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2000 post contest DONE!


Livin' the retired life!
Mar 26, 2005
Ok all...
It was brought to my attention some time ago that I hit 2000 posts (geez, what a post whore).

As some may know, or guess, my other passion beside cigars is WWII Aviation history. That's right - that's what this contest will be about! (if you haven't guessed my other hobby... you haven't checked out my website, easily found by using the link to the temp chat room I set up). And be sure to check out the series 'Dogfights' on the discovery channel- GREAT show with computer imagery and interviews with pilots I know and have personally met (and drank with!).

So... enough of the "what did I smoke"... "when did I smoke it" contests. This will be totally different, and honoring those that served our country - 60+ years ago!

So here we go.

1) What is my favorite WWII airplane? (bonus cigar - which variant?)
2) How many Medal Of Honor pilots have I met? (bonus cigar for EACH pilot named)
3) I work with the grandson of a famous WWII pilot- who is the pilot? (hint... grandson is Eric Taylor) and why was he famous?
4) What WWII flight sim do I fly online?
5) What is the maneuver or technique I am known for online with my group of friends? (hint- bombing technique that is hard to do)
6) What WWII era planes have I really flown in, in real life? (bonus cigar for EACH city named in which I flew them in - there's 2)
7) I am a member of the American Fighter Aces Association - how many yearly reunions have I been to?
8) What has been my function at the last few reunions?
9) What was the reason for my trips to Germany, and how many times did I go?
10) What NRA president(s) did I meet at an AFAA reunion? (bonus cigar for the name or even the initials of the local ALASKAN past president of the NRA I met)
11) My wife's cat is named for a manufacturer of WWII airplanes- what is his name?
12) How many books are in my WWII aviation collection? (bonus cigar is you can number how many are signed by pilots, even a BALLPARK percentage)
13) Why did I start my website, and what is the address?
14) I met Charles 'Chuck' Older of the Flying Tigers fame. He made 'Ace' with more than 5 Japanese kills. What was his other, more commonly known, claim to fame?
15) SUPER EXTRA CREDIT (2 cigars per correct answer): My wifes father was a friend to 2 WWII famous people... who were they?(HINT: one was a Flying Tiger, one was a Dooolittle Raider - be careful, they may not have been Americans!)

Winner will receive a nice 5 pack of cigars... plus any bonus cigars with the 'extra credit' questions. Good luck... hope your knowledge of history is better than most!

Don't bother googling 80% of these... it all depends on what you know about me and WWII aviation history.

EDIT: this will run until the end of next weekend! And TRUST me... you'll like the winning cigars! I'll add some hints over the next week. Possible ** 18 ** great cigars if you get them all correct...

Edited for clarity on one question
never said it was gonna be easy!!!!! but the prize WILL be worth it... for anyone that gets the most number correct
Congrats on 2k Swissy and thanks for the contest! I just gave you about 40 minutes worth of hunting and couldn't come up with one answer except a possibility for the flight sim. Pretty tough, I'll give it another go tomorrow
Wow Jim, 2113 posts... whore!!! ;)
Sounds like the winner will be very very happy!!!
Great idea for a contest, way out of my league though!!!
first day of hints (there will be a hint a day until this ends on Sunday)

question 1) Think Pacific theater, and the Marines had it right whereas the Navy didn't (initially)

question 2) this is already answered- you just have to know how to add! ;)
Congrats on the 2k+ Swissy! Nice contest. I'll have to watch this one from the stands. :)
well.. you never know when I'll be in the temp chat room to give more hints away!


but look for hints everyday - 2 a day, so each question will have at least one hint given. But the bonus cigar questions are hint-free... well, you never know when I'll be in the temp chat room to give more hints away!

Thanks for the hint on Q#2...it was a matter of torque, wasn't it?

My Dad was a crew chief with the Flying Tigers in China in WW II. He didn't talk too much about it.
Thanks for the hint on Q#2...it was a matter of torque, wasn't it?

My Dad was a crew chief with the Flying Tigers in China in WW II. He didn't talk too much about it.

Think you meant Q#1... and not just torque... more of a visibility problem :whistling:

And if your dad was a CC with the Tigers, then he knew one of the Super Extra Credit question people! What was your father's name? I have a few(!) books on the Tigers, I'll look him up.
Guess I know what you did with those 4 days off of work in a row. I will have to take summer courses to catch up, because I am going to flunk that quiz.
Guess I know what you did with those 4 days off of work in a row. I will have to take summer courses to catch up, because I am going to flunk that quiz.

Haha... actually, it toom less than 15 minutes to put this together :cool:

Ok... hints for 3&4

#3 - look no further than three days from now...
#4 - The game (and the addon series it spawned) is named for a real life WWII airplane
hints on 5&6

#5 - developed for watering a valley in Germany but works on shipping too

#6 - one was a dragon and the other could be described as ragged, and irregular.
Hints for #7&8

Ques. #7 - hard to hint to, but less than ten!

Ques. #8 - what do people do when they get together, and who does it for them?
Sorry... sitting here at work getting my arse handed to me by the morons of my town. More BS runs today than I can remember in a long, long time.

Ques #9 - Lets see... my interest is WWII aviation... I'm a member of the American Fighter Aces Association, and I went to Germany. You really need a hint here? :laugh: As far as how many times, that is answered in the normal amount a beers a drunk driver claims he had...

Ques #10 - hard to hint this one without really giving it away, but I will say this - it was more than one. 2 of them wrote books (not about the NRA), one was a fighter pilot (see Ques#2 :whistling: ), one was a gunner on B24's in the Aleutian Islands during the Japanese attack there, and that's all I got to say about that.
ok... lull in the action at work... here's todays hints

11) Manufacturer made ALMOST exclusively Pacific Theater planes in WWII, although they saw very limited action in the invasion of North Aftrica

12) Hmmm... books! no way to really give a hint other than I have a LOT. 4 bookcases full and growing...
Getting close!

I'm not above getting pm's with your answers to date... I'll let you know how many you have right, but NOT which ones...

Already got one PM and I'm suprised at how many were right... :whistling:
No answers from me...but I was once assigned to the 23rd Tactical Fighter Wing...a modern day descendant of the original Flying Tigers. It was my first permanent duty station, in fact.

Not that I'm moochin' or anything... :whistling: