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What is wrong with people?


Perpetual Newbie
Jun 19, 2008
I am in the insurance business and more and more I see how downright selfish, greedy and plain ignoble a huge section of society has become. I am seeing more highly questionable claims being filed, more lawsuits filed over events that can only be attributed to lack of personal responsibility as opposed to negligence on the part of the defendant. More incidences of just plain unprincipled actions on the part of people.

Some general examples I've heard of or experienced;

A business owner calls in to say he is going out of business and to cancel his policy effective on "X" date. Two days prior to the policy cancellation he files a $20,000 claim for theft of ALL his business personal property, including his security system which was conveniently turned off at the time of the alleged theft. The thieves were so efficient they even took the time to carefully remove all the wiring, sensors, wireless transmitters and operating manuals for not only the security system but all the office equipment. It's as if the thieves boxed everything up and loaded it into a moving truck and left.

A business being sued by a customer who fell down a stairwell because they were walking backwards talking to a friend at the time.

A business being sued because a customer claims they ate a bad donut purchased from the store. They filed the complaint a week after they supposedly purchased the donut, cannot provide any evidence the donut was bad since they threw it away. But still, they supposedly got sick and want compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering etc....

A business being sued for wrongful death because an employee suffered a fatal heart attack while at work. The employee (in their 60's) had a history of heart problems and was a life long chain smoker. The survivor is claiming the employer caused the death due to work related stress. The employee was a night janitor who worked after the business was closed for the day.

An individual calls their insurance agent to ask if $5,000 in custom wheels and tires are covered on their car. They are told that the coverage can be purchased and invoices are provided to justify the amount. They purchase the coverage, provide the info and then call the next day to file a claim for the theft of said wheels and tires.

An individual whose auto policy has been cancelled for over a month due to non-payment, calls their agent re-instate their policy. The policy is reinstated. One hour later they call the claims office to report a collision in which they were at fault. In this case however, the accident occured the day previous to the re-instatement and so was not covered.

I spoke with a representative of a local restoration company this morning and he tells me they are busier than ever due to all the foreclosures taking place. Why? Because people are stopping up sinks and leaving the water running when they vacate the house, taking hammers and destroying the interior of the home, defecating and urinating on carpets, removing windows, cabinets, carpets, appliances, copper wiring etc... and the list goes on.

What a great society we are becoming

/rant off

IMHO, these things are probably not any more common now than they ever were, on a per capita basis. It's just that there are so many more people now than there were in the past that the pure number of incidents is much higher, and they are more publicized with the internet and cable news programs.
I empathize with what seems to be exasperating days for you at your work, but in what era was society greater to each other? The "golden era" when the man of the house could drink himself silly and then beat and cheat on his family seemingly at will? When it was not unheard of for Blacks to be hung from trees by those wearing white robes? The "industrial age" when workers could get their limbs mangled by factory machinery and subsequently tossed aside by their employers?

Society has always been good and bad to each other. Honest and cheats at heart. Snake oil has always been sold in some form or another. Today is no more different than in eras past, just more people to judge by.

It's going to get worst before it gets better.

With the state our economy is in, people will do anything for money.

Your neck muscles are going to get sore from shaking your head so much....brace yourself.
I am in the insurance business and more and more I see how downright selfish, greedy and plain ignoble a huge section of society has become. I am seeing more highly questionable claims being filed, more lawsuits filed over events that can only be attributed to lack of personal responsibility as opposed to negligence on the part of the defendant. More incidences of just plain unprincipled actions on the part of people.

Some general examples I've heard of or experienced;

A business owner calls in to say he is going out of business and to cancel his policy effective on "X" date. Two days prior to the policy cancellation he files a $20,000 claim for theft of ALL his business personal property, including his security system which was conveniently turned off at the time of the alleged theft. The thieves were so efficient they even took the time to carefully remove all the wiring, sensors, wireless transmitters and operating manuals for not only the security system but all the office equipment. It's as if the thieves boxed everything up and loaded it into a moving truck and left.

A business being sued by a customer who fell down a stairwell because they were walking backwards talking to a friend at the time.

A business being sued because a customer claims they ate a bad donut purchased from the store. They filed the complaint a week after they supposedly purchased the donut, cannot provide any evidence the donut was bad since they threw it away. But still, they supposedly got sick and want compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering etc....

A business being sued for wrongful death because an employee suffered a fatal heart attack while at work. The employee (in their 60's) had a history of heart problems and was a life long chain smoker. The survivor is claiming the employer caused the death due to work related stress. The employee was a night janitor who worked after the business was closed for the day.

An individual calls their insurance agent to ask if $5,000 in custom wheels and tires are covered on their car. They are told that the coverage can be purchased and invoices are provided to justify the amount. They purchase the coverage, provide the info and then call the next day to file a claim for the theft of said wheels and tires.

An individual whose auto policy has been cancelled for over a month due to non-payment, calls their agent re-instate their policy. The policy is reinstated. One hour later they call the claims office to report a collision in which they were at fault. In this case however, the accident occured the day previous to the re-instatement and so was not covered.

I spoke with a representative of a local restoration company this morning and he tells me they are busier than ever due to all the foreclosures taking place. Why? Because people are stopping up sinks and leaving the water running when they vacate the house, taking hammers and destroying the interior of the home, defecating and urinating on carpets, removing windows, cabinets, carpets, appliances, copper wiring etc... and the list goes on.

What a great society we are becoming

/rant off


We may want to close this thread now.
This is why we have a banking crisis right now!

Greed of the worst kind and it will get worse, before it gets any better.
I hear you loud and clear. I get people calling me all the time to file claims like the ones you detailed...I turn them down but some of my professional colleagues do not. Maybe Shakespeare was right... :whistling:
I hear you loud and clear. I get people calling me all the time to file claims like the ones you detailed...I turn them down but some of my professional colleagues do not. Maybe Shakespeare was right... :whistling:

"Bitch slapeth all the lawyers, then use my nine on the rest who doth protest too strong"
My practice consists of mostly personal injury claims. I get so many calls from prospective clients that I just refuse to take. Some sound just like you examples above. I am sure some of them find counsel ... which disgusts me.

However, insurance companies are cracking down on this.

As a result the truly injured, in cases where there is obvious liability, are being denied recovery and forced to take their claims to court because insurance companies are not settling or offering laughable amounts.

- Jason
I hear you loud and clear. I get people calling me all the time to file claims like the ones you detailed...I turn them down but some of my professional colleagues do not. Maybe Shakespeare was right... :whistling:

"Bitch slapeth all the lawyers, then use my nine on the rest who doth protest too strong"


DesertRat, I agree with what you are saying, but the pendulum swings both ways. How many insurance companies deny legitimate claims? Greed overcomes humanity more often than not these days....
This thread does have the potential to get rather heated.

I could provide stories from the Welfare and Home Health fields. Basically people trying to get something for nothing. It's frustrating.
My practice consists of mostly personal injury claims. I get so many calls from prospective clients that I just refuse to take. Some sound just like you examples above. I am sure some of them find counsel ... which disgusts me.

However, insurance companies are cracking down on this.

As a result the truly injured, in cases where there is obvious liability, are being denied recovery and forced to take their claims to court because insurance companies are not settling or offering laughable amounts.

- Jason

Unfortunately you are correct that those who are truly injured due to gross negligence are caught up in the mess of frivolity that is out there. Not everyone who files a claim for bodily injury is out to win the insurance lottery but there are so many who are that it adversely affects everyone and leaves the insurers in a position of fighting every case and letting it sort out in court.

DesertRat, I agree with what you are saying, but the pendulum swings both ways. How many insurance companies deny legitimate claims? Greed overcomes humanity more often than not these days....

Oh yeah, I'll be the first to admit that insurers do deny legitimate claims at times, although I suspect that the number of legitimate claims that are denied are far outweighed by number of fraudulent claims filed.
There are stories like this in every industry today. It is easy to lose faith in society, and it is a great thing that CP is around for us to vent, and for being a safe haven from these types of asshats. It is because our brothers and sisters here that make it that way.
With out getting to much into the people I deal with on a day to day basis, lets just say its a culture of entitlement. Some people spend their entire lives looking for or taking a hand out. When that is all they see or have seen it makes it difficult to fathom hard work.

As far as insurance companies that deny claims or attempt to drop clients retro-actively that should be viewed in the same light.

A$$hattery, gentleman is every where, just look at some of those who come to CP and try and take advantage of generosity and wisdom. They prey upon the good nature of those around them.

There was quote on the Military channel the other day about 98% of the population being sheep and the other two percent was made up of sheep dogs and wolves (I know second wolf reference today). The difference is in the intent, sheep dogs are willing to fight for the flock to protect them, the wolves prey on the sick, small and weak so that they are not hungry.

Random musing, not sure what it is about wolves today...
With out getting to much into the people I deal with on a day to day basis, lets just say its a culture of entitlement. Some people spend their entire lives looking for or taking a hand out. When that is all they see or have seen it makes it difficult to fathom hard work.

As far as insurance companies that deny claims or attempt to drop clients retro-actively that should be viewed in the same light.

A$$hattery, gentleman is every where, just look at some of those who come to CP and try and take advantage of generosity and wisdom. They prey upon the good nature of those around them.

There was quote on the Military channel the other day about 98% of the population being sheep and the other two percent was made up of sheep dogs and wolves (I know second wolf reference today). The difference is in the intent, sheep dogs are willing to fight for the flock to protect them, the wolves prey on the sick, small and weak so that they are not hungry.

Random musing, not sure what it is about wolves today...

Where is Mr. Wolf when we need him?

I'm glad I'm in the 2% :D
If you work in the insurance industry i'm sure you'll see the dregs of society, just look around your cubicle. Almost everyone i know who has a business always complains about their insurance company. These are hard times, people are not getting raises and prices are going up, dishonesty to keep your head above water is one thing you can do, like it or not. We need to invest in the American worker and not just in global corporations. IMHO!
With out serious data these claim are just arbitrary.

For sure and for certain someone is getting rich and doing the majority of the scamming....I'd look upstairs.