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anyone seen drew moberly online lately?


New Member
Mar 17, 2004
drew and i agreed upon a trade back in late may and he received my end of it on or around 6/4/06, which he confirmed w/ a PM he sent to me. since then i have sent him at least 3 PM's about this with no response from him at all. his last log in was 7/7/06 so if any of you know how to get intouch with him please let him know i am still waiting on the two RASS he agreed to send me.

There are plenty of KC guys that probably see him. If I see him at the RP event on the 22nd I will be sure to mention it to him.
There are plenty of KC guys that probably see him. If I see him at the RP event on the 22nd I will be sure to mention it to him.

thank you sir. he obviously owes a few people packages and should make good on them. there's absolutely NO excuse for logging in here and not repsonding to his PMs. it's very obvious to me that he knows he's screwed up and is now running from it.

i'm only out 4 packs of cohiba cigs and his return package to me was supposed to be 2 RASS, but a deal is a deal.

This does not look good at all.

Time for Mr. Moberly to check in and own up.

I think it's time for the "Scumbags and Bad Trader's" list - especially after this much time passing without any communication...
well, drew had best be glad i didn't notice where his summer camp was or i would have made a stop there on 7/2 on my way home from wisconsin. i passed within 80 miles of that place he's at this summer.

I'm gonna say what is going on with Drew is unexcusable.
I will in no way defend him on his tardiness with his trades.
Broozer, PM me your addy and I will see that you are taken care of.
I guess that because it is summer we should just ignore our responsabilities and go play outside. What the Hell kind of thought is that?? Are we adults or kids, sheesh!
I'm gonna say what is going on with Drew is unexcusable.
I will in no way defend him on his tardiness with his trades.
Broozer, PM me your addy and I will see that you are taken care of.

Same here bro! PM me an addy and I will make sure you get a couple RASS to enjoy!! :cool:
I'm gonna say what is going on with Drew is unexcusable.
I will in no way defend him on his tardiness with his trades.
Broozer, PM me your addy and I will see that you are taken care of.

Same here bro! PM me an addy and I will make sure you get a couple RASS to enjoy!! :cool:
Probably after the fact but I do have a few RASS in the coolers. If this isn't made good, let me know.... :thumbs:

Best Regards - B.B.S.
I talked to one of the NW guys and he hasnt seen Drew at all this Summer. I guess he will be getting out of the camp within a couple weeks. Its going to be interesting for him. :whistling:
I talked to Loren today. Drew left for staff at boy scout camp at the very beginning of June. I had no idea he would even be able to access CP let alone the internet while down there.

I haven't spoken with him all summer, so I can't tell you what he's doing, or what the hold up has been on his trades/passes he is involved with.

But I do know that I have known Mr. Moberly longer than anyone on this board. I'm not defending him for his actions (or lack thereof) but I will say with great sincerity that Drew's intentions are good when it comes to cigars. He in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM is out to screw anyone over, I can promise you that.

I hate to see it come to this. When Drew is in a position where he can check the boards regularly, I'm sure he will own up to his mistakes, and apologies (while be them somewhat futile) will be seen.

Like I said I can't defend Drew here because he is clearly in the wrong in this situation, but there's my two cents on this.
I talked to Loren today. Drew left for staff at boy scout camp at the very beginning of June. I had no idea he would even be able to access CP let alone the internet while down there.

I haven't spoken with him all summer, so I can't tell you what he's doing, or what the hold up has been on his trades/passes he is involved with.

But I do know that I have known Mr. Moberly longer than anyone on this board. I'm not defending him for his actions (or lack thereof) but I will say with great sincerity that Drew's intentions are good when it comes to cigars. He in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM is out to screw anyone over, I can promise you that.

I hate to see it come to this. When Drew is in a position where he can check the boards regularly, I'm sure he will own up to his mistakes, and apologies (while be them somewhat futile) will be seen.

Like I said I can't defend Drew here because he is clearly in the wrong in this situation, but there's my two cents on this.

Jeff - I'd say what you're saying is in keeping with what I would believe Drew would do. However, he has been online and has not responded on SEVERAL occasions... Even a simple "Hey! I'm gonna be out of town and I'll get to it when I get back...." would have done wonders for his reputation.

Unfortunately, he's got some hole climbing when he gets back because he's dug himself into a beauty....
Most, if not all of us, would tell someone that if they can't meet their end of a deal all they have to do is e-mail, PM, call, or send a smoke singal and most of us would say hey, don't have a heart attack, take care of it when you can.

What upsets me is the fact that he's ignoring PM's and E-mail from several people. He's been on the boards so he can read them.

He's ruined the reputation that he had on the board. Three people saying that they didn't get the smokes that he promised is not a good sign.

I agree with everything that GG said and his last sentence says it best...

Unfortunately, he's got some hole climbing when he gets back because he's dug himself into a beauty....
Still waiting for an addy PM. Come on bro, I got some RASS I wanna share!!