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Opus X

Tobacco ETC #1 (Friendswood Texas)
Tobacco ETC #2 (Pearland, Texas)

Look them up, we have been in business for over 8 years at both. These are both mainly cigarette shops, but we have always carried Cigars there too. Full humidor cabinets of cigars. We actually just expanded Friendswood Cigar cabinets..

The cigar shop is a completely different entity.

What is it they say..."anything after BUT is bullshit."

Or is it:


edit....Jimmy...go here www.cigarfamily.com, can talk more over there...on Friday(it's SALE DAY!) :thumbs:
You'd be suprised, we have a pretty good selection at those shops.

You're active at the CigarFamily community too?

You could sell them over there for $50, try it.


Friday is sale day at CigarFamily.com, but if you prefer not to discount, you can post regular prices any day of the week. I probably shouldn't mention this publicly, but last week some dealer sold through multiple boxes of Opus X #4s @ $60.00 each. The members at cigarfamily.com have deep pockets - just make sure you post prices publicly or those guys will flood your account with PMs & emails. :cool:

Here is a suggestion.

Step away from the keyboard and step away from CigarPass. For a little while at least.

Take some time and learn the industry. Learn about the brands, learn about the customer base, learn about the MANY cigar communities that make this industry unique.

No one has said how you got your cigars were wrong, however you cannot claim to know this business and then come to a site like this and post that kind of crap. Period. End of discussion. Your attempts at defending your actions is what made this worse for you.

There is a huge difference in selling cigars from the large manufacturers in a tobacco/cigarette shop (as you called it) and running a quality cigar shop.

Those large manufactures will sell their product to anyone who will put them on their shelves. Which is why you see their product in every kind of store imaginable.

Just becasue the liquor store down the street has a large humidor in thier store, I would not consider any of the persons working there knowledgeable about cigars.

This site loves nothing more to welcome new members who want to share and contribute. It also values its members who are retailers who understand the industry and what it takes to be successful. Many of those retailers get a lot of business from the members here.

We are especially wary of gougers and people only here to make a profit.

And yes, this site like all others, loves to make fodder of those who come here and make an ass of themselves. However the true sign of those individuals is how they respond and act in the future. And to be honest, your treatment is by no means the worst of what some others in the past have gotten.

Ball is in your court.

Well spoken Al, and well taken...to the heart.

For all CP members: I'll give this forum a rest as suggested. Let things cool off, and start fresh (without Opus X deals :p )

R & J
Just cut your losses and move on from this thread, man. Some people won't believe you no matter what you say. They don't have to.

Become a member of the community and offer up good deals when you can or just move on entirely. You're not going to make anything "right" in this thread now, it's too late. Let this thread die and let your actions speak for themselves outside of here. Or just move on...

Take the advice here to heart and learn about your business and your customers.

ETA: Well said Al. Better than I. :)
Well spoken Al, and well taken...to the heart.

For all CP members: I'll give this forum a rest as suggested. Let things cool off, and start fresh (without Opus X deals :p )

R & J

With that attitude you could make amends and fit in here. As far as the sticks go, I could taste a few for you and let you know what to sell them for. Really, I don't mind.
Well spoken Al, and well taken...to the heart.

For all CP members: I'll give this forum a rest as suggested. Let things cool off, and start fresh (without Opus X deals :p )

R & J

With that attitude you could make amends and fit in here. As far as the sticks go, I could taste a few for you and let you know what to sell them for. Really, I don't mind.

Amen to that!
...and one last note, I saw someone mention it above. These are from 92's, not 05's or anything like you see online.

Man, you should really know your product before you start posting about it.

Stick around, you can learn a few things.

(posted for clarity's sake... and I agree, Jzaid84 seems clueless about the product he's pushing)

Opus X cigars did not exist in 1992. "1992" is written on every Opus X box, it is NOT a date code. 1992 is when the "seeds of hope" (Opus X Rosado wrapper seeds) were planted. Opus X cigars were not available to the public until late 1995, and even then only in a few areas on the east coast.
Pricing of Opus is based on what we paid for it (and after all this shit, we know we paid to much..and we are doing something about it). I get it!

Why have you been claiming that these cigars are from 1992? Wouldn't it be prudent for a savvy businessman to have somewhat of a clue about the product he's selling?
Not sure how you guys are getting $12 for an MSRP and $18, etc.

The $48.99 (box price) was actually for the Coffin Opus X "A"; the 9.2 x 47. The worker I got there, I assume, was confused on which cigar you asked him about. Those, however, were ordered for a specific customer...he's buying the whole box.

The boxes I got in, for retail purposes, is the Opus X Reserva D' Cheateau. The Retail, in store price, is going to be $39.99 on that per cigar, not $48.99. With the 10% off for CP members, it's like $36.00 a pop. Now before everyone starts jumping down my throat, here are some online comparisons on the same exact cigars...from very reputable dealers:






As you can see, most of the Reserves are going for about $33 or $34 with exception for one site I believe. Given we are a retail store, I think the $39.99 is not too bad considering we are not far off from the online price (and with the 10%, we are right on it).

Sorry for the confusion...and for those who are hating, that is not necessary.


Jimmy... you just quoted some of the WORST gougers in the business. I'm sorry... I don't know you from anyone, but you're either extremely clueless about the product you're selling, or you're extremely disingenuous. Neither reflects well on your business.

This is the accurate Opus X MSRP. The "discounted" $36 a pop price you note is about 3x MSRP for the Reserva d'Chateau.

Please stop attempting to scam people here, whether on purpose or by ignorance.
I bought them from a Cigar wholesaler/distributor. Im starting to think that they are price gouging on the Opus...based on what all of you fellas are telling me. This really really concerns me...

I know a little bit about the cigar business. I'd be throughly entertained if you'd reveal who this "cigar wholesaler/distributor" is. They are most certainly not what you are claiming them to be.
Jimmy, I have been a member of quite a few cigar BB's for years, and a lurker for a decade. All though you may feel as though you have taken a beating here, the CP members have been quite considerate even though you did one of the worst things possible. As you can see, these cigar BB's are different than most other BB's in that we are very tight communities that pride themselves on helping each other and sharing kindness, sincerity and friendship. You joined to sell product, on Rod's dime and the prices that you tried to sell at, would be considered price raping.

You could probably learn more here and some of the other fine BB's than just about anywhere else in the cigar industry. Here, you will get a clear vision of what your customers think, want and don't want. Many businesses pay a fortune for that info.

Step back, but don't disappear. Be a member, meet locals, add something to the community.
Just an update guys: I talked about and discussed this situation with the wholesaler whom we bought the sticks from, and to my pleasure, we were credited a little over $600 per box. This should already tell you that we over paid for these items (since MSRP seems to be about $415 for this size).

During this period of time, we lowered our retail price (since it was now reasonable) to $18.99 - 10% off, so $16.99. We had several calls to the store, some from out of state, and some local. Most of them, we had to turn away because at the point in time, we hadn't settled the issue; however, those that called after the issue was resolved, were ecstatic to hear we had some in stock and we did place orders.

We have already sold out (we originally bought 4 boxes of these). Two of our main customers from Pearland each bought a box (we gave them 15% off, so box price was around $515. Is this good?), and the other box was sold off stick-by-stick basis. The 4th box Im keeping for myself....not sure what I'll do with them...

Just a final note, and I do mean final (for this topic), I want to apologize for this little firecracker of a topic and for my ability to not realize that I was paying too much for these sticks (which in turn caused me to ask too much). It's been a hell of a day, believe me, but it's over now. Im tired and Iv been through 4 managers to get this resolved, and now I just need some rest. I would like to thank this community, and I hope I'll be welcome here for years to come.

R & J Cigars

Note: We are working on a 5 Pack Sampler for CP Only. It will consist of 5 fuller bodied smokes at a very good price for you guys. They will be shipped in Humidi Packs (cost on us) and I'll try to work out shipping to be free. This is being done as a thank you as well as to earn the respect of you guys.

R & J
Still an awful lot of questions left unanswered, or dodged... color me unimpressed. I certainly have no intention of patronizing your business (in either sense of the word).
Just an update guys: I talked about and discussed this situation with the wholesaler whom we bought the sticks from, and to my pleasure, we were credited a little over $600 per box. This should already tell you that we over paid for these items (since MSRP seems to be about $415 for this size).

During this period of time, we lowered our retail price (since it was now reasonable) to $18.99 - 10% off, so $16.99. We had several calls to the store, some from out of state, and some local. Most of them, we had to turn away because at the point in time, we hadn't settled the issue; however, those that called after the issue was resolved, were ecstatic to hear we had some in stock and we did place orders.

We have already sold out (we originally bought 4 boxes of these). Two of our main customers from Pearland each bought a box (we gave them 15% off, so box price was around $515. Is this good?), and the other box was sold off stick-by-stick basis. The 4th box Im keeping for myself....not sure what I'll do with them...

Just a final note, and I do mean final (for this topic), I want to apologize for this little firecracker of a topic and for my ability to not realize that I was paying too much for these sticks (which in turn caused me to ask too much). It's been a hell of a day, believe me, but it's over now. Im tired and Iv been through 4 managers to get this resolved, and now I just need some rest. I would like to thank this community, and I hope I'll be welcome here for years to come.

R & J Cigars

Note: We are working on a 5 Pack Sampler for CP Only. It will consist of 5 fuller bodied smokes at a very good price for you guys. They will be shipped in Humidi Packs (cost on us) and I'll try to work out shipping to be free. This is being done as a thank you as well as to earn the respect of you guys.

R & J

Credited $2400. Wow.