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So how long until some perv lures kids to his van with this craziness.....

I predict this will be seen more often.

Already stories about people being lured into armed robbery by looking for these critters. Darwin effect.
Not entirely unexpected, people are starting to play this game where it's completely inappropriate. Both Arlington National Cemetery and the Holocaust Museum have had visitors messing around playing and are trying to get themselves removed from the app. Apparently there is some sort of gas emitting Pokemon that can be caught near one of the exhibits where gas chamber survivors tell their story. Not cool.

That's really effed up.
My neighbor works in the ER in my area and he said they are starting to see patients coming in from injuries from Pokemon. From minor things like twisted ankles and cuts from running into things while starring at their phone, to more major things like being hit by cars while on bikes and stuff.
Yeah there's no way that's actually true (the Holocaust part) unless it was by virtue of a complete accident. Pokémon appear randomly around check-in's and they only appear for 30 minutes and then a random generator kicks out new ones in new locations based on probability. No doubt it's possible it was up for 30 minutes by complete chance, but there's no way one is "hiding" in the gas chamber waiting for people from all over the country to drive there and catch him. There are no "global" pokemon that stay put in one spot that we know of yet. I doubt they'd do that because it really removes the possibility of others getting one.

There have been some strange things happening just by proxy of selecting random spots on a map of the US to put check-ins. For instance, a church was restructured into a home, and being that it was a church 5 years ago it became a check-in. So now this random guy who owns church-home has creepy people outside on his front lawn 24 hours a day "checking-in" to that location.

Stuff like that will have to get fixed. It's like booking a thousand hotels all over the country while blindfolded. Chances are, you'll end up in at least one dumpster-fire.
People still have to have some dang common sense. Don't walk into traffic, don't hunt pokemon while driving. Natural selection taking place perhaps?:rolleyes:
Yeah there's no way that's actually true (the Holocaust part) unless it was by virtue of a complete accident.

It was in the Washington Post this morning. People grabbing Pokemon while going through the museum. The particular pokemon I'm talking about is the main one they worry about popping up due to the obvious insensitivity of it all. I don't believe that there is anything intentional about it.

Natural selection taking place perhaps?:rolleyes:

Yes! Darwinism at it's finest.
I've already had a kid come into the ER with a broken bone because of that game. 10 years ago we thought we were going to cure cancer. Now we're chasing virtual Pokemon. We're doomed.
I enjoy playing this game here and there if I'm out, but I can't imagine just blindly walking and not paying attention to my surroundings. Maybe there are all these accidents because it lured out the hermits who forgot how to function outside :eek::D

:p read somewhere two idiots walked off a cliff following Pokeman. Morons. Makes me want a smartphone even less (no, I do not have one) People look like zombies walking around, bumping into each other, not really talking... Idiocracy is here.

:p read somewhere two idiots walked off a cliff following Pokeman. Morons. Makes me want a smartphone even less (no, I do not have one) People look like zombies walking around, bumping into each other, not really talking... Idiocracy is here.
You should have seen the parking lot I was in last night...same thing, but people doing it in the car :eek: scary
I was at Put-in-bay today cruising around with my fam on a golf cart when this other cart full of 20somethings pass me then turn right in front of me we were turning the same way then all of a sudden te hit the brakes and swerve to the right. I said "you were in such a hurry to pass us just to turn in front and almost cause me to hit you?" They said "sorry we saw some Pokemon over here"
OMG I'm beginning to loath this game.
The coffee shop I helped open in Bloomington sent a request to the company behind the game after it had been out for 5 days asking if they could pay to make their coffee shop a check-in... The company actually replied and said they already had a 3 year waiting list full of requests from businesses... So they are welcome to get in line...
Saw on the news about a donut shop having check ins and a gym, so they made pokeball donuts. Profits went up about 15% or so.