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Bully1875...time to step up to the plate!

Shit I guess when I commented on the PIF some of you crazy guys took the ball and ran! I just got the beedog signal and came to see what all the ruckus is about. Bully dude you had to know that package was ludicrously subpar compared to what you were sent and, quite frankly, the gold standard of the PIF at least since my first time doing it almost three years ago. You stick a VSG in there and a buncha cigars you can get fivers of on cbid for like 10 bucks (and yet somehow every time someone does that shit they play the "Who ME? I got them from the bumblefuck connoisseur shop for 2x msrp plus tax). Whatever Jon said about the price of those is absurdly high imo for what anyone in their right mind actually pays. Even beyond that, why does it always have to come down to letter of the law? Why is it not a matter of common sense and moral compass? You are telling me that when that awesome package showed up you honestly thought what you sent was fair game? I know everyone seems to have the mentality of apologize and it washes away your sins but it isn't a cure-all. The question at hand isn't whether you broke the rules it is a matter of intentions.

If you really want to talk about the passes we can because I have an opinion or two. If you want to talk about that sale you had that happened to match cigars you were bombed with we can talk about that also. I am sure you know I have been paying attention to your activities here, I'm not that damn sneaky, but I haven't done 'one of these' ridiculous trainwrecks because you have some solid guys who vouch for you. But then again, that doesn't mean I'm going to watch you take advantage of the spirit of the board either. I wish Neal was here to make the damn point.
The last pass was months ago.. Seems like there must have been a lot of PMing behind my back because you are the first to say something..

Maybe they were posting about how much they hate you on a secret forum...

hey, I don't have the password for SPIVY's forum! :laugh:

I hear the password is "original_release!" Also, I heard, "I Hate Tomthirtysix" shirts were being sold to the members!! :sign:

Not at all. Actually I had them printed myself and sent them to everyone for free :laugh:.

Well then, who else feels that I have done them wrong?

To this point no one that I sent a package to has stepped up. Not even Jonesy.. Last PM I got was a thanks for the package...

ummm, yeah, because all I asked for was a Padron maduro so you sent a Monarca. Nothing wrong there, but do you remember the 25+ cigar list of HTF stuff you listed? So, yes, a note of thanks was in order from me. Read into some of the other posts from these other guys and you'll get the gist of this.

I sent you an Exclusivo maduro (my fav) and some others that you didn't even ask for... If you wanted something better, you should have asked...

Way to shift the focus from the issue.

Do you know Jon Caputo?
Well then, who else feels that I have done them wrong?

To this point no one that I sent a package to has stepped up. Not even Jonesy.. Last PM I got was a thanks for the package...

ummm, yeah, because all I asked for was a Padron maduro so you sent a Monarca. Nothing wrong there, but do you remember the 25+ cigar list of HTF stuff you listed? So, yes, a note of thanks was in order from me. Read into some of the other posts from these other guys and you'll get the gist of this.

I sent you an Exclusivo maduro (my fav) and some others that you didn't even ask for... If you wanted something better, you should have asked...

OK, don't turn this into a pissing match with me because I gar-en-fucking-tee you that it won't turn out well for you. The PIF was a "gift" from Looking for knowledge to me so I didn't feel it appropriate to ask for the moon. Yea it's a wish and I realize that's what you do is wish, but it's been stated many times "don't gift a Connie and ask for a Millenium.Also, it's pretty standard that you send more than just the one cigar that was asked for also so don't make it look like you did me a favor by sending 3 others.
You are telling me that when that awesome package showed up you honestly thought what you sent was fair game? I know everyone seems to have the mentality of apologize and it washes away your sins but it isn't a cure-all. The question at hand isn't whether you broke the rules it is a matter of intentions.

The wisdom of the BeeDog Master shines on us all!
Not at all. Actually I had them printed myself and sent them to everyone for free :laugh:.


Just a Bit ago an anonymous tipsteR lEakED the t-shirts. I must saY, I want one.

Shit I guess when I commented on the PIF some of you crazy guys took the ball and ran! I just got the beedog signal and came to see what all the ruckus is about. Bully dude you had to know that package was ludicrously subpar compared to what you were sent and, quite frankly, the gold standard of the PIF at least since my first time doing it almost three years ago. You stick a VSG in there and a buncha cigars you can get fivers of on cbid for like 10 bucks (and yet somehow every time someone does that shit they play the "Who ME? I got them from the bumblefuck connoisseur shop for 2x msrp plus tax). Whatever Jon said about the price of those is absurdly high imo for what anyone in their right mind actually pays. Even beyond that, why does it always have to come down to letter of the law? Why is it not a matter of common sense and moral compass? You are telling me that when that awesome package showed up you honestly thought what you sent was fair game? I know everyone seems to have the mentality of apologize and it washes away your sins but it isn't a cure-all. The question at hand isn't whether you broke the rules it is a matter of intentions.

If you really want to talk about the passes we can because I have an opinion or two. If you want to talk about that sale you had that happened to match cigars you were bombed with we can talk about that also. I am sure you know I have been paying attention to your activities here, I'm not that damn sneaky, but I haven't done 'one of these' ridiculous trainwrecks because you have some solid guys who vouch for you. But then again, that doesn't mean I'm going to watch you take advantage of the spirit of the board either. I wish Neal was here to make the damn point.

You made the point Phil, but I do miss Neal's style on these issues!

Bully the act about people should have said something before is lame! You've been here quite a while and you have benifited from it. Sometimes people don't get it and this seems to be the point here. You screwed the pooch and got called on it, it's a hole that is hard to dig yourself out of.
Bully the act about people should have said something before is lame! You've been here quite a while and you have benifited from it. Sometimes people don't get it and this seems to be the point here. You screwed the pooch and got called on it, it's a hole that is hard to dig yourself out of.

Where is Bully at?? ???
Still here... I'm not avoiding this, but I'm confused as to why there are so many people jumping on the bandwagon here, most of whom I have never dealt with.. Im glad we all noticed the 2 PIF trades I made and there has been so much comment on, but did anyone mention the passes I have been a part of or the benefit for another member which I co-organized to help raise over $4,000... There was no personal gain on my part besides helping another brother out.. But this is a public forum and majority rules so if you still want to go on with this thread then so be it..

I also don't think it's lame to mention that you don't feel something that you received is right. Aren't we here to learn? How about instead of bashing we use creative criticism.. Just a thought..
Still here... I'm not avoiding this, but I'm confused as to why there are so many people jumping on the bandwagon here, most of whom I have never dealt with.. Im glad we all noticed the 2 PIF trades I made and there has been so much comment on, but did anyone mention the passes I have been a part of or the benefit for another member which I co-organized to help raise over $4,000... There was no personal gain on my part besides helping another brother out.. But this is a public forum and majority rules so if you still want to go on with this thread then so be it..

I also don't think it's lame to mention that you don't feel something that you received is right. Aren't we here to learn? How about instead of bashing we use creative criticism.. Just a thought..

I'm getting involved because I can and will when I see things that are hinky!

The lameness is in the feinting of ignorance, nothing more nothing less. You've been here a substantial period of time and you should have a sense of what is proper and what is wrong. Someone called you out, how you respond is how you are judged.
Still here... I'm not avoiding this, but I'm confused as to why there are so many people jumping on the bandwagon here, most of whom I have never dealt with.. Im glad we all noticed the 2 PIF trades I made and there has been so much comment on, but did anyone mention the passes I have been a part of or the benefit for another member which I co-organized to help raise over $4,000... There was no personal gain on my part besides helping another brother out.. But this is a public forum and majority rules so if you still want to go on with this thread then so be it..

I also don't think it's lame to mention that you don't feel something that you received is right. Aren't we here to learn? How about instead of bashing we use creative criticism.. Just a thought..

I'm getting involved because I can and will when I see things that are hinky!

The lameness is in the feinting of ignorance, nothing more nothing less. You've been here a substantial period of time and you should have a sense of what is proper and what is wrong. Someone called you out, how you respond is how you are judged.

Tone-ny, you are a model figure here and I do respect your opinions, however, I am comfortable with how I have handled this situation so far, I have also contacted any parties who I feel may have gotten a short end of a stick (no pun intended) and sent DC #'s to complete my part of the PIF.. As previously mentioned, Im looking to right what is wrong and bow out of the PIF's.. A lesson has been learned and I think that is what is important here..

Im really not sure why anyone would want to drag this out any more than it already is..
I'll tell ya why it's being dragged out. You got no class. You didn't even have the courtesy to acknowledge receipt of a package I sent you; never mind a thank you. Three months later, when I asked about it, I got a flippant remark about how you get lot's of packages from Cpers and can't keep track, but you might remember if I could give you a list of the cigars I sent. I didn't send cigars! I realized then your character flaws and it was inevitable that this day would come. Now take your damn medicine.

The reason why it isn't put to rest is because the question remains of why you thought it was acceptable behavior.

Looking back at your TESB pass I see this comment:
I understand that the pass will necessarily have to increase in overall value from start to finish--it was simply the scale (3 of 4 exchanges with an average bump of $12) that caught my eye. If everyone doubled up on 3/4 of their puts, we'd have a hairy situation.

I don't mean to seem like I'm still questioning any of this or that I'm not picking up on it--I get it--I'm simply explaining (and perhaps belaboring the point) where I was coming from initially.

It's a good thing that you bring it up. I really don't want any unanswered questions. BTW I am still a newb myself. I look up to everyone else here that have done their own passes and from my previous passes I have been apart of. I have learned a great deal in my short time here at CP, and in that time I have come across some of the most generous, trustworthy and knowledgeable BOTL/SOTL I have ever incountered. With that being said the information here that Brian, Ed and everyone else has brought up truley is a valuable lesson. I knew getting into this pass that the price of each cigar would go up.. For that reason I have added lower $$ sticks and I also know that it is somewhat easy to come up with a CC that has a decent MSRP to trade for a NC with a higher MSRP thus giving people the opportunity to take sticks they normally wouldnt ever get their hands on (ie: DAGA SG)...

If there are still unanswered questions/concerns please keep them coming. Im sure I will have some help answering them from those that have already given their input..

Thanks again..

I know exactly why you would go into a pass with that mindframe, it isn't anything new. Hell there is a sticky posted discussing exactly this. However, that doesn't make it acceptable. The point of a pass isn't for the value of your sticks to increase. The point of a PIF isn't to get better than you sent. The point of an ISO isn't to get something kicked down for free (or to flip). I don't KNOW what your intentions are but if you are trying to say there isn't a pattern of odd behavior you must take us for fools. I loved your ideas for Star Wars themed passes but I can't stand that you a) blatantly skirted the rules to run the first one (by not having even received 2 passes at the time of starting it). b) consistently rejected the offers of advice and aid from senior members suggesting you remove personal taste and bias from your approval decisions and c) flat out said you intended to increase the value of your pass (BTW did anyone ever actually win the only contestin the pass?). If someone else wants to do some digging they are welcome to but I am sure you get my point.
Doc, I have never received a package from anyone that I wasn't grateful for. Although I don't recall our specific transaction off the top of my head and I have no trail of PM's of it I take your word for it and I do know it happened.. As far as three months later, if that's the case then I owe you an apology. Not sure what else your looking for here...

As far as calling me out on my character I have still seen no comment on any positive that I have done here.

Again, thanks for everyone to point out a mistake I made here (no sarcasm intended) I have learned a lesson, but let's move on with this.. Is there really nothing more positive going on here? I said I'm sorry and have discussed this situation with the involved parties in an attempt to make it right..

Is this board really about punishing people for their mistakes? Or teaching a lesson?
Doc, I have never received a package from anyone that I wasn't grateful for. Although I don't recall our specific transaction off the top of my head and I have no trail of PM's of it I take your word for it and I do know it happened.. As far as three months later, if that's the case then I owe you an apology. Not sure what else your looking for here...

As far as calling me out on my character I have still seen no comment on any positive that I have done here.

Again, thanks for everyone to point out a mistake I made here (no sarcasm intended) I have learned a lesson, but let's move on with this.. Is there really nothing more positive going on here? I said I'm sorry and have discussed this situation with the involved parties in an attempt to make it right..

Is this board really about punishing people for their mistakes? Or teaching a lesson?

How about responding to some of the questions before posting any of yours?
I read the pass threads a few weeks ago. IMO it seemed like picky was putting it mild. It appeared to be a pass that greatly improved the quality of your stash. I also thought the rush to get the pass moving quickly to get the goods back to you was a little shady. I saw some examples in the pass of Bully saying ok to a $15 take with a $30 put but saying no to a $15 take and a $14.50 put(this is just a general example of the pattern I saw reading through the pass). I think that is why people are questioning you motives and why people are asking for answers. I really do not buy the excuse that you are still a newb and trying to learn. The reason I do not believe that excuse was you sure knew how to look up the value of sticks and pass judgement on puts and takes(which greatly were in your favor). I do believe that stepping up and giving a honest answer along with admitting your mistakes you have a chance to move on from this.
What hasn't been answered here?
I feel that I have addressed and explained myself pretty well here...