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LOL II Herf.......


Call me "Walt Kowalski"
Jul 24, 2001
Matt...you put together one heck of an event! :D It was great toget to meet a few of the guys from the CP family and share a smoke or two with them. :sign:

Kenny, Joe P. and Jeff (The Beast)and Greg (from Louisville)...it was great toget to meet y'all! Now I can put a face with a name when I'm readin' the posts.

As for all of the smoke generated by the herf....I'm still tryin' to get the smell out of my clothes!!!!! D@MN!!!!! Now that was a lot of smoke!!!! :p

All I can say is if you missed it, SORRY! Make sure you make it next year. FIRST CLASS ALL THE WAY!!! :sign:

Matt..Thanks again.


PS: Post the numbers when you have the chance.
Great, thanks for the pics, sorry to have missed the herf. Someone tell me, do Kenny and Pete look like brothers in person too? :D
I'd first like to say Thank You to the Springfield Crew for hosting such a crazy bunch of nuts. It was a great time and was a first class herf. I hope that we topped last years $ for the sponsored charities.

Second, I'd like to thank all the sponsors that donated so much. I saw several sponsors that I currently do business with and several that I will be adding to my list. This thank you does not only extend to the businesses that donated. There were many, many individuals that donated everything from $ to cigars to their time that made this event special. Hats off to you all.

Third, I'd like to say thank you to all of the great people I got to meet up with. It didn't matter what we were doing.....Eating, Smoking, BSing, Drinking, Laughing, or finding out that no one goes to the Jazz Club on Friday night at "The Prick of the Prairie". ;) Every moment was great hanging with you guys.

Floyd, a gentleman if I ever met one. Beautiful wife and super mother in-law. (yes Floyd, I met your mother in-law too :) ) FYI - if you want to get rid of the stinch in your cloths...throw em away! :D I've sprayed a half of bottle of Febreze in my suitcase and it still reaks. I sure wanted that gift set flown over Kuwait. Nice....very nice!

Jeff, the pleasure was all mine. Glad we called off the under 200 # contest. We'll talk Matt into having a big screen TV next year so we don't have to run down the street for score updates. We still need to try and smoke the Cuaba together. How much money can we walk away with from the blackjack table? Hope to find out in Feb..

Pete, did you really tell the fire dept that you had it all under control when the smoke alarms went off? I was returning to the herf when I rounded the corner to see flashing lights in front of the place.... too funny! It was great to see ya again. The BBF you handed me goes up in smoke tonight. Let me know when you find your way back down here to Texas.

JoeP, you are one crazy layed back dude. Smart too...... I saw the way you backed off the speed herf once you saw the others had runners working in their favor. Did you see where Jeff went when Peter Pan showed up? ;) It was a pleasure to hang with you bro.....only wished I hadn't lost the wife's camera.... would have afforded a few more "daw-was" for the late night auction. BTW, the wife and I are going to see Red Dragon tonight.

Matt, it is more than understandable that hosting this herf demanded most of your time, yet, you still found a few moments to say hi and blow smoke at us. Truely a great herf my friend and am glad we shared the wkend. I heard that some of the engineers there are planning to create draft drawings for airflow ventilation scenarios. If that don't work I'm asking Pete to bring some of the breathing equipment from the fire truck. :p Let us know when the house warming party is..... :lookup: :sneaky:

I think I covered all the CP people......if I forgot anyone its because of the white fog I was in all wkend. I met a lot of people from a lot of different boards and everyone of them I would gladly call a brother or sister....... well, maybe not Peter Pan. :p Thanks for the great wkend people.
Holy Chit!!! I met MattR!!!!!!!!!! That's right! He even said hello...I got to sit in the front row while the most famous of all famous CP'ers ran one hell of an auction. Afterwards he was even kind enough to offer a few more words and a very nice cigar...but when I asked him for an autograph, his bodyguard tackled me from behind and the next thing I remember is waking up in a alley all beaten and bruised. Anyway...maybe he'll let me call him "bro" now. :p

Kenny, Floyd, Joe, and Pete...it was great meeting all of you. I planned on taking around 50 pics while at this herf...but when you're smoking some of the nicest cigars in the world and having conversation with some of the nicest people in the world...time really flies.

Thanks to all that attended and the Springfield Crew for throwing one hell of a herf. This is now a yearly event on my calender. Hope to see many that missed this herf in Vegas come February 14th and 15th. :thumbs: :D :thumbs:
Goodtimes were had for sure. A big thanks to the Springfield crew for putting on a terrific event.

Kenny, Jeff, Matt, Floyd, and Pete (hope I didn't forget anyone) it was great meeting a few of the CP bruddahs. Looking forward to hooking up agian sometime soon.

You forgot Kenny that "The Jazz Club" not only had no people but it had no jazz either. :p I'm just glad you ended up in Springfield and not on some barge going down the mighty Mississippi. :sign:

This was by far the most fun I have ever had smoking cigars. Once again it never ceases to amaze me how kind, generous, and just all around good people cigar smokers are.

I'm just now getting by taste buds back so its time to go smoke a smoke!!

:thumbs: :D :thumbs:
LMAO..aren't you guys glad I told ya' to hit the jazz club? LOL I don't think anyone used the passes for the Deja Vu either..what's up with that? LMAO Glad you all could come and look forward to doing it all over again next year! :)