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Can one person send me a test fax? Done.


Bratwurst and Beer
Oct 6, 2005
I'm at work and according to my boss this fax machine refuses to receive faxes sent from outside of Germany.

The number is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I thank you in advance.


Number removed since issue is resolved
People still fax?

Yes. Some companies still use carbon paper. :whistling:

Can't help you, Shawn. I would get an interesting internal memo if I used the company fax to send a message to Germany.
I got it covered a friend in White Russia came to my aid... the fax machine works as I told him all along. :rolleyes:
Not sure what the PEBKAC equivilent for a fax machine is, but I'm sure that's your error. :D
I've got a photo-copy of my butt I could send you if you want to be sure.
I have a boss that will only accept faxes or fed-x. He works from home and claims he does not have an email address. It is all BS so he can just say I don't have email - just fax it - or if it is too much to fax - just fed-x it. It is a royal pain in the ass, but he is the boss...............
I have a boss that will only accept faxes or fed-x. He works from home and claims he does not have an email address. It is all BS so he can just say I don't have email - just fax it - or if it is too much to fax - just fed-x it. It is a royal pain in the ass, but he is the boss...............
How does s/he get away with that?
I have a boss that will only accept faxes or fed-x. He works from home and claims he does not have an email address. It is all BS so he can just say I don't have email - just fax it - or if it is too much to fax - just fed-x it. It is a royal pain in the ass, but he is the boss...............
How does s/he get away with that?
I have the same question.
I have a boss that will only accept faxes or fed-x. He works from home and claims he does not have an email address. It is all BS so he can just say I don't have email - just fax it - or if it is too much to fax - just fed-x it. It is a royal pain in the ass, but he is the boss...............
How does s/he get away with that?
I have the same question.

but he is the boss...............
I have a boss that will only accept faxes or fed-x. He works from home and claims he does not have an email address. It is all BS so he can just say I don't have email - just fax it - or if it is too much to fax - just fed-x it. It is a royal pain in the ass, but he is the boss...............
How does s/he get away with that?
I have the same question.

but he is the boss...............

When I say boss, I guess I should have clarified - He is a general partner - so he is an owner. An owner can do whatever they want. We as employee's either put up with it (a royal pain in the ass) or we find other employment. By the way - he still dictates memos and letters to his secretary. She still takes shorthand. He is an old school military type. My way or the highway. Been working there for 31 years, so I guess I have been able to deal with it. Oh yea, this Friday is payday...............................................