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Drinkin' the koolaid
Oct 12, 2006
The meat selection in the local grocery stores really comes alive this time of year. We were in the mood for steaks today, so in addition to the beef, I picked up a pack of kangaroo steaks. It's a red meat. 98% lean, so you have to be careful to not overcook it. Apparently it all comes from licenced hunters in Australia, as its not really feasible to farm the animals. Europe gets most of it.

Anyway, I had the grill going for the steaks and I decided to try these out. Just a little salt and pepper and about 5 minutes on a side (the grill was cooling down - 3 minutes on a side for a nice hot grill, I think). It came out a nice medium-rare, along with the steaks.

Looks wise, it would have been hard to tell from a lean piece of beef. The flavor was really close, too, with just a bit of something "different". The smell of the raw meat was very unique.. hard to describe, though. Everyone in the family tried a bit of it and it went over really well. Definitely something I'll try again. I need to look for some other recipes. I was thinking of a chili, but being as it so lean, I don't know how it would work out. Same deal with smoking, unless I add some fat to it.

Anyone else had it? What did you think? Any recipe ideas?

Also seen at the store: venison, wild pig, elk (or something close to it, based on the picture), squab (pigeon), pheasant, duck, goose, quail, alligator, something resembling guineafowl (again, based on the picture), various lamb cuts... along with the regular beef, pork and chicken, of course. I've had some of that at various times, but I'll take recipe suggestions on what we should try next, too. :)

Elk meat its awesome. Venison is good for something like a chicken fried dish. That is a pretty interesting selection.
Hey John, nice to see ya' around. I have in fact sampled Kangaroo, amongst many other not widely available meats. You've just rekindled some fond members with the kangaroo meat. That same day I tried a handful of meats including crocodile and snake. Interesting day!
Ask the butcher to grind it up for you, mix in some ground pork (for fat) and make roo burgers.

You can also soak it in some coconut milk over night and then throw it on the grill (takes away some of the smell and tenderizes it too). We do this method when wild goat is caught.

Think flank steak and look for recipes, I use soy sauce and some sugar added to some thinly sliced flank steak in a frying pan to make pupus (appetizers).
I had some roo on R&R in Australia in the 70's but not since. I wonder what ever happened to that little sheila who cooked it up for me?