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New Member
Sep 3, 2008
A couple of days ago I treated myself to something special (at least to me). It was phenomenal relaxing smoke. Really makes you forget about everything for a couple of hours. If interested, review with pictures can be found here http://cigarvault.blogspot.com


Origin: Cuba
Wrapper: Cuba
Binder: Cuba
Filler: Cuba

Place of purchase: Local B & M


SIZE: 5 5/8x46
APPEARANCE: very good: a bit veiny, evenly colored colorado wrapper with dark splotches, dryish with slight oily sheen
CONSTRUCTION: very good to excellent: firm, nicely filled bunch, well applied wrapper and triple cap
DRAW: perfect to firm
BURN: very good, but tipical cuban
AROMA: excellent
FLAVOR: very good
DOMINANT FLAVORS: leather, pepper, earth
AFTERTASTE: leather, citrus, tobacco
STRENGHT: somewhat strong to strong
SMOKING TIME: ~ 2 hours

PRELIGHT: leather, wood, molasses, sweet tobacco
LIGHT: torch flame lighter, easily
BEVERAGE: coffee with milk

Opens with a dose of black pepper riding on the notes of earth and cedar. Nose blow pure pepper - not recommended. This is one strong puppy. After only a few puffs, I can feel it`s effect. At quarter inch pepper is easing up a bit and earth with cedar dominate. There is faint vanilla on the nose already and my wife compliments the aroma. Tipical cuban burn: wavy with thick mascara.

The ash is fragile and suddenly drops. Leather is gaining on earth and cedar with spice firmly in the back. Vanilla persists in the nose and compliments smoke nicely. Body in the lower full. The ash flowers a bit, but no biggie. I have picked up a nuance on this smoke, but can`t put a finger on it. I just remember sensation from the past. No burning cones for this smoke - this usually signs a well aged smoke. Have no idea how old this stick is as I picked up just a fiver, but had it in my humidor for about 6-8 months.

At this point, the smoke gets steady, no sudden turns anymore, a nice flavor symphony just continues with pronounced vanilla on the nose. No tar build-up anywhere in sight, the burn continuing in cuban fashion. The cigar can withstand a bout of overpuffing easily without spoiling the flavor, which is very deep and rich.

Body settles in full. The aforementioned flavors continue with citrus finish that is not very heavy and lingers nicely on the palate. My fingers smell fantastic.

Great smoke, lots of complexity. Subtle notes come and go until final, when everything just plays really well together. If not for 9 EUR a pop, (approx. 13 USD local rate) I would smoke this constantly.
Another very nice review. I love this cigar, it's one of my favorites.. Thanks.
Very nice! :thumbs:

It's also a cigar that ages well so a box purchase has that advantage.
Nice review. I like your format. And thanks for sharing.
Sounded like a great smoke. Thanks for the review.
Nice review!! I am smoking some from 2006 right now and they are smoking great!!

Very nice review. A few pics would have made it excellent.

2 hours to smoke a Corona Gorda...was this your last smoke ever? :laugh: J/K, you are an extremely slow smoker.

Hey there Brian

Complete review including pics can be found on my blog:

My last smoke ever :D ... you really crack me up. Hopefully it`s not. This duration is an estimation and includes checking a smoke, cutting, lighting,... I don`t exactly time it, but it runs from the time I sit down and until I put it out. So I couple of minutes less, but in the neighbourhood of... Also, I usually am surprised how time flies while I smoke.

Thanks for great comments guys. As always, any suggestions and corrections are welcome.

Nice review. Feel free to link in some pictures if you get a chance.
Wow, that review was great. I wish I was able to pick up on all the subtle flavors, aromas, details.. I suppose that comes with experience, but to be able to enjoy a cigar like that, being able to use all the senses to describe it, must be an amazing adventure. Props.
I'll definitely give this cigar a try if possible.
Nice review. I have never had a Punch ISOM. I have had several domestic Punch and the Puch Champion is my go to smoke. I have tried the Punch Gran Puro and Rare Corojo as well. All are very good smokes.

Ahhh... the Punch Punch. My third Cuban cigar ever, and I have been a big fan ever since. Really nice mix of creamy cedar, leather, pepper and slight cocoa powder tones.

Veery cool. I need another box.
I think I wll get one out and burn it now.