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La Aroma de Cuba Marquis (tubo)


Just livin' the dream
Dec 9, 2004
I like to do reviews of cigars I haven't smoked before. Also, I like to play around with new gadgets when I get them (Giggity!). Since I just got a Motorola Q phone, I figured I'd dig in the humi for something I haven't smoked before and do a photo review. Keep in mind, the pics aren't that great because they were taken with a cell phone, although it's a pretty cool one considering it wasn't that expensive.

The cigar I selected was a La Aroma de Cuba Marquis tubo that was gifted to me sometime in early 2006, though I'm not exactly sure when. The only vitola I've smoked from this brand was the Corona Minor. It's been a few years since then, but I remember enjoying it very much. Hopes were high for this cigar.

Scene of the crime: The patio behind my new house. Gotta get 'er broken in.

The setup:

Accompanying the cigar:

One of my favorite small batch bourbons, Woodford Reserve...

The Muddy Waters Collection (via my iPod played through my laptop...remember CD's?)...

...and my dog Stormy, who was a little camera-shy.

Extracting the cigar from the tube, I found a pretty nice-looking stick. Not small, but not huge (5.75 x 48). Nice looking oily wrapper. A little on the veiny side, but I've seen worse.

This cigar lit up extremely easily and evenly. It immediately produced copious amounts of smoke. I thought it may be a sign of good things to come. About a quarter of the way through, I was waiting for something to comment on. It didn't taste bad, it just didn't taste much of anything. I would characterize it as almost medium-bodied because I could feel it in my throat a little bit, but it had an extremely short (almost non-existant) finish. Virtually no flavor at all.

Exactly 1.57 seconds after snapping this picture, I accidentally ashed on my lap. Fantastic.

At first, I withheld judgment because I believe you can't really get a good idea about a cigar until your at least halfway through it. I kept waiting (re: hoping) the flavor would begin to show a little bit of complexity. At the midpoint, I was still a little disappointed.

About two minutes after snapping THIS picture, I ashed on the the keyboard of my laptop. After going 0-for-2 on the night, I'm beginning to wonder why I even brought the ashtray out here with me.

At the three-quarter point, I'm convinced this cigar isn't going to have much to offer. The flavor picked up a bit, but it was too little too late.

It fizzled out on me shortly thereafter. Time to pack it in.

Overall, this was a disappointment to me, given how much I enjoyed the Corona Minor from this brand. It didn't taste bad, but was pretty bland for my palate. I think this would be a good smoke for someone who was new to cigars and didn't want to smoke Macanudos. As for me, I lack the vocabulary to adequately express my opinion of this cigar, so I figured the best way would be to put a new spin on an old classic...


Overall: 6 out of 10
I was hoping the pictures would turn out a little better than they did. Oh well, I guess phones are for talkin' anyway.
Nice beverage selection!

I have had several sizes of the Aroma de Cuba line and find them to be hit or miss. Thanks for the review!
Great review.

In that last pic you look like Shane MacGowan (the Pogues) back when he used to still have teeth.

I've always liked the Aroma de Cuba robusto size. In fact, first box I ever bought was just that. Haven't had one in a while now. And I still have cd's you fugger. I'm holdin out for the I-Phone.
Nice review, these have been very hit and miss for me as well.

Looks kinda like this guy to me


Nice review and pics... too bad the smoke didn't turn out to have a little more to it, though. :)
I just finished one of these. I have several other sticks on my "to smoke sooner than later" list, but I wanted a cigar that I wouldn't have to really think about, because I was rather distracted, so I thought this would fit the bill. I smoked a corona from this line a few months ago and was nonplussed, but I thought I'd better give them another chance after seeing a few people say they liked them. I grabbed a robusto this time, and it certainly had a better flavor. Medium, straightforward tobacco, nothing really stood out. I don't think I'd buy another, but I would not turn it down if it was handed to me. Construction and draw were great, until about 2 inches left, when the wrapper simply refused to burn and the cigar tunnelled in about 1/2 inch. It was strange, I only noticed it when I ashed, and the cherry was way down inside the wrapper, like a scared turtle. Then it went out on me, so I pitched it with about 1 1/2 inches left. But it worked well for its purpose - a pleasant cigar that I could smoke without giving it any thought.
Nice review and pics! Shame the smoke wasn't so great. I know I hate it when the ash falls off. I was taking a draw on a smoke the other night and a big azz ash turd fell right down my coat sleeve up to the elbow. I just stood there counting to 10. :D
Thanks for the great review!

Having gone through a couple of boxes of these, my main complaint is lack of consistency. Out of a box of 20, I get maybe 4 that are flat, tastewise. While it's very possible you just don't like this cigar, you may want to try another one in the future. Despite not being a great cigar, I often find them flavorful. Also, I got them on cbid for near $40/box. :D
As for me, I lack the vocabulary to adequately express my opinion of this cigar, so I figured the best way would be to put a new spin on an old classic...


Hehe, that's priceless. Additionally, maybe I won't try this cigar out anyways...
I'm currently smoking this cigar and vitola. I honestly think you might have gotten a dud. So far in the first third, it's been really pleasant. I taste a great mix of cream and nuttiness, while being extremely smooth...the taste almost falls off my palate. Definitely a mild-medium smoke (mostly medium). I'm really diggin this cigar! :thumbs:

I really like this line. I haven't tried every vitola, but have had two of the tubos recently. I think you might have gotten a dud, or I have really good luck with this line. I have not had the "hit or miss" experience that some of the others have had. I'll need to try a few more now (twist my rubber arm), because this cigar is definatly on my box list, just what size? Lord knows they have every damn size ever made.
RH is also a factor, of course.

I had my first one of these last night in the Cetro vitola. I was very impressed with this smoke. I thought it had a great flavor, flawless construction, and burned very well. I am now on the search to find more of these. I guess it suits my taste profile.
La Aroma Corona Minor .Try it you will like it.Go to 25 cigar reviews.
I have had a couple since i saw this thread. I will admit that i find them pretty one-dimensional, but i think the flavor is very nice, and construction is good, though i have had some where the wrapper looked like it was going to leave me. I really like the Cetro size but have had many other sizes too. I think you should give it another try, but try the Cetro.