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Any Law Enforcement Officers


New Member
Jan 8, 2009
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Hey Everyone,

Just had a couple questions about the thin blue line products. I am thinking about getting one of the rubber bracelets they sell. I know their website is very adamant that only law enforcement personel wear these. This may seem like a stupid question but, I am a correctional officer and I know some law enforcement don't really consider that a law enforcement profession. The last thing I want to do is offend anyone by wearing one, but I would like to show my respects to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. Just wanted to know if any others out there in the law enforcement profession had any thoughts about this. Thanks to all in advance. Linky

Hey Everyone,

Just had a couple questions about the thin blue line products. I am thinking about getting one of the rubber bracelets they sell. I know their website is very adamant that only law enforcement personel wear these. This may seem like a stupid question but, I am a correctional officer and I know some law enforcement don't really consider that a law enforcement profession. The last thing I want to do is offend anyone by wearing one, but I would like to show my respects to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. Just wanted to know if any others out there in the law enforcement profession had any thoughts about this. Thanks to all in advance.


I do, but I'm a civilian. Question is, do you? Yours is the only opinion that matters. You should edit your post to include a link to this mysterious bracelet.
I believe I do, and also I added the linky for the thin blue line website... :D
I consider Correctional Officers law enforcement, as I'm sure many others do. Not to mention, you only have good intentions and want to wear it for the right reasons, so if anyone gets offended because of the "type" of law enforcement you are in...then they certainly don't get the meaning or symbolism behind wearing one.

I say go for it man! :thumbs:
Retired LEO and I say you're LEO... If anyone give you a hard time - send them my way (unless, of course, they're big, burly and mean. In that case, you can send them NullSmurf's way).
Retired LEO and I say you're LEO... If anyone give you a hard time - send them my way (unless, of course, they're big, burly and mean. In that case, you can send them NullSmurf's way).

I can do that. I'm not nearly as old and frail as George.
Souldog likes to fight

Bullfrog IMHO you are a LEO.
Somebody has to watch over the dregs that get caught.
Thank you for putting it on the line
Here's a question I can answer! I say you ARE an LEO to an extent. Let me preface that by saying this: Police and Sheriff's Deputies have the right (and sometimes the privilege j/k) to take away one's freedom by the powers of arrest they are mandated with. CO's do not have that luxury. But IMHO you're job is just as dangerous and sometimes more so than ours at times. The fact that you want to wear a blue line bracelet to honor our fallen brothers and sisters is admirable, and I say go for it!

I wear one on my wrist all the time. In fact I always keep a spare, because the blue paint on it fades after a couple of weeks. ;)
Hey everyone,
Thanks for all the kind words, it sure is nice to know that CP has such a good group of LEO's and Retired LEO's. I will be getting my blue line bracelet here soon and will be proudly displaying it for all who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Thanks again for all the quick responses and kind words from a qroup of great group LEO's and some of the best damned BOTL's around! :D
I suggest following the link to "Password" and following through with whatever info they require. If they accept it, cool. If not, oh well. The only Blue Line product I ever use is the badge band for fallen officers and that's while I'm working. I bought a decal 10 years ago from a cop shop and I had to show my POST certification card to buy it.

Back in they day when it first came out and no one but PD and other LEO's knew what it was, it was nice, but now everyone knows what it is and you won't catch me with any Blue Line products. It's a nice thought, but it can invite trouble from perps and other scum. Especially now that I have a family, I try to keep as low a profile as possible. Something to consider.

I suggest following the link to "Password" and following through with whatever info they require. If they accept it, cool. If not, oh well. The only Blue Line product I ever use is the badge band for fallen officers and that's while I'm working. I bought a decal 10 years ago from a cop shop and I had to show my POST certification card to buy it.

Back in they day when it first came out and no one but PD and other LEO's knew what it was, it was nice, but now everyone knows what it is and you won't catch me with any Blue Line products. It's a nice thought, but it can invite trouble from perps and other scum. Especially now that I have a family, I try to keep as low a profile as possible. Something to consider.


I agree with the low profile category. Out here, CO's are more like "Security Guards" in the jails, as they don't have any arrest powers, POST certs, they can't get physical with inmates, and they don't have any concealed carry powers. I will say this though, nothing bothers me more when I pull over some jagoff doing 90 in a 45, and as soon as I walk up, he flips his cheesy little plastic card out of the window that shows him when he was 50 pounds lighter and has a little Sheriff's Star on it, and expects me to treat him like he's the Chief of Police.

That said, I still have respect for CO's as they do a fine job of observing and reporting. Go nuts with it, just keep in mind about Tampa's wisdom on wearing it off duty. When I get hit up when I'm off duty, I'll usually keep quiet and let somebody run their mouth asking me various questions of what I do for a living until they hit "National Guard" or some sort. Then I let out a smile, and they seem satisfied with that. Not to misrepresent, but people seem to like the guys that show up and help them in natural disasters rather than the guy who shows up to take you to jail when you're done beating your wife.

PS- I hope I don't sound too much like an asshole... :(
All good advise I must say. Don't worry about being an asshole i'm used to the whole "glorified security guard" thing that comes with being a C/O. I do have great respect for those who have to arrest the people that I watch. I know the time I spend with them is not the most enjoyable so, i'm sure it wouldn't be for yall either. As far as the not being able to get physical with inmates that is true only to and extent we do have the right to use physical force to proctect; self, others, state property, quell riots, etc. Trust its not all fun especially when even in small facilities you're out numbered usually 20 to 1. Sorry if I seem to be on a rant, I'll get off my soap box now..haha
I suggest following the link to "Password" and following through with whatever info they require. If they accept it, cool. If not, oh well. The only Blue Line product I ever use is the badge band for fallen officers and that's while I'm working. I bought a decal 10 years ago from a cop shop and I had to show my POST certification card to buy it.

Back in they day when it first came out and no one but PD and other LEO's knew what it was, it was nice, but now everyone knows what it is and you won't catch me with any Blue Line products. It's a nice thought, but it can invite trouble from perps and other scum. Especially now that I have a family, I try to keep as low a profile as possible. Something to consider.


I agree with the low profile category. Out here, CO's are more like "Security Guards" in the jails, as they don't have any arrest powers, POST certs, they can't get physical with inmates, and they don't have any concealed carry powers. I will say this though, nothing bothers me more when I pull over some jagoff doing 90 in a 45, and as soon as I walk up, he flips his cheesy little plastic card out of the window that shows him when he was 50 pounds lighter and has a little Sheriff's Star on it, and expects me to treat him like he's the Chief of Police.

That said, I still have respect for CO's as they do a fine job of observing and reporting. Go nuts with it, just keep in mind about Tampa's wisdom on wearing it off duty. When I get hit up when I'm off duty, I'll usually keep quiet and let somebody run their mouth asking me various questions of what I do for a living until they hit "National Guard" or some sort. Then I let out a smile, and they seem satisfied with that. Not to misrepresent, but people seem to like the guys that show up and help them in natural disasters rather than the guy who shows up to take you to jail when you're done beating your wife.

PS- I hope I don't sound too much like an asshole... :(

"National Guard" - that's rich... :laugh:

When I was asked, I used to tell them I was a UPS driver. Not much in the way of follow up questions afterwards... :D
I will say this though, nothing bothers me more when I pull over some jagoff doing 90 in a 45, and as soon as I walk up, he flips his cheesy little plastic card out of the window that shows him when he was 50 pounds lighter and has a little Sheriff's Star on it, and expects me to treat him like he's the Chief of Police.

I never asked for or expected it, but "back in the day" I sure got out of a lot of speeding tickets with a little badge flash while going for my DL. It can develop bad habits.

Bullfrog....in Kentucky, we recognize the CO's as part of the law enforcement profession. In fact, the Commonwealth CO's are part of the Fraternal Order of Police. We are working diligently to get collective bargaining for ALL officers in the Commonwealth, including the CO's. They/you have a job that not many people want to do. You may not be able to arrest, and the bad guys know that, and they do what they can to push your buttons. And, unfortunately, you have to take it most of the time.

The CO's in the max prisons, have my utmost respect. Hundreds, if not thousands, of turds, in one place, with nothing to lose and 24 hours a day to plan for an attack on a guard. Ain't enough money in the world to convince me that's a good job.

God bless you guys and stay safe! Buy a bracelet and wear it like anything else you'd buy. You, my friend, have earned that right!

Floyd T.
Bullfrog....in Kentucky, we recognize the CO's as part of the law enforcement profession. In fact, the Commonwealth CO's are part of the Fraternal Order of Police. We are working diligently to get collective bargaining for ALL officers in the Commonwealth, including the CO's. They/you have a job that not many people want to do. You may not be able to arrest, and the bad guys know that, and they do what they can to push your buttons. And, unfortunately, you have to take it most of the time.

The CO's in the max prisons, have my utmost respect. Hundreds, if not thousands, of turds, in one place, with nothing to lose and 24 hours a day to plan for an attack on a guard. Ain't enough money in the world to convince me that's a good job.

God bless you guys and stay safe! Buy a bracelet and wear it like anything else you'd buy. You, my friend, have earned that right!

Floyd T.

Hey Floyd! Long time no see!!! :love:

It was painful last October with no special herf to attend... :(

NullSmurf's off my list... If anyone gives you a hard time that's big/bad and/or burly - Floyd willl get my back!! :thumbs:
Thanks guys, I must actually say I do love my job. There are times when I wonder what in the hell I was thinking, but I must say that I do enjoy getting up and going to work most of the time haha :D.