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Chewing tobacco


New Member
Mar 12, 2008
sorry if this is the wrong topic in the wrong section or forum... but I dont think there is a forum dedicated to chewing tobacco??


does anyone chew tobacco here? (dip, snuff, long cut...etc..)

I dont smoke cigars that often...maybe one every second day, and a couple on the weekends...

recently, I have tried some dip...the buzz I got from it was so weird and such a neat feeling, which I know can't be good in a healthy viewpoint!

I read online about chew...its obvious that its not a good side choice amongst cigarettes or cigars...but I am getting a feeling most of the "quitting" sites are in for money to help people quit...

if any of you chew tobacco, can you tell me if you get checked by your dentist regularly and what to ask them to check?? I really would not like to have gum cancer or lose my teeth any time soon!

is it just as bad as smoking cigars or worse?? opinions please before I get hooked! :blush:
Dipping is far, far, far worse for you than cigars. In terms of health consequences, cigars are relatively benign in comparison to cigarettes and dip.

That said, I dip quite a bit and I really don't care at this point. I'm still young, I figure I'll quit when I start to feel it get a hold on me or I feel I reach the point where it's no longer worth the health risks. I dip mostly cope, some grizz too, but only long cut, no snuff.
I went to visit a friend of mine from high school last August. His brother was 2 years behind us and dipped Copenhagen from the 8th grade. He's 29 years old now. He has half of a tongue, no lower jaw to speak of, two teeth, and he can barely make noises that sound like words. There's a good chance they didn't get all of the cancer and he'll be dead in 5 more years.

Stay away from that crap.
As Alan pointed out, the health consequences for chewing tobacco/ dip are for worse than any other tobacco. One AVERAGE dip, which there is about 8 per can for most (3 for me) is equivalent to 4 cigarettes worth of nicotine, hence the greater buzz.

The only way Ive seen it done to prevent as much gum damage, is those that mix both chew and dip. They line their gum with the chewing tobacco leaf, and put the dip between the leaf and the gum. Though it prevents as much gum loss (Which I already have plenty of) it doesn't prevent the buzz.

Let me tell you, Ive been dipping/ chewing since I was 13, 2 cans a day now, and at my peak, about 4 cans a day. My dips went from on average getting about 8 a can, to about 3 at this point. As the buzzes go away (which they do only after a few months) you increase the quantity to get that rush. Then you are dipping so much, addicted to the huge amt. of nicotine that no other form of tobacco can satisfy.

Let me tell you, from someone as young as I, that has done this for so long. I may do it, but I would never suggest that anyone else get started. It's almost impossible to quit. I tried once, then picked up chain smoking and had to use 2 or 3 nicotine patches at a time to equal the amt. of nicotine I got from Dip.

Learn from my mistakes that Im living with, don't get into it. Its a habit that gets worse, and the effects are the most visual.
okay thanks guys! sounds very scary!

its a shame such good things in life are also the harshest :(

anyone try those...non-tobacco dips? they prolly arent close to the same...

uhg...i love this stuff! too bad
I dipped Cope from the time I was 18 until I was 24 or 25. I went in for a dental checkup and he said my teeth look great but the inside of my mouth looked like hamburger. I quit that day. When I went back six months later he said my mouth looked great and he couldn't tell that I had ever used it. I would say that for 2 years not a day went by that I didn't think about starting again.

I still get the urge for it every now and again and Its been nearly five years. One night I even had a dream that Copenhagen had introduced a line of cigars. The best of both worlds :laugh:

I could never recommend dip to anyone that thinks they will use it for a while and quit when they get tired of it. It is way too addictive.
I chewed/dipped for almost 20 years and quit dozens of times. I chewed everything from Beechnut to Redman to Cope to Skoal to Key and on and on. I haven't dipped for almost 3 years now and don't plan on going back. While I've heard many stories like Alan's, I also have uncles who are in there 70s that have chewed for 50+ years with no harm done. The point is, it is like Russian roulette and losing your tongue and jaw is not worth the gamble. I hope I quit in time, it really is a bad habit to get into.
I regret ever starting that demon habit. I was a recreational chewer in high school (played baseball) and really just quit once in college. However, once in grad school I found myself using dip to keep me awake. Then I got my job and the dip was just too dirty to get away with, so I started using Skoal Bandits -- and used off and on for nearly 6 years. When I was using the Bandits, I had them in almost constantly throughout the day -- and no matter what I tried to do to quit, I couldn't fight the urge.

When I tried to quit, I was a mean bast**d. Downright cranky and irritable. But finally about three years ago I quit for good. I still get the urge to buy a tin whenever I'm in the gas station and standing by the display. Thank God for pay at the pump.... :)
I like dip for the same reason as the OP, the buzz. My first one was probably about 2 years ago. A strong effort was put forth to not chew a lot. I would say I put in a dip about once a week. I have not become addicted and once went months without it with no issues. Also, doing it once a week means that I still get a buzz when I do it (buzz is weaker than it was a year ago though). I have thought about not doing it for 3 months or so and see if I get a buzz like I did when I started. Any one know how long an absence would be to get the full buzz back?

At any rate, I go to the dentist every 6 months and he has never said anything negative about my gums, keep in mind that 1 Grizzly wintergreen tin lasts me months and months.
i wouldn't call chewing tobacco "crap".

some people enjoy this form of tobacco.

advise your dentist that you chew, so he/she is aware and will examine you accordingly.

as for horror stories, i have none.
i had an uncle who chewed Mail Pouch, daily, he lived to be 89.
my grandfather chewed in moderation, he lived to 99.

neither had any ill effects from chewing, but that doesn't mean you will have
the same.
I chewed for roughly 1 1/2 years and decided it wasn't worth it. I remember by first dip of Grizz WG gave me the best buzz and it got me hooked. Still get the urge to buy it at the store, and when I'm working outside. A couple months into college and I quit altogether and I don't think I've had a dip or chew for a year+
I tried very hard to like this crap while on the diamond, but just couldn't do it.
i wouldn't call chewing tobacco "crap".

some people enjoy this form of tobacco.

advise your dentist that you chew, so he/she is aware and will examine you accordingly.

as for horror stories, i have none.
i had an uncle who chewed Mail Pouch, daily, he lived to be 89.
my grandfather chewed in moderation, he lived to 99.

neither had any ill effects from chewing, but that doesn't mean you will have
the same.

Neither would I. No one would like us saying that about cigars. Everyone has their vices, this just happens to be one of ours.
Been chewing Redman (Golden Blend)for about 8 years now, not quite the buzz as dip and I don't get the burn in my lip. But probably just as bad for you. Also recently I tried the Montecristo snuff, that is very nice stuff for a treat here and there.
I've seen some pretty nasty pictures of people who chew. By far the worst form of tobacco consumption around. If you really like the the buzz/flavor, then you might want to check out Snus. It's a little different, and from what I've read, substantially safer. You can check it out here: http://www.northerner.com/
My Grandfather dipped until the day he died at 92. My other Grandfather chewed twist tobacco until the day he died at 87.

Besides my friend's brother I know of 4 people younger than I that have serious damage and illness from Copenhagen/Skoal/whatever. Loss of teeth, esophageal damage, and irreparable gum damage are less severe than my friends brother's problems, but their serious enough to consider. Especially when those suffering from these problems are in their late 20s and early 30s and never used any other type of tobacco product or chemicals.

You will do what you will do. I'll continue to call it crap and advise people to stay away from it. There are other forms of tobacco that are far less harmful. Use of a product that uses additives in order to make it more addictive is past the realm of simple "enjoyment". Like cigarettes, dip is nothing more than a nicotine delivery device.
There are other forms of tobacco that are far less harmful.
Less harmful, yes, but all tobacco is harmful in its own right.

Like cigarettes, dip is nothing more than a nicotine delivery device.
Cigars deliver nicotine as well, and in very large quantities.

Alan, I see and well respect your points. However, we all use different forms of tobacco and nicotine...thats what brings us together in a cigar/ pipe community. I never said it was good for you, in fact, I said to learn from my mistakes. However, by calling it "crap," it's like a slap in the face for those of us that chose that lifestyle, and already live with our choices. I know you didn't say anything degrading about us, just the form of tobacco we use. However, that form is like a part of us, just like cigars is to the whole community. Im sure you wouldn't appreciate someone calling pipes crap. Voicing your opinion, I respect, but please don't go so far as to make those of us with this lifestyle feel uncomfortable.
I have dipped Cope for over 30 years.I wish I had never touched the stuff.I have heard that smokeless tobacco is the hardest to quit.I would have to agree.
Someone above said "We all have our vices", and that's true. I don't like someone slamming me because I enjoy a cigar, and I don't slam anyone because of some similar habit they have.

That having been said:

I've been in business meetings, dart tournaments, all sorts of gatherings, where prople are sitting and / or walking around with a paper or styrofoam cup with a wad of paper towell in the bottom, using it as a spittoon.

To quote my daughter "That is just so wrong on so many levels."