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Some Pics of the Hurricane Damage


Cold Fire
Aug 31, 2008
As some of you may know, I work for the city here in New York. As soon as the hurricane hit, we were put on 12 hour shifts to help with whatever. After the storm, we were sent to heavily damaged areas such as Staten Island, Far Rockaway and Breezy Point to remove debris and start the clean up process. Still to this day, I'm in awe at what I've seen.

Upon arriving at Breezy Point that Wednesday, me and my partner drove around snapping some photos before we started working. Our instructions were to start at any street and clean up the piles of debris in front of each house. As we arrived at our first stop, the pile of debris wasn't normal storm debris. The piles consisted of furniture, televisions, clothing, photo albums, expensive Calphalon kitchenware, autographed sports memorabilia, kids toys.....I could go on. We were both just staring at this pile letting reality hit us. Needless to say, we didn't take any more pictures to this day.

At some stops, the homeowners would come out and help us a bit. Sometimes they grab an item to throw in but before they do, tears start forming and then begin to tell us what the item is, what it was for, when it was purchased. One time, this lady was reallly doing a good job tossing shit in. She knew it had to be done and became one of us for 30 minutes. Then she stumbled upon a photo album. She lost it. She sat down and started flipping through the water damaged pictures trying to decipher the images. We sat down next to her until she finished the album.

The past two weeks have been like this filled with stories similar to that one. Humbling experience to say the least.
As I was telling Franco via PM, this is the first 8 hour day I had since the storm and decided to post these pics.







Yes that's an Audi R8 fully damaged. The inside is filled with sand, twigs and other shit. This car supposedly got carried away from 3 blocks away and deposited here in the middle of the street.



We already went through this block twice and look at the piles forming on the right






That container washed up on this lady's front lawn. Some company showed up, emptied and salvaged its contents and disappeared leaving this lady to deal with getting rid of the container

Rockaway Beach sans boardwalk


This is how the dead end blocks in Far Rockaway look like. The sand covers the streets and it even reaches the opposite end of the island


Holy sh*t Los, those are some incredible scenes. I can't believe the one with the container in the yard!

How did you do with the storm?
We weren't affected at all. Just the lights flickering off and on continuously and some downed trees around my way. But an area about a mile from me had no power for about 4 to 5 days. We were lucky
WOW Bro those are some crazy pic's! Thanks for sharing with us and I'm glad you were safe during this storm. Looks like you guys had some serious work to do. Very Very sad stuff.
Isn't Far Rockaway mostly older folks? A lifetime wiped out.
Glad to hear Sandy missed your location, weird how the storm just ripped apart everything and left others with minimal damage. I keep going back to that picture where there should be a house because the red stairs are still there, but it's just concrete blocks and pieces of wood. The house next to it and behind it are still there, wonder if it just broke itself up under the water.
Your pics really show some damage our news has not shown. It is amazing what these folks have gone through and will continue to go through for some time yet,

due to the devastation being so wide spread.

Thanks for sharing your view. Glad you are OK.
Sickening. It really messes with your head when this is all you see day in & day out.

Do what you can LOS...and lend a helping hand whenever possible.
It is tough to witness what you have been through. For those of us in the midwest, we want to help, but can't get there because life demands we stay here. Our thoughts are surely with all of you.
Thanks for sharing. Really sad how many people lost so much...
This is just frigging horrible what NY/NJ/LI and others went through. Depresses you looking at the pictures. I can't imagine what that felt like in person. You're a good man Carlos for trying to be there for these people. I know you are getting paid for cleaning up..but you are not for sitting down next to people and being empathtic.

Nice Job Kid,

The one part that is troubling most everyone I speak with is that, as bad as it is around here, people have the feeling this is not getting the news coverage that New Orleans got during Katrina.

Are you guys out there seeing on the news what we are posting? What are your impressions?

Thanks :thumbs:

PS: a real tear jerker of a video, most of which is within a few miles of our house.

Received some pics today from a coworker that was working over at Broad Channel area by the Cross Bay Bridge. For those of you that are unfamiliar with that area, Google up the area. Residents say for at least a couple of hours, there was no street at all.










They have a lot of make shift warming centers throughout the area with plenty of volunteers giving out food and supplies but these portable ATMs are awesome. Some stores are able to operate on a cash only basis due to no internet. This is like the only time I've ever seen these ATMs empty.
The one part that is troubling most everyone I speak with is that, as bad as it is around here, people have the feeling this is not getting the news coverage that New Orleans got during Katrina.

Are you guys out there seeing on the news what we are posting? What are your impressions?

Thanks :thumbs:

I still see news footage of what's going on there, Gary. From the gas rations ending to people still coming into the city to volunteer their services to certain areas.

Whenever I go to incidents, the people will flock and the camera phones will flash only until the lights and sirens stay on, once the scene is safe all the rubberneckers go away regardless of how much work we still have to do at the scene for the victims and the their homes. I shake my head at watching this cycle unfold.

Stay strong and make sure you dry your humidor, one soggy stick at a time.