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Anti-Smoking maniacs


New Member
Feb 20, 2008
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So today I got out of my college classes and me and a bud decide to go down to the local park beside the college, it's a really nice day out so we thought we would blow a couple hours. Anyways we're sitting on a park picnic table and since my bud is a smoker so I figure what the hell I'm going to pull out my briar and have a smoke. So I take my pipe out, pack it, get it up and smoking. About 25 minuets later we see this woman and she is waving at us, but it was more of a frantic wave then a greeting wave. So she starts walking towards us and she's pointing to her mouth and shaking her head "no". So I look at my friend and me and him are both confused beyond belief and then it hits me. "Is she signaling at me about my pipe?"

Well what do you know she is still walking towards us and I mean she was almost at the other end of the park, so it's not like its a small walk. So she finally gets up to us and says "Do you know what you are doing?" I say to her "No this isnt the green stuff this is real tobacco, don't worry" thinking that many times I've smoked my pipe people assume I'm smoking the wacky tobaccy. So she says "No no no I'm trying to save you from killing yourself by smoking..dont you know its bad for you?" Then she has the nerve to try and reach out and take my pipe from my hand...I mean what the hell. So I step back abit and say "What the heck are you doing" So she goes on about the dangers of smoking as if I havent heard them all before and talking to me like I was a kid. Anyways I stop her acouple times and say "We'll it is my decision and I know the risks thank you for the concern" but she just keeps going on and on and on blabbing her mouth. So finally she finishes and says "I hope my kids dont grow up to be a smoker like you" Anyways I could cuss her out at this point but instead I try to take the civil route and say "Yeah just what we need more kids having their parents make decisions for them, when your kid gets to highschool and realizes they can make their own decisions they will realize the kind of bitch that you are" Well she stomped off quite PO'ed and I enjoyed the rest of my pipe.

So has anyone else ran into another of these people? I mean I've had people say "Well you know smoking is bad for you" to which I usually respond "Yes I know the risks, thanks for the concern" but this woman my god she was just over the edge...she even said at one point in her "inspiring speech" that I was killing kids. Crazy anti-smoking Nazis...... anyone else met any of them?
They don't generally get past the first sentence with me. Must be something about the eyes as I look at them with my own level of disgust.

It takes all kinds to make the world go 'round.
I've never had to deal with any "mainiacs" face to face, but maybe that's because I go out of my way to make sure I'm not going to offend anyone. If someone came across a park to get in my face over a cigar, we'd have a "lively" discussion, to be sure.

Truth is I do the bulk of my smoking here at home on my deck. Only risk there is ending up with a small dog in your lap or having the neighbor smell my cigar and come over to join me..... :laugh:

Regards - B.B.S.
They don't generally get past the first sentence with me. Must be something about the eyes as I look at them with my own level of disgust.

It takes all kinds to make the world go 'round.

I am right there with you on this one. No one gets much beyond 'hello'.
I've never had to deal with any "mainiacs" face to face, but maybe that's because I go out of my way to make sure I'm not going to offend anyone. If someone came across a park to get in my face over a cigar, we'd have a "lively" discussion, to be sure.

Truth is I do the bulk of my smoking here at home on my deck. Only risk there is ending up with a small dog in your lap or having the neighbor smell my cigar and come over to join me..... :laugh:

Regards - B.B.S.


slow down man, you can only live on the edge so long before you fall off. I bet you also tempt fate by drinking the milk on the sell by date.... :laugh:

They don't generally get past the first sentence with me. Must be something about the eyes as I look at them with my own level of disgust.

It takes all kinds to make the world go 'round.

I am right there with you on this one. No one gets much beyond 'hello'.

That is because you my friend are in fact a lawyer..... :sign:

I always like to listen to them agree 100% with what they are saying the whole time, while I stand there and continue my smoking....

In my experience it has been women who are quicker to vocalize their opposition. Most people will comment under their breath rather then confront me directly. I always make sure the breeze carries toward them.
My neighbors protest by slamming their windows shut when I'm on my deck. The echo of the frame on the sill rings for a block... hysterical.
The "Do Not F With Me" eyes work pretty well, and no I haven't had the same kind of confrontation... yet.
I had some elderly gentleman approach me out of the blue once and start lecturing. I simply interrupted him, and said, "Excuse me, sir. I don't recall asking for your input. Should I need your opinion, I'll be sure to ask you for it."

He walked away without another word.
I would have told that woman one of two things...

(the rude route)

"If you're so worried about the dangers of smoking, I suggest you get the hell away from me."

(the comical route)

"I just had Taco Bell, so if you think my smoke smells bad, stick around for a few minutes, I've got something else for you to try."
Out of curiosity, does anybody get flak for cigar smoke from cigarette smokers? I could be in the same area and they will give me the stink eye when I begin, but they just went through a pack.

edited for spelling
BTW are your from/in Canada???

Socialized medicine and all that probably makes them all the more bold if so. Also the horrifying warning lables that we all hate on our cigar boxes all started with the Canadians...Maybe Wingo and Parker have it right....lol
Never had someone come up to me and start lecturing, however I have had people fake cough and make comments under their breath. Gotten several dirty looks. Even the flailing of hands like they're trying to swat a swarm of angry bees.

I always make a point to never smoke in an area where smoking is not permitted. Even though I always try to be courteous, there are always those nazi's who need the attention.

You should have let her take your pipe, and then called the cops and had her arrested for robbery. If someone reached out to try and take my cigar, not quite sure how I'd react, but I'm sure it would get the attention of others nearby.
Out of curiosity, does anybody get flak for cigar smoke from cigarette smokers? I could be in the same area and they will give me the stink eye when I begin, but they just went through a pack.

edited for spelling

Been there.

I tried not to laugh at her, but this lady at a campground we stayed at this past summer was a riot. She was sucking down the cigs faster than you could imagine, but once I pulled out a cigar she started to wave her hand and cough. She even got up and moved away from me at one point. Mind you, we are all sitting around a campfire with its smoke blowing all around too, but she sat right through that and only started to cough and wave the hands whenever my cigar smoke went her way.

You could use the line I give the PETA freaks when they call me a murderer for hunting.

"Lady, if I am a killer, then should you really be messing with me?"
BTW are your from/in Canada???

Socialized medicine and all that probably makes them all the more bold if so. Also the horrifying warning lables that we all hate on our cigar boxes all started with the Canadians...Maybe Wingo and Parker have it right....lol

Indeed born, raised and proud to be Canadian.

And I like my Socialized medicine :cool:
I took a political science class a year or so ago, where every student was supposed to take a stance on certain public policy, and make a presentation to the class presenting their case and opinions.

Low and behold, the first girl to take the stage made the argument that "Smoking should be banned in ALL public places." Needless to say, being a tobacco smoker and user, let alone working at a tobacconist, I tore into her following her presentation. I'm an economics major, and presented viewpoints from small businesses all the way to personal freedoms. She tried to justify it by saying "It's a democracy, and the majority rules." This pissed me off, so I intervened by saying "The majority rules to protect the minority vote and opinion."

After back and forth discussion and arguments, I made her completely change her viewpoint in front of the whole class. She went from "ALL public places" to "Public places not including bars, smoke shops, or small businesses that decide to allow smoking." With my tone and demeanor, and her changing her opinion in front of the class and professor grading the speech, I'm pretty sure she failed the project because of her changing her stance on smoking policy. She earned it, and that Smoking Nazi got what she deserved.

There was a second case where me and 7 or 8 of my buddies took up the last two lanes in a local bowling alley next to the restrooms. Choosing to smoke cigars in a smoking facility, we all lit up and went on our merry way bowling, socializing, and enjoying our cigars. The manager came up to us and asked us all to put them out, because people felt suffocated due to the quantity of smoke, and were concerned for their health and the health of their children, also using the fact that we were next to the restroom and it affected everyone in the joint. We responded by letting them know that it was a smoking facility, and we can do what we pleased, as it was permitted. Furthermore we told him that if parents were concerned with their children's health, not to have them in a smoking permitted bowling alley at midnight on a sat. evening. We got away with it, but it was pure crap that we were even asked to put out our smokes.

A similar situation happened in an Ihop, where only one guy in our group wanted to smoke a cigar. He was forced to put out the cigar in a smoking facility, in the smoking section, merely because it "produced a vile and putrid smell, and too much smoke"

Nazi's will always be there, it's when my civil liberties are oppressed that I begin to have a problem with it. Not to mention, I will do all in my power and knowledge of smoking policy and small business to persuade individuals otherwise, making them realize we are human as well. A good thing to point out is that there are thousands of things that can impair your health, and in today's world, cigar smoking is at the least of my worries.
Never had any problems. Its Kentucky, but they are still here. We do have a ban and it sucks, how ever since opening a cigar club, I probably haven't been to a bar in about 6 months.
Nazi's will always be there, it's when my civil liberties are oppressed that I begin to have a problem with it. Not to mention, I will do all in my power and knowledge of smoking policy and small business to persuade individuals otherwise, making them realize we are human as well. A good thing to point out is that there are thousands of things that can impair your health, and in today's world, cigar smoking is at the least of my worries.
....a bit off topic, but anytime I'm confronted by a "ban smoking" person, I always ask them "....why ban smoking in all public places? Why not pass a law that simply requires a sign on the front door of 'smoking allowed' establishments and let the free market decide?..."

If you ever needed proof of a secondary agenda, listen to the arguments in opposition to what I just proposed. Prepare to be amazed.....and disgusted.

Carry on, gentlemen - B.B.S.

Never had any problems. Its Kentucky, but they are still here. We do have a ban and it sucks, how ever since opening a cigar club, I probably haven't been to a bar in about 6 months.
....you opened a Club? Dang, Shooter.....Now I've got a good reason to visit Kentucky...!!!.... :laugh:
Yea, a year ago. About 18 of us right now, great group of guys, poker every Friday night, and always some good heated debates Sat and Sun over football. Hell we even have a member who was high class chef who is alway whipping up food. Come on down, I am finishing up my smoking room this week, suppsed to be done this weekend, ran into a snag drilling a hole through the outside brick wall....helps to have the right drill bit :blush:
Nazi's will always be there, it's when my civil liberties are oppressed that I begin to have a problem with it. Not to mention, I will do all in my power and knowledge of smoking policy and small business to persuade individuals otherwise, making them realize we are human as well. A good thing to point out is that there are thousands of things that can impair your health, and in today's world, cigar smoking is at the least of my worries.
....a bit off topic, but anytime I'm confronted by a "ban smoking" person, I always ask them "....why ban smoking in all public places? Why not pass a law that simply requires a sign on the front door of 'smoking allowed' establishments and let the free market decide?..."

If you ever needed proof of a secondary agenda, listen to the arguments in opposition to what I just proposed. Prepare to be amazed.....and disgusted.

Carry on, gentlemen - B.B.S.

Never had any problems. Its Kentucky, but they are still here. We do have a ban and it sucks, how ever since opening a cigar club, I probably haven't been to a bar in about 6 months.
....you opened a Club? Dang, Shooter.....Now I've got a good reason to visit Kentucky...!!!.... :laugh:

If a business owner, more specifically restaurant or bar owner, realizes they are losing business due to allowing smoking in certain sections, they will ban smoking. Many small town establishments, smoking would not be a huge issue...as I have seen out here with a small steak house that allows you to smoke whatever you want, wherever you want. I agree with letting the free market decide...the option should be left up to the owners of an establishment, as it is their business to lose, or gain.