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About CoventryCat86

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Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
I take absolutely no pleasure in banning someone. Bill and a few others want Bill's (conventrycat86) banning to be justified and made public. Ok, we can do that. However, this is not a trial or debate. This is done.

Bill joined in '03, and was quickly banned from CP for creating drama. His buddies asked me to give him another chance, so I did. He was suspended two times, and then banned again in '06 for creating a disturbance in the 1st annual CP herf thread. For whatever reason, Bill did not want the 1st annual CP herf to be a success, so he did everything in his power to prevent it from happening, or at least create enough drama to constantly derail the thread. Bill believed CP was being overrun by "asshat newbies" – same old song and dance we still hear today.

Here is the link to the original herf thread: http://www.cigarpass.com/forumsipb/index.php?showtopic=18933

Unfortunately Bill was using another cigar forum to rally support for his mission to inflict drama upon CP. The below text was sent to me by someone who had acquired it from the other forum, and felt it was necessary for me to see just how callous and destructive Bill can be. Below is a transcript:

[Post #1 From CC]
This stupid cock sucker Matty_Vegas is attempting to organize a CigarPass Herf. This dumb fuck has moved the date at least four times now and decided on Memorial Day weekend, what an asshole.

I looked at the initial list of attendees, get this:

Holy shit, talk about two fucking pieces of shit I would NEVER want to sit down and smoke cigars with. Not only that, SteveHawk is bringing two of his buddies and alexgtp is coming along with can-factory-man gtphale.

Gezuz, sounds like an event to be MISSED for sure.....

[Post #2 From CC]

Oh man, it's just gettin' worse over there now.

Since those cocksuckers started whining about me posting irrelevant and off topic shit in their Official date for the CP Herf! I've been making it a point to CONTINUE to clog up that thread with useless shit without them even being able to realize it.

They were talking about where to go to eat talking about steak houses so I toss in some shit about "Why not go to a French restaurant?" knowing goddam well that the one I recommended is so far off the beaten path, it's probably one of the stupidest ideas anyone could have come up with! LMFAO, they missed it and started responding. Now, my latest is to suggest Reno as an alternative to Las Vegas, LMAO, watch Matty blow a gasket over that one. I'm doing this all in such a way that if they try to whine about be being "off topic" or whatever, I'll rip their fuggen heads off!!

Feel free to join in the fun but make it look like you're serious like I've been lately. Let's see if we can get this thread up to 30 or 40 pages by the time the supposed date for this fiasco approaches.

That fucking mentally retarded, jizz felching douchebag gtphale told George at a herf this weekend that "There are a lot of people pissed off at you and CC" Oh really now you moron, how ya figure that?

Matty_Vegas ain't a whole lot smarter than gtphale either.....

Even watching Bill's behavior in the HERF thread, I was stunned to read this. I couldn't see how Bill could possibly contribute to CP after having posted this, so I banned him. Once again, his buddies begged for me to reinstate him. I agreed to allow him back in and forgive Bill on the condition that he would change his ways, and become a positive member of CP. It didn't take long for him to start again.

Here's a thread from '07 in which Bill almost caused PuffStuff (a very respected retailer) to leave. http://www.cigarpass.com/forumsipb/index.php?showtopic=29037

Since '06 to present, Bill has been involved in more drama than any other member, and I've given him far more latitude than I should have. I allowed Bill to constantly break the rules, bait and go after members for little to no reason.

Unfortunately, his reaction and behavior around my decision to appoint moderators made it abundantly clear that the destructive behavior had started again. I initially suspended Bill for 3 days. However, after putting more thought into the behavior, and after reconsidering his whole history with CP, I decided on a permanent ban. I am not going to stand by and watch him degrade the community further.

I want to make it clear that the success of CigarPass has and always will be a community effort. Some have said that only a select few have "made CP what it is", and I had little to do with it. In 2000, I set the ground rules for CigarPass and always had an open mind when it came to amending the rules. I have ALWAYS believed in creating a community where EVERYONE has a voice. Over the years we have amended the rules due to input received by the community as a whole – some from FOGs, some from newer guys. No one group of members can claim ownership on how CP operates. The core values that are CP evolved over years and continue to evolve. Again, CP is and always will be a COMMUNITY EFFORT.

The term "FOG" refers to a member who has been part of CP for a certain amount of time AND has demonstrated positive participation AND has put their best efforts into keeping CigarPass a fun, friendly and safe community. Simple longevity does not give anyone the right to step outside our rules or act out in a less than desirable manner.

CigarPass is not turning into a drama haven; I think the ratio of drama to membership is actually decreasing. With any community, there will be more drama as membership rises, I won't argue that. When we were a small site, the number of new posts per day was relatively low. Now that we're one of the most trafficked cigar communities, there are more threads/posts, and with that comes disagreements and misbehavior. Debate is healthy and some drama is a healthy part of a growing community like CigarPass. I will do whatever it takes to keep drama to an absolute minimum. There are pro's and con's to a self-regulated community, however the pro's seem to constantly outweigh the con's, and therefore the community will continue as it has for the past 9 years. For a community of this size, the drama is pretty darn scarce when you think about it… No mods covering up posts, deleting content, hiding threads, scrambling passwords, etc… If this isn't good enough for some of you, simply move on and stop bitching about how CP is going downhill, because in reality, it's not. It's interesting how certain members have recently withdrawn their membership at CP, yet they continue to come back and read the latest happenings – I guess CP is more powerful than I thought…kind of hard to give up.

Like any other community, CP is what you make out of it – If you come here with a passion for cigars and the desire and intentions to make new friends, you'll enjoy your time here and reap a ton of benefits– no doubt.

Again, I'm sorry it had to come to this; I take absolutely no pleasure in ever banning anyone. I was hoping to keep this private between Bill and me, but it seems he wants this aired out. I'm sure what I have posted will be dissected and twisted around by some. Bill's actions speak volumes about his character, and those who choose to back him after knowing the facts are nothing but hypocrites. Accountability goes for everyone, FOGs and new members. The baiting, name calling, and other childish displays of attention will surely continue on other sites, however it's been put to rest once and for all at CP.

Very good post Rod. I haven't been around a lot lately but it's good to see you're taking action in a positive way.
Good on you, Rod. You know that you'll always get my support. Hope to see you in your neighborhood when I get back from vacation.
While in the past year or so I've decided to stay away from threads where much of the drama took place because quite frankly, I got very sick and tired of it. I decided that I definitely didn't want to leave CP but knew if I kept reading so many threads where guys were bashing each other and constant conflict took place, that would be inevitable because it was growing tiresome to me. Because of my decision to be somewhat removed from the daily chatter, I don't have the specifics on what this former member has done in the past year or so. However, up to this time - since I joined back in '05, it has been quite evident to me (and most of us) that this action was long past due, which you even admit. As others have stated, definitely a good move but one that I believe should have taken place a while ago and stuck with regardless of what his buddies had to say. In the end, it looks like the end result was a good one and I commend you, Rod, on your commitment to make CP what it is - the best cigar community / forum on the net.

I this must have been a hard choice for you to make, or it may have been made a lot sooner. In the end, I know that tough or not, you made the choice that, in your eyes, would be most beneficial to Cigar Pass as a whole. Once again proving that the community comes first. Some of the membership will be sad to see him have to leave, while others will not. That is the way of the world. As with us all, CC had his good and his bad qualities. No one here is perfect, but it how you work within your own imperfections that sets each of us apart. I wish Bill nothing but the best in his endeavors.

Thanks again for being there, toeing the line, and making the hard right....

The COMMUNITY is larger than one. You do what you need to do.
Thanks Rod. . . all the drama was too much. Life is too short to fill it with meaningless arguments and petty jealousy. Looking forward to more comradiere and good reading.
The COMMUNITY is larger than one. You do what you need to do.

Well said.

Congrats Rod for putting the CP community first, well done.

PS - I've herfed with Bill at the Schlesinger herf and thought it was decent to be around
Those posts from CC are pretty interesting. To clear the record, he and I reached a mutual understanding some time ago.

I guess I'm torn on the banning. On the one hand, it was probably overdue. On the other, I'm gonna miss the hell outta the focker. Bill, if you read this, just know that I'd be happy to smoke a cigar with you at any time.

Edit: for spelling.
Great post Rod! Thanks for doing what was best for the community. Bill is known for causing problems on just about every board out there. Good on you for doing what was neccessary.
Thanks for the thoughtful post Rod. Now it all makes sense.
Now I'm not saying what Bill has done has been right all the time. What I am saying is the way you went about it was wrong. I consider you and Bill to be my friends. Now posting this here where Bill can not reply back is a little one sided, don't you think?

I still think you should go talk to some of your friends who haven't been posting for a bit.

This is a community. With any community you have a core group that does 90% of the work. Go talk to a large section of them. Don't have to make nice nice, but you might come to an understanding.

Now I'm not saying what Bill has done has been right all the time. What I am saying is the way you went about it was wrong. I consider you and Bill to be my friends. Now posting this here where Bill can not reply back is a little one sided, don't you think?

How is it wrong? This is Rod's house and I'm pretty sure he can do things the way he wants. It seems as if the majority (and I'm not talking about new guys) seem to agree with what's been done. There are a few that don't because they feel they're being alienated and should be able to say what they want, to who they want, whenever they want, without any repercussion.

I'm sure that anyone that wants to know Bill's reaction can take a quick trip to CS.
Now I'm not saying what Bill has done has been right all the time. What I am saying is the way you went about it was wrong. I consider you and Bill to be my friends. Now posting this here where Bill can not reply back is a little one sided, don't you think?

I still think you should go talk to some of your friends who haven't been posting for a bit.

This is a community. With any community you have a core group that does 90% of the work. Go talk to a large section of them. Don't have to make nice nice, but you might come to an understanding.


I'm sure Rod wouldn't have made this decision without due cause on Bill's part. I'm also pretty sure there were words exchanged lately to warrant such a ban.

Well done Rod!!
The usual practice here and on most boards is that the ban is practically a public smackdown. Bans are for disregard of rules and/or decorum. This one was for a pattern of disregard as much as recent behavior. Its easy to Monday morning quarterback this. Bill and I seriously butted heads in the past, but I've come to understand him and even like him. However, I agree with Rod in his decision to extend the ban to permanent. I know it wasn't an easy decision. Rod didn't want to turn this into a trial, and like he said, this ain't up for debate. I think DG wants Rod to come over to Snobs, perhaps to create "Train Wreck II". What would anyone gain from that?
I'm sure that anyone that wants to know Bill's reaction can take a quick trip to CS.

I know some of us newbies step on toes and need a little bit of vetting. I'm getting more and more used to that and am starting to understand the process. I don't always know why some things are said or why there are certain assumptions, but I hope we as a group of newcomers will learn to sit back and relax more. Some of you, I'm sure, think a newbie has no place posting in this thread and you are certainly entitled to your opinions and you are probably right. However, I'm glad Jonesy made a reference to CS and I'd like to say something about what's being said over there.

I stumbled across that thread by accident in a search. Reading through, I gained a whole lot of respect for some of the FOGS and lost all respect I was told to have for others. The contempt and disrespect that some have shown to Rod is downright disgraceful. I have tried to go back and read all the old posts that are referenced when there is a disagreement, like the Wilkey or Pete Johnson/Al incident, because I like this place and the guys here, and want to know its history. Usually, I find that what appeared to be a witch hunt in the beginning was later justified. I also made a point to talk to Gary in chat about some of the ribbing that goes one here and got a whole new perspective on things after telling him that I thought he was an ass. :D

Anyway, I am certainly not making accusations or commenting about CC being banned here. As stated, this is Rod's house and he made a decision. However, I just want some of you guys to know that the new folk, like myself, who take interest and follow this stuff, are happy to see that some of you are stand up guys and don't talk out of both sides of your mouth. Anthony, I am very happy to see you step in and offer an opinion. Bruce, BBS, Gary, Phil and a few of you other FOGS who have tried to keep that thread level-headed, you all have my respect. The difference is you have earned it by your words and actions, not merely because I was told to respect you because of your time on this board.

Now I'm not saying what Bill has done has been right all the time. What I am saying is the way you went about it was wrong. I consider you and Bill to be my friends. Now posting this here where Bill can not reply back is a little one sided, don't you think?

How is it wrong? This is Rod's house and I'm pretty sure he can do things the way he wants. It seems as if the majority (and I'm not talking about new guys) seem to agree with what's been done. There are a few that don't because they feel they're being alienated and should be able to say what they want, to who they want, whenever they want, without any repercussion.

I'm sure that anyone that wants to know Bill's reaction can take a quick trip to CS.

I'm sure that anyone that wants to know Bill's reaction can take a quick trip to CS.

I know some of us newbies step on toes and need a little bit of vetting. I'm getting more and more used to that and am starting to understand the process. I don't always know why some things are said or why there are certain assumptions, but I hope we as a group of newcomers will learn to sit back and relax more. Some of you, I'm sure, think a newbie has no place posting in this thread and you are certainly entitled to your opinions and you are probably right. However, I'm glad Jonesy made a reference to CS and I'd like to say something about what's being said over there.

I stumbled across that thread by accident in a search. Reading through, I gained a whole lot of respect for some of the FOGS and lost all respect I was told to have for others. The contempt and disrespect that some have shown to Rod is downright disgraceful. I have tried to go back and read all the old posts that are referenced when there is a disagreement, like the Wilkey or Pete Johnson/Al incident, because I like this place and the guys here, and want to know its history. Usually, I find that what appeared to be a witch hunt in the beginning was later justified. I also made a point to talk to Gary in chat about some of the ribbing that goes one here and got a whole new perspective on things after telling him that I thought he was an ass. :D

Anyway, I am certainly not making accusations or commenting about CC being banned here. As stated, this is Rod's house and he made a decision. However, I just want some of you guys to know that the new folk, like myself, who take interest and follow this stuff, are happy to see that some of you are stand up guys and don't talk out of both sides of your mouth. Anthony, I am very happy to see you step in and offer an opinion. Bruce, BBS, Gary, Phil and a few of you other FOGS who have tried to keep that thread level-headed, you all have my respect. The difference is you have earned it by your words and actions, not merely because I was told to respect you because of your time on this board.


I find it funny that we say this is a community but then some say this is Rod's House. Which is it?

Talking to the Others doesn't have to be out in the open on Snobs. I'm sure that those guys have traded phone numbers.

Anthony, I am very happy to see you step in and offer an opinion.
This is where any respect I may have had for Bill has gone out the window. The way he picked apart what Anthony said and tried turning it back around in his favor is just sad. Bill knows he has a couple of guys that will stand behind him no matter what he says or does, so he does or says what he pleases. I was just glad to see that I wasn't the only one that thought his apoplogy to Brandon was a total load of shit.
I find it funny that we say this is a community but then some say this is Rod's House. Which is it?

Talking to the Others doesn't have to be out in the open on Snobs. I'm sure that those guys have traded phone numbers.


Doesn't every community need a leader?

As far as talking to the "Others", why does Rod need to go to them? If their concerns for CP are great enough to start a thread there, shouldn't they come here to address them directly to Rod? Seems they've already made their minds up as to how they see things here and want no part of it. Looks to me they should be the ones reaching out, not Rod. How many times does he need to say that if you don't like the way things are done here, feel free to find somewhere else to hang out.
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