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was too late for BBBW or Road Rash, but I did grab some more BB4D :D

I picked up 6 bottles of Parabola, 2 each of Yeti Choc and Expresso Stout, 1 Palatte Wrecker, 1 Great Divide 18th Anny IPA, the last 3 of Uncle Jacobs Stout and a Stone/Bottleworks 13th anny. It was a good day at the store today.
Bought a sixer of Karma from Avery. Bombers from Bear Republic, red rocket Ashlee and tracer 5, a West Coat IPA, a Lagunitas Lucky 13, and 2 Done Russian Imperial Stout 2012.
Dry Dock Vanilla Porter, Wells Banana Bread Ale, Sam'l Smith Raspberry Ale
I went to Spec's looking for pumpkin beer and pick these up:

Wasatch Pumpkin Ale
Old Rasputin
Yeti Chocolate Stout
Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale
Spaten Oktoberfest
Saint Arnold Oktoberfest
Ugly Pug Black Larger.

The pumpkin beers are not on the shelves yet here, I bought the only one they had. I am looking foreward to the Tank and Wasatch, both are new to me.
I did see an interesting bottle, but could not bring my self to try it....

Rouge Voodoo Doughnut Bacon Maple Ale
I drove through Tallahassee a few days ago, narrowly missing the store's allotted three cases of Cigar City Marshal Zukhov's Russian Imperial Stout. I did pick up four bottles of Big Sound and two Bolita Brown Ales, making a very good consolation prize.
I went to Spec's looking for pumpkin beer and pick these up:

Wasatch Pumpkin Ale
Old Rasputin
Yeti Chocolate Stout
Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale
Spaten Oktoberfest
Saint Arnold Oktoberfest
Ugly Pug Black Larger.

The pumpkin beers are not on the shelves yet here, I bought the only one they had. I am looking foreward to the Tank and Wasatch, both are new to me.
I did see an interesting bottle, but could not bring my self to try it....

Rouge Voodoo Doughnut Bacon Maple Ale

Don't bother with the Rouge Voodoo Doughnut Bacon Maple Ale. Total disappointment...tastes nothing like a Bacon Maple Doughnut...doesn't. You taste a bit of maple, and what is supposed to represent bacon is just a smoky flavor, and not a good one at that...that's it.
I dont knwo iwhy but I had a Unibroue urge this wek end:
-Fin du monde
-Eau benite
-Trois pistole
I went to Spec's looking for pumpkin beer and pick these up:

Wasatch Pumpkin Ale
Old Rasputin
Yeti Chocolate Stout
Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale
Spaten Oktoberfest
Saint Arnold Oktoberfest
Ugly Pug Black Larger.

The pumpkin beers are not on the shelves yet here, I bought the only one they had. I am looking foreward to the Tank and Wasatch, both are new to me.
I did see an interesting bottle, but could not bring my self to try it....

Rouge Voodoo Doughnut Bacon Maple Ale

Don't bother with the Rouge Voodoo Doughnut Bacon Maple Ale. Total disappointment...tastes nothing like a Bacon Maple Doughnut...doesn't. You taste a bit of maple, and what is supposed to represent bacon is just a smoky flavor, and not a good one at that...that's it.

Thanks Dave, I didnt think it would live up to it's name.
Deschutes Obsidian Stout
Youngs Double Chocolate in cans..........I have only had it in bottles before.
Stone Smoked Porter W/ Chipotle Peppers....I can't wait to try this!
A lot of Sam Adams winter lager is in my future!!! And maybe the winter collection pack, with the new white ale? Anyone tried it yet?