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In Theaters/Rentals: What Have You Seen Lately?

Figured after the weekend of movies I just watched I would bump up this thread.
In theaters:
The Heat: I may have pissed my pants in the theater watching this movie! Must SEE its another great role played by Melissa McCarthy!4 out of 5
Carrie: Really well done remake a must see if you are a fan of the original 4 out of 5
Olympus Has Fallen: Action Packed from start to finish and another bad ass role for Gerard Butler 4 out of 5
World War Z: Loved the ending and the way at how fast the virus spread and how quick the zombies are. Must See 4 out of 5
The Purge: After the first 10 mins you knew how this movie was going to end! Okay movie to rent 3 out of 5
The Internship: I found this movie to be very funny from start to finish with lots of little cameos in the movie that I didn't expect. 4 out of 5
White House Down: Cool action movie with a very different Presidential roll played by Jamie Fox. I am a fan of his so I enjoyed the movie and Channing Tatum gets the with all hot and bothered so she enjoyed it to however it was pretty much the same movie as Olympus has fallen! 3 out of 5
What have you guys seen lately?
Over the weekend I finally got around to watching Life of Pi . . . when it was in theaters, everyone told me I just HAD to go see it, but no one would tell me what it was about or anything that happened in it.  They'd just exchange knowing glances and make obscure comments about tigers.  ???
It was a GREAT movie.  Very different kind of story, with incredible cinemaphotography.  Well worth renting.
Other recent watches include Brad Pitt in Killing Them Softly---kind of an indie feel movie with some fantastic actors doing extraordinary cameos.  Might not be to everyone's taste for gangster fare, but I enjoyed it.
Now You See Me was just . . . horrible. 
Also saw Don Jon recently, and really liked it.  
And Bad Grandpa.... ha!  Laughed my ass off.  Raunchy and low-brow, right up my alley.
In theaters:
42: I actually had seen this movie in the theaters and really enjoyed it. As a baseball fan it really put those time into perspective and what Jackie Robinson went thru. I loved Harrison Ford in this movie! 4 out of 5
Monsters University: Pixar hits it out of the park again in my opinion. My wife and I are huge Pixar fans and make a point to see them all in the theaters. I really enjoyed this prequel and thought it was really well done to set the stage for Monsters Inc. 4 out of 5 Kids or not SEE IT!  
A couple other rentals I recently watched.
The Call: I really enjoyed this movie a lot. I kept me on the edge of my seat. I wish the ending was different but still very good! 4 out of 5.
This is the end: I actually can't belive I sat thru this entire film. My wife and I were left shacking our heads.... 1 out of 5 SUCKED!
 42- Excellent
Les Miserable - good story, too much singing
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter - entertaining if you totally turn off your 'believability' switch
The King's Speech - way better than I thought it would be
Life of Pi - interesting, but I kept waiting for it to be over
Star Trek Into Darkness - disappointing

Wife and I went to see Gravity last night. I can't speak for the technical aspect, but the cinematography and acting by Sandra Bullock was amazing. I'll be surprised if she doesn't at least get nominated for an Academy Award, if not win it for best actress.
jfields said:

Wife and I went to see Gravity last night. I can't speak for the technical aspect, but the cinematography and acting by Sandra Bullock was amazing. I'll be surprised if she doesn't at least get nominated for an Academy Award, if not win it for best actress.
The concept, from what I've seen on commercials freaks me out and I'll probably never watch it
Pacific Rim.  

That was just . . . epic.  Wow.  Incredible CGI/effects. great storyline.  Live action mecha FTW.
I'm watching it a couple more times before I send it back to Netflix.  :love:
jfields said:

Wife and I went to see Gravity last night. I can't speak for the technical aspect, but the cinematography and acting by Sandra Bullock was amazing. I'll be surprised if she doesn't at least get nominated for an Academy Award, if not win it for best actress.
The wife and I went to see Gravity a few weeks ago in 3D and it was incredible! 
Wife and I went to see Gravity last night. I can't speak for the technical aspect, but the cinematography and acting by Sandra Bullock was amazing. I'll be surprised if she doesn't at least get nominated for an Academy Award, if not win it for best actress.

The wife and I went to see Gravity a few weeks ago in 3D and it was incredible! 

Agreed. Just saw it in 3D last night and it looked amazing! It has the same space movie eerie feeling like from 2001 or Moon, and its limited dialogue and special effects really make it an experience. Wonder if it'll translate well to small screen.
Saw the Stallone/Schwarzenegger in Escape Plan yesterday. Not bad, decent plot, good story line...the ending sucked in my opinion though.
Not A Nice Person said:
Pacific Rim.  

That was just . . . epic.  Wow.  Incredible CGI/effects. great storyline.  Live action mecha FTW.
I'm watching it a couple more times before I send it back to Netflix.  :love:
Ain't gunna win any Academy Awards for acting, but who cares....they blow tons of sh*t up!
jfields said:

Wife and I went to see Gravity last night. I can't speak for the technical aspect, but the cinematography and acting by Sandra Bullock was amazing. I'll be surprised if she doesn't at least get nominated for an Academy Award, if not win it for best actress.
We saw this at the iMax in 3D. Technically it seemed plausible to me, but the entertainment factor is amazing!
Lone Survivor: 5 out of 5 I'm sure most of you have seen this movie by now but hands down the best movie for me in 2014! If you haven't seen it yet what the hell are you waiting for. Don't rent it BUY IT!


Fury: 4 out of 5 What a great movie with outstanding special effects. Brad Pitt was great in this and really gets into a character. The other lead rolls were outstanding as well like Shia Lebeouf and Jon Bernthal from The Walking Dead. There was a few great scenes that really sucked you into the movie and made you feel what the young kid was feeling. Must see movie for any action or wAR fan.

Fault in Our Stars: 3 out of 5 I've said it before it's ok for a grown man to cry during a movie. If you feel as though you need a good cry or want to see a different twist on a love story pop this in. Watch it with the misses.

If I Stay: 4 out of 5 Ok now if you really want a good cry you will sit down to this movie after the one above like my wife thought was a good idea. Great movie but just none stop sad and makes you think about how short life can be and how fast you can be gone. I'd recommend it but again watch it with the misses.

Nightstalker: 3 out of 5 very unrealistic and the ending was strange and abrupt. However Jake Gillinhall was great in this movie and so creepy you forgot who he is. Give it a shot.

Divergent: 5 out of 5 If you are a fan of SciFi and adventure movies this is for you. Watch it soon because the sequel comes out next month. My wife reads alot of books and then when they come out as movies I watch them with her. This one sucked me in and I look forward to the next movie. Watch it.

I would like to get this thread back up and going in memory of Jon so help me out. What movies have you guys seen that you liked or didn't?

I look forward to hearing from you.
Neither a movie nor a rental, but I just burned through Marco Polo on Netflix and really enjoyed it.