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Not Funny. Not funny at all.

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Proud Father of a Kearney, NE LEO
Staff member
Jan 31, 2005
So, I got a bomb today from MandyPi. No note, nothing enclosed, except four sticks......and an unwrapped tampon with a band on it.

I'm flummoxed as to the point that's trying to be made here. Is this a direct slam on me? If it is, let's just use words we can all understand without resorting to childish crude stunts. Is this a slam on the brotherhood and the whole concept of a bomb? Some folks will get what this place is about, and the friendships it brings, and the loyalty we all have for each other.....but some won't. Perhaps you're in that lot; so be it. Was this a really poor attempt at humor? I'm not amused.

After asking the opinion of several BOTL's I respect, I decided to make this public with the hope that this sort of childish bull s#!t stops here and now. I don't see the need for a "pile on" party but I did want this out in the open. You guys make up your own mind.

MandyPi, I'll mail your sticks back to your tomorrow, tampon included. Keep 'em.

Wow, I've had occasion to interact with Mandi recently. Didn't strike me as the type to slam people. But, then again what do I know.
Glad to see you took my advice. This might explain to some of you newbs why I took exception to some of the stuff that was being posted in another thread.

WTF? If it was somebody you knew it might be taken for a joke, in bad taste, but a joke none-the-less. But to have a noob do something like that is unfathomable.
I'm still a n00blet here, but that strikes me as being in bad taste.

Things that should be added to a bomb in addition to sticks would seem to be things like a flask, a holder, things that are related to the enjoyment of the smokes. I thought it was supposed to be a gift (in this case a gesture to the BOtL's that have kept this great community going), not a slam; even if we're calling it the newb war.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong please.
WTF? If it was somebody you knew it might be taken for a joke, in bad taste, but a joke none-the-less. But to have a noob do something like that is unfathomable.
To be clear, this was out of the blue. I have not had any contact with this person prior to today.


This is perhaps yet another example of an ill-conceived attempt at humor. When you're new and have no history to speak of (I read all 40 of his posts) it's typically a really, really bad idea to start off with off-color, controversial, or potentially offensive actions especially if you provide no context whatsoever (e.g., no note).

I hope that MandyPi will contact you or post here and provide some explanation, even if it's just "I'm sorry. It was a crappy attempt at humor. No offense was intended."

All I personally want to know is that this is resolved to Tom's complete satisfaction. No other outcome should be acceptable.

I am assuming it was a joke in bad taste. Fellow noobs. Please, I beg you please, take this noob/fog war for what it is. RESPECT. This is all about showing respect for the FOGS. You can and will learn a lot from them. I know I have.

I am assuming that this is a bomb from the war.
All I personally want to know is that this is resolved to Tom's complete satisfaction. No other outcome should be acceptable.

I'll mail the sticks back, and put him on ignore. Suits me fine; you guys make up your own mind.

Given the lack of contact this seems odd. Hell, I met you at Quad-state, but I certainly don't know you well enough for any inside joke.
All I personally want to know is that this is resolved to Tom's complete satisfaction. No other outcome should be acceptable.

I'll mail the sticks back, and put him on ignore. Suits me fine; you guys make up your own mind.

In that case, since you'll have him on ignore, please allow me to follow up and see that this is taken care of.

MandyPi, let's hear it, man. What were you thinking?

Okay, I'm a stupid newbie, and I'm probably headed to most of your ignore lists as well, but I believe what I believe so here goes.

I don't know what the intent was, and I'm sure it was an attempt at humor. Obviously it offended you BBS, and you have your reasons I guess. I think it may have been bad judgement on his part, or something that maybe he considered funny. This has happened several times recently, and you guys are ready to burn at the stake anyone who makes a mistake. No chance to explain? No "hey I f'd up"? No shot at redemption? Just brand them all with the scarlett letter, and run them off?

We are called newbies for a reason. We don't know. We are going to make mistakes. We hope for some guidance and leadership from those of you that have been here. We read and read, and we see some FOG's post lyrics, and jokes, and comments telling how stupid we are, and how we don't measure up, and on and on. We try to give a little back now, and hopefully a lot more later as we move up in stature. Then we make a mistake, and we're out. Burned at the stake, banned for life, ignored, treated like we are the plague.

I have nothing but respect for those of you that have built this community, and allowed me to be a part of it. I'm a participant in the newbie war, and I'm getting ready to send out a package to someone I think is an amazing BOTL. But I'm getting scared to make a wrong step. I was going to throw in a few items I think will make my package fun and lightheart, but I'm rethinking that as I type this. I like to poke funny jabs at people, and make smart a$$ comments. That's who I am, but I'm not sure I want to anymore. I don't want to offend any of you. I like most all of you.

I guess what I'm saying is, I will never intentionally insult any of you, but if I do I don't want to be shunned because of it. I'm just asking those of you that are here, and respected to please, please give us a chance to redeem ourselves if we screw up. Some of us just don't know sometimes.
Obviously it offended you BBS, and you have your reasons I guess.
One thought; had my wife opened the package, she may not have found the humor in it.


I wasn't saying you shouldn't have been offended. I'm sure you have your reasons, and your reasons are all you need. I'm just saying, it feels like we/I/us are not allowed to make mistakes. I know that at some point I will step in it, then shove my foot deep down my throat. I probably just did. I just don't want to constantly feel like we/I/us have to be on pins and needles to not make a mistake. I'm just asking for a little leniency, and shot at second chance.

I hope you will give MandyPi, at the least, a chance to apologize and explain. However, it's ultimately your decision, and I respect it no matter what it is.
Would you send a tampon to ANYONE you don't know? If you answered yes then there may be nothing we can do for you but that doesn't mean you can't redeem yourself through your portent and future actions.
Okay, I'm a stupid newbie, and I'm probably headed to most of your ignore lists as well, but I believe what I believe so here goes.

I don't know what the intent was, and I'm sure it was an attempt at humor. Obviously it offended you BBS, and you have your reasons I guess. I think it may have been bad judgement on his part, or something that maybe he considered funny. This has happened several times recently, and you guys are ready to burn at the stake anyone who makes a mistake. No chance to explain? No "hey I f'd up"? No shot at redemption? Just brand them all with the scarlett letter, and run them off?

We are called newbies for a reason. We don't know. We are going to make mistakes. We hope for some guidance and leadership from those of you that have been here. We read and read, and we see some FOG's post lyrics, and jokes, and comments telling how stupid we are, and how we don't measure up, and on and on. We try to give a little back now, and hopefully a lot more later as we move up in stature. Then we make a mistake, and we're out. Burned at the stake, banned for life, ignored, treated like we are the plague.

I have nothing but respect for those of you that have built this community, and allowed me to be a part of it. I'm a participant in the newbie war, and I'm getting ready to send out a package to someone I think is an amazing BOTL. But I'm getting scared to make a wrong step. I was going to throw in a few items I think will make my package fun and lightheart, but I'm rethinking that as I type this. I like to poke funny jabs at people, and make smart a$$ comments. That's who I am, but I'm not sure I want to anymore. I don't want to offend any of you. I like most all of you.

I guess what I'm saying is, I will never intentionally insult any of you, but if I do I don't want to be shunned because of it. I'm just asking those of you that are here, and respected to please, please give us a chance to redeem ourselves if we screw up. Some of us just don't know sometimes.
This is beyond screwing up. It was a reprehensible and disgusting act. It's wasn't funny under any circumstances. I would expect this behavior from a middle school student, not an adult. Even the 8th grader would expect to face unpleasant consequences.

there's, lighthearted and then there's crude. I think this is the later.

I too wouldn't know what to make of the tampon in the box. Maybe if there was a note inclosed to explain the intended purpose of inclosing it, than yes, i can see taking it that way, but to just throw something like that in the box with no explanation or note at all does err on the side of crude.

I'd like to apologize BBS....I hope this doesn't put the noobie vs. FOG war in a bad light as most of us are here and involved in it for the appreciation for all the FOGs and what they have to offer to the boards, yourself included. I hope we can all move forward and continue to bomb and PIF each other until we're blue in the face......noob or FOG.
Would you send a tampon to ANYONE you don't know? If you answered yes then there may be nothing we can do for you but that doesn't mean you can't redeem yourself through your portent and future actions.

No, I wouldn't do that. But that doesn't mean that I wouldn't say or do something else that I thought seemed acceptable to me, but ends up offending another. I don't have a problem with BBS getting upset over this, but then everyone else piles on, and it seems like the offender is black listed. I get mad. I get offended, but I also like to think that I try to give a shot at redemption.
Busy for a Friday night.

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