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A local school board has decided with their infinite wisdom.......


Resident Lurker
Apr 30, 2007
to tell a publication that I advertise in, that I am longer permitted to advertise!
You guys know I rarely if ever post anywhere but the retailer forum.    So I guess you can say this got me fired up a bit.
In addition to Tobacco Village I also own a hookah lounge. It's been open about 2 1/2 years. I started advertising in the township's  quarterly publication about 6 months ago, it goes out to 20,000+ homes.
The publisher called me today and said he received a phone call from the school superintendent saying the board decided they did not want to appear as though they were supporting tobacco usage to the community's kids  and told him to call me and tell me I couldn't advertise again.
I guess the board  supports  the publication financially somehow and the publisher is afraid if he runs another one of my ads they'll pull the contract from him.
So tomorrow I'm calling the superintendent first and my attorney second. Once I get the information from the superintendent, I'm also planning on contacting the local newspaper.
Keystone_Raider said:
to tell a publication that I advertise in, that I am longer permitted to advertise!
You guys know I rarely if ever post anywhere but the retailer forum.    So I guess you can say this got me fired up a bit.
In addition to Tobacco Village I also own a hookah lounge. It's been open about 2 1/2 years. I started advertising in the township's  quarterly publication about 6 months ago, it goes out to 20,000+ homes.
The publisher called me today and said he received a phone call from the school superintendent saying the board decided they did not want to appear as though they were supporting tobacco usage to the community's kids  and told him to call me and tell me I couldn't advertise again.
I guess the board  supports  the publication financially somehow and the publisher is afraid if he runs another one of my ads they'll pull the contract from him.
So tomorrow I'm calling the superintendent first and my attorney second. Once I get the information from the superintendent, I'm also planning on contacting the local newspaper.
If it were me, I'd reverse that strategy.
ironpeddler said:
to tell a publication that I advertise in, that I am longer permitted to advertise!
You guys know I rarely if ever post anywhere but the retailer forum.    So I guess you can say this got me fired up a bit.
In addition to Tobacco Village I also own a hookah lounge. It's been open about 2 1/2 years. I started advertising in the township's  quarterly publication about 6 months ago, it goes out to 20,000+ homes.
The publisher called me today and said he received a phone call from the school superintendent saying the board decided they did not want to appear as though they were supporting tobacco usage to the community's kids  and told him to call me and tell me I couldn't advertise again.
I guess the board  supports  the publication financially somehow and the publisher is afraid if he runs another one of my ads they'll pull the contract from him.
So tomorrow I'm calling the superintendent first and my attorney second. Once I get the information from the superintendent, I'm also planning on contacting the local newspaper.
If it were me, I'd reverse that strategy.
I hear you but I want to get it first hand from the super - so it's not hear say.
I hear you Jim, but counsel can suggest what to say and not say.
This is obviously a touchy situation and you don't want to say something that can be misconstrued if a suit is filed.
Better safe than sorry...
I absolutely despise school boards and the people on them. In my city, here in NH. they have way too much power and abuse it regularly. People simply don't pay attention when they go to vote.
Un-American, yes but a true sign of the 'Murica we've become.
I'm with Gary.  Don't ruin your platform before it's built.  See what your legal recourse is BEFORE you start.  Good luck Brother.  It's another advance of the anti-tobacco Nazis.  I'm sure there are plenty more to come! :(
The only thing worse than a professional politician is a wannabe politician. Good luck Jim.
They must have a huge financial stake in the paper if they're letting the district dictate who can and cannot advertise. My experiences with school boards mirror what Doc said. Best of luck, hope it works out.
You're inside the Westmoreland mall? I'm in Monroeville....a hop, skip and a jump away. I'm going to have to shoot out that way and check out your shop. Best of luck with the advertising. Our local paper, The Times Express,  runs a full page ad for Smoker Friendly. 
School boards and HOA's fall into the same category if you ask me.
What I'm not clear on, is what a public entity (school board) has to do with a private entity (quarterly paper).  Smells bad from where I sit....
Sorry to hear this Jim, best of luck on getting this rectified.
Sounds like a First Amendment violation to me. Or would that be the Second Amendment?  I always get those two confused. :whistling:
LarryH said:
Sounds like a First Amendment violation to me. Or would that be the Second Amendment?  I always get those two confused. :whistling:
Sounds like a First Amendment violation that can be rectified by the Second Amendment... ;)
Good luck Jim. Hopefully these turds will back down.
Well at this point my attorney has referred me to another who specializes in school districts - I'm waiting for a call back..
I spoke to the school superintendent and he really wasn't very clear as to the reason why- so I asked him to clarify it in writing which he said he would do.   I'm not holding my breath. 
It also turns out that a friend of mine who owns a local indoor range was also told he couldn't advertise because his ad had a girl pointing a gun. He's revising his ad to see if the new one will be printed. He's advertised in this publication also in the past and he supports the local high school rifle  - a fact which the school board apparently doesn't care about.