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Bill Clinton

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May 20, 2004
ok everybody bill clintons book comes out today so grab a cigar and stick it in ......ahh....your mouth and smoke it :D while reading
Like a bad rash, some people just wont go away!
What more can we possibly know about this man, accept maybe what cigar he actually violated?
I humbly reserve further comment as my own form of "fire prevention" ;)
What I'm curious to know is: What brand of cigar did Bill like to insert repeatedly into that mouth of his?
Dawn said:
his is a greeat politician , a smart man and a good liberal politican. the ****ing GOP held him back with that Monica **** through his whole 2nd term. if it wasnt for that he could have been our greatest president since FDR.
So it was that vast right wing conspiracy, not Bills " hey, come over here-acy"
The GOP PLANTED Monica in that office. The GOP PLANTED that cigar.........Im sure Bill had nothing to do with it. He bears NO responsibility for his own actions. It was the GOP that actally "did not have sex with that woman....Monica Lewinski" "cough-cough"

Monica was secretly working FOR the Republicans, and was paid to offer herself up to the President.
Thanks for straightening me out on that one :D
I will now run right out and buy his book! :sign: :sign: :sign:

On a more serious note, I don't believe that his whole presidency should have revolved around this incident/affair, but unfortunately, it seems like it did. It all came down to a stain on a dress. One big embarrassment that could have been prevented by Bill keeping it in his pants. Or was that the Republicans fault as well? THEY were the ones who pulled it out......

Darn, and I was really trying NOT to start a flame war. :( Who's idea was this to post about Bill anyway?
I was always very impressed by Clinton, and saw him speak and work a room on a couple occassions. He was very effective, but like pretty much all presidents - he was destined to be disliked or outright hated by about 50% of his peers, if not 50% of the public. Tougher job than I could handle, that's for sure.

I'm looking forward to reading this. Clinton disappointed me - but I've found disappointment in every politician I've ever paid any attention to. Unfortunately - they're just people like everyone else - and make mistakes too - mistakes which tend to be much more public than ours.


- Oak
You make very valid points Oak. The President invariably does get hated or disliked by half of the voting public who didn't get the man they wanted. I don't hate the man, I just don't care very much for him and his wife, and dont feel the need to suport them by buying their books.

Being the President is a very tough job that I would not want, nor would most of us. Being the President brings a good chance of losing your life for your country. I find honor in anyone who would choose to even run for this office.
He is just a man like everyone else, but by being elected to what most consider the leader of the free world, he is held to a MUCH higher standard.

I DO expect a President to act in a certain dignified way, and I expect that a majority of voters would feel the same. Is it asking too much for the President of the United States of America to just refrain from extra marital affairs until AFTER his Presidency is over? Or at least not to dishonor the previous/future inhabitants of the Oval Office by using it in an undignified manner?

Maybe there aren't any good men left who can hold office the way it should be. Maybe we should find another "actor"? ;)
camaroon4me said:
Dawn said:
his is a greeat politician , a smart man and a good liberal politican. the ****ing GOP held him back with that Monica **** through his whole 2nd term. if it wasnt for that he could have been our greatest president since FDR.
So it was that vast right wing conspiracy, not Bills " hey, come over here-acy"
The GOP PLANTED Monica in that office. The GOP PLANTED that cigar.........Im sure Bill had nothing to do with it. He bears NO responsibility for his own actions. It was the GOP that actally "did not have sex with that woman....Monica Lewinski" "cough-cough"

Monica was secretly working FOR the Republicans, and was paid to offer herself up to the President.
Thanks for straightening me out on that one :D
I will now run right out and buy his book! :sign: :sign: :sign:

On a more serious note, I don't believe that his whole presidency should have revolved around this incident/affair, but unfortunately, it seems like it did. It all came down to a stain on a dress. One big embarrassment that could have been prevented by Bill keeping it in his pants. Or was that the Republicans fault as well? THEY were the ones who pulled it out......

Darn, and I was really trying NOT to start a flame war. :( Who's idea was this to post about Bill anyway?
No they didnt plant her but many president have had affairs in office. The conspiricy was the republicans dragging it out into the open. Not saying the affair was right but when Gingrich was exposed he turned and fled instead of fighting like CLinton did.
camaroon4me said:
Dawn said:
his is a greeat politician , a smart man and a good liberal politican.  the ****ing GOP held him back with that Monica **** through his whole 2nd term.  if it wasnt for that he could have been our greatest president since FDR.
So it was that vast right wing conspiracy, not Bills " hey, come over here-acy"
The GOP PLANTED Monica in that office. The GOP PLANTED that cigar.........Im sure Bill had nothing to do with it. He bears NO responsibility for his own actions. It was the GOP that actally "did not have sex with that woman....Monica Lewinski" "cough-cough"

Monica was secretly working FOR the Republicans, and was paid to offer herself up to the President.
Thanks for straightening me out on that one :D
I will now run right out and buy his book! :sign: :sign: :sign:

On a more serious note, I don't believe that his whole presidency should have revolved around this incident/affair, but unfortunately, it seems like it did. It all came down to a stain on a dress. One big embarrassment that could have been prevented by Bill keeping it in his pants. Or was that the Republicans fault as well? THEY were the ones who pulled it out......

Darn, and I was really trying NOT to start a flame war. :( Who's idea was this to post about Bill anyway?
Perhaps, given even more time - something I'm sure his underlings were pushing for by way of some god-forsaken Constitutional amendment - you're right, perhaps Bill could have turned this country into an even bigger welfare state than FDR started.

You wanna know about conspiracies little girl? Come to my country of birth. I'll show you a thing or two about them.
Dawn said:
camaroon4me said:
Dawn said:
his is a greeat politician , a smart man and a good liberal politican.  the ****ing GOP held him back with that Monica **** through his whole 2nd term.  if it wasnt for that he could have been our greatest president since FDR.
So it was that vast right wing conspiracy, not Bills " hey, come over here-acy"
The GOP PLANTED Monica in that office. The GOP PLANTED that cigar.........Im sure Bill had nothing to do with it. He bears NO responsibility for his own actions. It was the GOP that actally "did not have sex with that woman....Monica Lewinski" "cough-cough"

Monica was secretly working FOR the Republicans, and was paid to offer herself up to the President.
Thanks for straightening me out on that one :D
I will now run right out and buy his book! :sign: :sign: :sign:

On a more serious note, I don't believe that his whole presidency should have revolved around this incident/affair, but unfortunately, it seems like it did. It all came down to a stain on a dress. One big embarrassment that could have been prevented by Bill keeping it in his pants. Or was that the Republicans fault as well? THEY were the ones who pulled it out......

Darn, and I was really trying NOT to start a flame war. :( Who's idea was this to post about Bill anyway?
No they didnt plant her but many president have had affairs in office. The conspiricy was the republicans dragging it out into the open. Not saying the affair was right but when Gingrich was exposed he turned and fled instead of fighting like CLinton did.
Yes, Gingrich admitted it and RESIGNED, rather than drag the GOP through a long, embarrassing ordeal. I think he was the better man for it! The President on the other hand DENIED it, LIED about it, and made our country look bad.

Maybe if he would have admitted it in the first place, asked for forgivness from his wife and his people, the wonderfully forgiving people of this country would have forgiven him and it could have been over in short order. We ALL make mistakes Dawn, it's how we recover from them. It all comes down to CHARACTER, and Bill Clinton has none. The only reason he admits it now is to sell MORE books! Sad to say, but Inquiring minds want to know!
Precisely. He's a coward, a thief and a liar. Always has been. He deserved his impeachment, as well as his often-overlooked disbarment. He is an embarrasment to his party, to his family and to his country.

It's funny, but I don't recall that hiding things under the guise of "it's my personal/private life" working for, say, Gary Hart. I don't recall that the Libs were accussed of being conspirators when they sent his Monkey-Business ass packing. So where's the consiparcy? Where do you draw the line? Gee, B.C. raped a bunch of women in Arkansas but if we drag it out and disclose it we're conspirators? What next, murder? Nah, can't drag that out into the open either - that would be a conspiracy. Or, can you? Ok, so the distinction, murder needs to be dragged out but adultery, blow jobs, some of which occurred while on the phone to, say, Sonny Callahan, cigar-stuffed twats and blowing a load on some cow's blue dress doesn't? Ok. I think I'm clear. But wait, now what about just beating someone senseless? Is it a consiparcy to drag that out into the open too? Oh no, that's ok to disclose that? I won't be considered part of a conspiracy if I disclose the fact that some elected official committed some crime? Or only certain crimes?

Too bad that most libs still can't admit to being duped. Twice.
camaroon4me said:
I DO expect a President to act in a certain dignified way, and I expect that a majority of voters would feel the same. Is it asking too much for the President of the United States of America to just refrain from extra marital affairs until AFTER his Presidency is over? Or at least not to dishonor the previous/future inhabitants of the Oval Office by using it in an undignified manner?
Ahhh. Expectations. That's what it all comes down to.

Here's my commentary on that - nonspecific to Mr. Clinton. I expect three things from my President (I'm not saying everyone should expect these three - or that these three are even particularly valid - but understanding one's owns expectations is a useful exercise):

1) To be smarter than I am. For the Presidents I don't like, you can read "smart" as "devious" if you want - doesn't matter. I know when I am faced with a superior intellect - and I don't think it is much to ask that the leader our nation be a sharper stick than I am. Hell, I'm not all that sharp most days.

2) To be a better leader than I am. Again, for the Presidents I don't like, then "manipulator" is fine - it's all semantics to me - I'm looking for someone who can pull people to their side. This is not a tough one - I'm not all that great a leader.

3) To be more ethical than I am. This is actually the bitch of the bunch. This is the area where politicians seem to have the most trouble, and I'm no angel.

That's it. I think that what a President does is so complex - that to try and judge them on their day-to-day activities (which we have little insight into) is essentially an exercise in fantasy. I simply watch them, and if they exceed my expectations in these three areas (which are judged mainly by gut, I admit) - I give them a thumbs-up by casting my vote and voicing my support.

At of our last four presidents, none of them have gotten more than 2 out of 3 - one is 1 for 3, and one is a big goose-egg. Presidential candidates are similarly rated. It's a wonder I vote at all.

Aside from revealing what an egocentric way I have of looking at the world, the reason I killed 2 minutes of my life to type all that out was to pose the questions, "How do you judge our leaders? And does it really make any more sense than mine - or is it just your own version of arbitrary crap -- just like mine?" Honestly, if everyone picking sides right now because you have a good reason, or because you are so entrenched in your side that you can't step back and see that the last time there was black and white in this world is well before our time?

Lastly, I would remind everyone that politics are not sanctioned on this board - and neither is name calling such as "little girl". I thought that keeping the conversation abstract and more philosophical was possible - but I was incorrect and apologize for contributing. Regardless - I shall bow out of this thread at this point and listen - as I've said far more than I had meant to already.


- Oak
You wanna know about conspiracies little girl?

That is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

The Lobby
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Can we get back to the cigars please. :(

Chalk it up to calling a spade a spade. It was simply an admittedly off-colored remark about the clear mentality and maturity of someone voicing such a position. Not that she isn't, or wasn't, entitled to voice it - just as I was entitled to address it or call it as I saw it.

It was just clearly a comment made by the truly immature or naive and I called it for what I felt it was.

Sorry if it offended you Dixieland. But then again, you never know - maybe it's just another right-wing conspiracy. Oh, I see, it was ok for Jim Morrisson to use the term "little girl," but if it's being used to address the mentality of a comment made by a lib, it's improper.

But then again, perhaps to expect people to refrain from such behavior simply ties into Oak's post of "ahhhhhh, expectations." (which I truly enjoyed Oak).
:love: I loved Bill Clinton....would vote for him again... I made more money during his tenure than any other president in my life so far, and sat and watched what Mr. Shrubby did as gov of my state, and now the country, and he is/did run both of them into the ground, and I am financially destitute based on the fact that Mr. shrubby ran off all the manufacturers in Texas while gov, and now out of our country entirely. Texas used to be the largest exporter state in the nation, and now are 75% importers of plastic chinese crapp, and exports dropped to like 35 in the nation. I have been in Texas all my proffessional life and resent what our current, and former gov/now president has been doing!! I am dying on the vine here and watching my retirement fund drop daily! I make 1/2 of what I used to in my industry as the salaries are run down as we dont have the exports to make the salaries we used to, and am strapped legally by a divorce judge to sit and lose my entire life's work as I cant leave the state to find a decent paying job. by the time the courts get done with this divorce I will be bankrupt and losing my home too!! Thanks government, helping me alot....!! :sign: FMF
Forum/Chat Rules & Etiquette

We pride ourselves on maintaining a pleasant, nice, fun and respected cigar community. We ask that you please follow the below rules in order to maintain our unique image.

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FullMoonFrenzy said:
:love: I loved Bill Clinton....would vote for him again... I made more money during his tenure than any other president in my life so far, and sat and watched what Mr. Shrubby did as gov of my state, and now the country, and he is/did run both of them into the ground, and I am financially destitute based on the fact that Mr. shrubby ran off all the manufacturers in Texas while gov, and now out of our country entirely. Texas used to be the largest exporter state in the nation, and now are 75% importers of plastic chinese crapp, and exports dropped to like 35 in the nation. I have been in Texas all my proffessional life and resent what our current, and former gov/now president has been doing!! I am dying on the vine here and watching my retirement fund drop daily! I make 1/2 of what I used to in my industry as the salaries are run down as we dont have the exports to make the salaries we used to, and am strapped legally by a divorce judge to sit and lose my entire life's work as I cant leave the state to find a decent paying job. by the time the courts get done with this divorce I will be bankrupt and losing my home too!! Thanks government, helping me alot....!! :sign: FMF
The problem FMF, is that the economy you made so much money under, had absolutely nothing to do with Clinton, the economy is impossible to change overnight, you were benefitting from Reagon and Bush 41. Those were the changes that took hold during Clinton's time, if you look at economics, it takes roughly 8-10 years to change an economy, so the reason you're losing so much money is because of Clinton, hopefully Bush 43 will get us back on track. We were seriously derailed by Clinton and his absolute disregard for anything other than his own narrow minded issues.
dixieland_conjunction said:
Forum/Chat Rules & Etiquette

We pride ourselves on maintaining a pleasant, nice, fun and respected cigar community. We ask that you please follow the below rules in order to maintain our unique image.

1.) No Flaming - please do not flame fellow members.

2.) Do not post defamatory, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing or obscene messages in the forum.

3.) No Spamming - do not post continuous advertisements in the forums. If you are a cigar retailer, there is a forum dedicated for you.

4.) Welcome new members into the community.

5.) If you are unsure of your post, feel free to ask one of the moderators before posting.
It's a nice ideal. Glad to see point number "2" highlighted as well. Although I think "little girl" hardly qualifies in that category, I'm quite certain said "little girl's" wordage of "f'cking GOP" and "Monica sh*t" fits. Not that such language even bothers me. In fact, I'm quite surprised that someone who finds "little girl" so offensive even has the ability to get up each day and function in our society. But you know, rules are rules. Or so we are told. At least, until it comes time to decide which person you agree with the most/least so you know who to apply the rules to.

Again, this is flogging a dead horse. Wait, can we say "flogging?" Woops, sorry. I 've said my two-cents and it's worth no more than that - just as everyone else's. At the end of the day, none of what we say on this subject truly makes one bit of difference in how it went down, least of all Monica. :sign:
Indeed you both crossed the line. Given that Dawn's post had already been edited by the mods, that point had been made.

CP is my online home. I'm trying do my part to keep it running as close by the house rules as possible. :)

There is no room for vulgarity OR off-color remarks in here. Please take it outside :)

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