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  • Jimbo - we're coming your way in June (sorta)! Just booked an Alaskan cruise - June 10-17th. Stops in Juneau, Skagway, Tracy Arm Fjord and Victoria, BC. We're pumped - never been that far north!
    Sweet! You'll love it... Southeast AK is beautiful! Too bad you're not coming further north, like Whittier or Seward - we could hook up for a smoke, or maybe even a fishing trip!
    Would love o do that at some point! I've carved it into my bucket list!
    Ahhh... Tat Face, Black Butte Porter and tending 15# of smoking pork butt! Life is ok...
    post-OP recovering pup, growler of IPA and a humi full of smokes on a sunny warm day. Time to de-stress.
    RASS and local beer on the deck while grilling a Tri Tip on the best day yet this year! Life is gooooooood
    Don't forget about your new phone book
    dammit - only 40 degrees and raining... have to delay my Twin Towers enjoyment till Thursday
    See y'all next week! Shrimping and drinking at a forest service cabin with no cell phone access of ANY kind. Bliss on Earth...
    Ouch!! 97gal fillup on the boat last night... thank GOD for the $1 off a gallon from the grocery store!!!
    Devil Doc
    Devil Doc
    Navy went Nuke for a reason.
    How many Kegs is that?
    actually, (without the discount) it's cheaper in the Homer harbor since they do not charge the state road tax for boat fuel! Dunno about kegs but hella lot growlers...
    damn people coming to work sick and infecting everyone!!
    Happened to me this week as well bro... now have a head cold so bad that even beer tastes like crap :-/
    I'm glad my dirty lab has scared anyone form working with me. I can easily avoid the sickies.
    HOORAY!! Pavement seen on the street for the first time since October! doin' the spring dance!
    YAY! Off for a week.. Homer Winter King Salmon derby here I come. Much to the demise of many cigars, I'm sure...
    Mmm.... 30degrees and a walk in the woods with Porter. Not to mention a SLR PC from '01!
    wow...local kauai rum and mai tia mix is kicking my ass! guess I shouldn't drink the entire bottle...
    Shessh like that will ever happen. It'd be like you only smoking the first inch of a CoRo
    I maintain the bottle is a single serving. It doesn't work so well with soy sauce or ketchup, though.
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