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United States Under Terrorist Attack


Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
United States is under Terrorist Attack

I can't believe this. This is extremely sad.

Current Report: 4 planes hi-jacked.
2 planes crash into World Trade Center, blowing it up
1 plane crashes into Pentagon
1 plane crashes near Camp David
What a strange world we live in. And just what is accomplished with acts such as this? Once again we'll have the majority of the country demanding we make parking lots out of every middle-eastern country. We could EASILY do this, but what does it accomplish? Hate breeds hate. But do we just stand by and shake our fingers at them? I'm glad I don't have to make these kinds of decisions.
more plane's have been reported as "missing" the Gov is searching for it using military fighters.
What I find most Bizzare is ?
What particular significance does the date 911 hold?

This is indeed a tragic and sad day for many american families.
Let us all say a prayer for them.

4 Planes from Los Angeles are NOT accounted for. Airforce is searching for the 4 planes.

CNN Reports ATM/BANKS will be shutting down.
I have made a run on the bank for some spending cash for the next few days. ???
This whole thing is horrible.
This is about as surreal as it gets for me. I pray for all of America right now. It's time to unite. Give blood if you can, it could be needed, but let's hope not. :angry:
Terrorist Attack Updates
- Minutes apart, two jetliners slam into World Trade Center towers in New York City
- Third jetliner crashes into Pentagon
- World Trade Towers collapse shortly after crash with people inside
- NYC mayor: "Horrendous number of lives lost"
- Fourth plane crashes outside Pittsburgh, PA
- White House, federal buildings throughout US evacuated
- All domestic US flights halted
- Police departments around US on alert
- Mexico, Canada borders closed
- Bush: "Terrorism against our nation will not stand"
Sources: Reuters, AP, CNN, ABC News
djm...I was wondering about any correlation with the date. I'm sure conspiracy theorists will come up with something along the lines of a code as in 911. Whatever the date, saty safe my brother and smoke one in memory of those who have been sacrificed for the good of nothing. This angers me to an extent that just numbs me all over.
Horse...I believe the decision was made by the masterminds behind this horrendous act. They have chosen their fate and it is time for the most powerful nation in the world to respond! There is no way we can attempt to do anything other than a swift and violent attack on those responsible. They have chosen to kill civilians. They have chosen to kill innocent people. AMERICAN people!!!! The belief that hate breeds hate is not relative to this type of action. We are not responding in hate. We are responding in defense of our country. There must be retaliation and it must be swift and direct.

Today is a very sad day in the history of our great nation. Prayers are extended to the families who have lost their loved ones. Let us hope our leaders respond with intelligence, and exact the punishment due unto those responsible!


The most possible suspect right now is Oslim Bin-Laden.
Bin-Laden has denied credit for this, and that is out of character for him. He took full credit for the Naval ship bombing which put a bounty on his head from the US.
Who ever did this was well funded and extremely orginized and it scares the hell out of me.
here's an old article i found to refresh your memories about our ol' pal bin laden.  it's from 26 dec 98:

Bin Laden urges Muslims to kill Americans

CAIRO, Egypt - Osama Bin Laden, the Saudi exile accused of masterminding the U.S. Embassy bombings in Africa, is calling on Muslims to kill Americans and Britons for the airstrikes their countries carried out against Iraq.
  "The British and the American people loudly declared their support for their leaders' decision to attack Iraq," Bin Laden said in Friday's edition of the Arabic newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat.
  This made it "the duty of Muslims to confront, fight and kill" Britons and Americans, he said.
  "And anything that can be taken from them by force is the rightful prize of Muslims," Bin Laden said.
  The London-published newspaper said the interview was conducted in the mountains of Helmand province in southern Afghanistan.
  The United States and Britain carried out four days of airstrikes on Iraqi military and communications sites earlier this month to punish Baghdad for its alleged obstruction of U.N. inspectors seeking evidence of weapons of mass destruction.
  Washington accuses Bin Laden of masterminding the Aug. 7 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya. The blasts killed 224 people, including 12 Americans.
  Thirteen days later, the United States blasted Bin Laden's camps in Afghanistan with cruise missiles.
  Bin Laden has denied carrying out the attacks but has said he didn't "regret what happened there."
  After the United States attacked Bin Laden's camps, the Taliban - the militia that controls 90 percent of Afghanistan - announced it had imposed restrictions on Bin Laden, including barring him from giving media interviews.
  Bin Laden told Asharq Al-Awsat that while the Taliban had prohibited him from carrying out attacks on foreign countries, he continues to guide Muslims "toward holy war against Jews and Christians. This is a duty."
  The interview was the second to be published with Bin Laden in two days. It was not immediately clear whether he was defying the Taliban's restrictions or whether they had been eased. A Taliban spokesman could not be reached for comment.
  A businessman who made a fortune in construction, Bin Laden first went to Afghanistan in the 1980s to fight against the Soviet occupation army.
So far all fingers are pointing to him. I know Bush will take swift action, and give punishment where punishment is due.
Exactly, where it is due....including as Bush said, 'those who harbour them' as well.

What I was getting at earlier, was for example, anyplace around here that has connection to an Islamic business has had phone threats all day. Heck, local police are having to guard their businesses. Not all camel jockies are terrorists.
But the ones that are...........I wish for a slow agonizing death.

I do believe that an unsung hero will turn out to be the pilot of the downed plane in Penn. It looks as though he said screw it, if we gotta go down, lets do it in a rural area. It looks as though they were also headed to DC. He probably saved countless lives.
Our prayers go out to the families of the airplane passengers and the victims on the ground. A special prayer for the policemen and firefighters who died in the World Trade Center attack, while trying to help rescue others.

The death toll may reach the 5 figure mark.

I also, personally feel, that the pilot of the jet that crashed south of Pittsburgh, very likely did so in order to prevent his jet from crashing in Washington. This particular plane radioed for a flight destination change to D.C., and the plane crashed shortly thereafter. The pilot was an ex-Vietnam Air Force pilot, who would have done something this courageous.

I believe that since this fourth jet crashed the most shocking attack of the day was probably avoided. If the fourth jet had made it's way to Washington, D.C. and crashed into the White House or Capitol Building, the significance would have been epic. The plane WAS bound for D.C. and those were the likely targets. Anyone else besides me remember "Executive Orders," by Tom Clancy? (A Japanese terrorist crashes a 747 into the Capitol Building!!! Sound familiar?) Maybe someone else read this book with extreme interest...in Afghanistan.

I have to contradict one of the earlier posters, the Taliban, not Osama Bin Laden, denied any involvement. The Taliban is the ruling Muslim faction of Afghanistan, the country that harbors Osama Bin Laden. Preliminary word is that there were confirmed Bin Laden "associates" on the planes, and the intelligence community intercepted a comminique wherein Bin Laden's people were heard to say that two of their targets were hit. That also means that there were/are other targets.

I think that (4) nukes, one for each hi-jacked jet, would be just about right. Would I have any regret for the Afghani citizens? No! They were walking around clapping, smiling, firing guns, and handing out candy today in celebration. It would be a good time to let them know how a world power reacts to terrorism. I think that we should give them one week to hand over Bin Laden, and then poof....

Another thought. All of the planes were apparently taken by using knives. I heard that many of the flight crew were stabbed. Many of the people who were fortunate enough to get phone calls out of the doomed planes reported that the hi-jackers had knives. Authorities can't figure out how they got the knives on board. I ran across at least one polycarbonate knife, designed by the CIA, that is advertised as being undetectable by airport metal detectors. Polycarbonate is just a hard, unbreakable plastic. These are easily available on eBay, where they are sold as "letter openers" that just happen to have been designed by the CIA. Here's what I mean: http://www.botachtactical.com/botach/blaccolciale.html

While we're on the subject, Osama Bin Laden was trained by the CIA during the Russian/Afghanistan war. He is very familar with American security systems, and has tons of money. We gave him Stinger missles, for goodness sakes. He employs heavy transport plane pilots to ferry his people around. It is not too much of a stretch to realize that the people who piloted the planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were U.S. commercially/militarily trained Muslim pilots who were working for Bin Laden. NO United States airline pilot would have deliberately crashed the planes into those heavily populated targets...period.

The United States has an official policy that disallows direct government sanctioning of the death of another person. I think that it is time that that law is reviewed and rewritten. Today's actions were an act of war, no different from the attack at Pearl Harbor, except that that was an attack against primarily a military target. The Japanese DID straife civilians. General Swartzkoff, said that the U.S. armed forces took every possible action to prevent the accidental death of civilians during Desert Storm. Bin Laden has no such morals, and views ALL American CITIZENS to be targets, as today's actions proved. Time to take him out.

This is a day that everyone will remember for the rest of their lives. Getting through airport security, without the alarm going off, will now be extremely hard in the future - except if you have a CIA issue polycarbonate knife hidden in your belt buckle. Whew! What a day!
yeah horse, obviously the camel jockies that were responsible, that's who i was referring to. but i think i would also include those who support and harbor them and give assistance too. we have a town here called Iselin, pronounced izz-lynn. it's local nickname is Islam because it's population is 99.5% middle eastern. the store signs are in whatever language they use and everyone wears the traditional garb. the whole town is like that. if we were going to go out and indiscriminately kill your beloved camel jockeys we'd start right there. oh but wait, these people aren't completely innocent either....iselin is a part of woodbridge township, and that is where the van was rented by the muslims that set off the FIRST world trade center bomb in march of '93. it would not surprise me at all to learn that there are people here with connections to this event right here in my neighborhood. i am less than thrilled by that idea.

one thing i noticed yesterday that amused me...all those people laid-low yesterday. i went to the grocery store and for the first time in probably 20+ years, there was not a muslim or hindi to be seen anywhere. it was quite refreshing and not just because they weren't around to stink up the place. (i mean literally, these people frequently smell bad)

and not for nothing, but the very nature of the islam teaches them that christians and jews are their enemies and must be killed. the koran says so. how can you make any peace with a people like that if it goes against their very own religion? it's not going to happen.
Two very interesting facts about this. First thing, this attack was on America. They wanted to hurt America and the name of America badly. They used two airlines. Now there are lots of different airlines coming in and out of Boston to LA. Delta, TWA, SW, NW, etc... Did you notice the two airlines they chose? They chose to use the two most patrioticly named airlines, American and United. I realized this immediately.

Here's something I heard from someone today:

Yesterdays date: 911.

The flights that were highjacked were from United and AA, they were numbered
as follows: 11, 93, 175, 77.
11: Tuesday's date
9+3= 12: Wednesday's date
1+7+5=13 Thursday's date
7+7= 14 Friday's date
Hopefully this is a coincidence and the terrorists can't add, but if this is
correct there will either be acts of terrorism every day for the next few
days or a grand event on the last day. Pass it around!!

That's interesting too.
yeah sounds like we need to try out those shint nutron bombs we built and havent used yet start with those guys cheering and partying in the streets happy that the us took one on the chin fly your flags proudly everyone and if you dont have one get one! lets find out who did this and turn them into a smoking hole in the ground
Friday Night at 7:00 p.m. step out your door, stop your car, or step out of your establishment and light a candle. We will show the world that Americans are strong and united together against terrorism. Please pass this to everyone on your e-mail list. We need to reach everyone across the United States quickly. The message: WE STAND UNITED - WE WILL NOT TOLERATE TERRORISM! Thank you

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