting premium sticks. You'll save, what, $30 tax on a bundle of connies? Or, save several hundred dollars on some Padrons and Fuentes.
Hey Giannilibrizzi,

I too am from Canada, and know all about our communist bastards, err ahh, i mean, customs agents and their cash cow tobacco tax. Just curious where you came up with the amount of 150 cigars? I know you are allowed 50ct per person tax free, so I'm assuming there are three of you returning to Canada?


that is corret, there are 3 of us coming back, and I'm the only cigar lover....lol