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Anti-Smoke Help for Greater Wife Acceptance Factor?


New Member
Dec 27, 2007
Okay, here's the skinny:

I live in a two story, cement construction house. The bottom level features a garage and a "taverna," which amounts to a large den that can be used as kitchen, living room, whatever. Go ask the Italians.

Anyway, the room is about 20' long by 14' wide. I has one external door, one window, and one door into the garage. It also has my stereo an a very comfy couch. Also, no one really uses the room except me!

The upside is that my wife tolerates occasional smoking there. Only one person, me. Have to fill the room with Lysol, burn incense (afterwards) and keep the window and door open (during). It's cold right now.

My question is, is there a reasonably reliable smoke control device out there? You see lots of stuff advertised but I hate to drop two hundred bucks on an experiment. Or, is there a particularly good spray?

We're talking about a potentially great enhancement in my smoking life! Right now, I'm resigned to freezing my butt off outside with a 'gar and a bottle of scotch (sob).
I don't know if it's possible in that big room, but you could try to utilize negative pressure. The easiest way is to do this...

1. Start in the room you want to smoke in. Now go to another, adjoining room with a window.
2. Crack the window slightly.
3. Go back to the room you want to smoke in and close the door to the open-window room.
4. Open a window in this room now and put a box fan in it.
5. Set the box fan so it's blow the air OUT of the room.
6. Smoke away!

What you're doing here is creating a negative pressure system: having the smoky air sucked out via the fan, whilst clean air is coming in under the threshold of the door to the room with the opened window to replace it.

To make sure you have achieved negative pressure, feel for a draft coming in under the door to your opened-window room BEFORE you open the window and then AFTER you open it. You should feel a LOT stronger draft coming in once the window's open and door closed, and if the door opens into the open-windowed room, it should want to suck itself shut when you crack it slightly.

I do this in my apartment living room and, an hour after finishing smoking, you can't even tell a cigar was smoked. And it isn't just my biased nostrils...non-smoking friends and even my girlfriend (who hates smoke even more than your wife, trust me!) can't smell it.

Take in mind, people in other rooms will probably still smell it...but the smell won't linger in there for hours.

If you want to be extra sure, light a vanilla-scented candle (seems to work best for some reason) after you're done smoking and let it burn awhile. But I find even that's not necessary. AND MAKE SURE YOU THROW AWAY ASHES AND BUTTS AS SOON AS YOU'RE DONE! Nothing funks a room up with that nasty, stale smell like leaving the dirty ashtray to sit there...either throw the ashes in an outside trash can, or if you dispose of it in the kitchen trash bin, spray some Lysol or Febreeze over top of it to keep the kitchen from stinking.

You can pony up the cash for a Csonka Smoker Cloaker (they do work well), but if you can get negative pressure going in your smoking room, it works even better than one of these gizmos and it's FREE.
Neat idea! Wouldn't work for me, though. Our den, which is really a "taverna," opens up to the back patio and to the garage, which is actually have garage and have play area. Because the garage is actually beautifully tiled and the door is handsome solid wood and because the whole thing is heated -- and enormous -- we keep the door closed and use it as the kid's vast rec room. So, I can't well open up the garage door to create negative pressure when the heat is on. Although, man, would it ever work, in your scenario.

The best I can do, really, is a window or window/door. The problem is that it is just about freezing at night here and that really makes things less than pleasant.

Does the Csonka device really work???
Friend of mine had one for awhile and it did a good job of keeping odors from sticking (not just lingering smoke odors either). You have to leave it on all the time though...or at least turn it on a few hours before you intend to smoke.
Pure Ayre Odor Elminator is supposed to work well but I haven't tried it yet.

I pretty much start a fan blowing out through a window or something whole smoking and also make sure to empty your ashtray right away.

Someone else I know mentioned they bungee corded some of those high end hepa furnace filters to a box fan and turned it on while they smoke and it grabbed a good amount of the smoke.
We have a relatively small living room to smoke in. Two of us isn't too terrible, a fan pulling smoke out through a distant window usually handles it. But we are looking a Csonka too - have heard good things about it. They are a bit pricey, but alot cheaper than a big air filtration unit!! Good Luck!

Short of updating your GWAF I would suggest an ozone machine. I have one in my hunting cabin and there are times when I can't breath after a hold-em game and by morning it is gone. Candles during the HERF and the ionizer running full blast before, during, and after, works well. When I come back to the cabin weeks later there is no odor.

You can pick these up used on Ebay for $75
