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Chicago herf?


New Member
Aug 29, 2002
I heard that in chicago that there are a lot of cigar bars and think that it would be a cool thing to do to get as many people as we can from around the area like MI or OH and so on to go there like next weekend or something. :D
There was laready a large herf in Chicago this year.

The Land of Lincoln Herf II is in October...try to make plans on attending that.

Look for the Beast, he'll be wearing sandals and smoking a Lars!!! ROTFLMAO :sign: :sign:
You know I'd be all over this LOLII thing if someone hadn't scheduled it on the day of MY WEDDING. It's kinda tough to sneak out on your own wedding you know... :p

Dave ;)
Uh...Springfield ain't Chicago...Chicago is in a state of it's own, just uses my tax dollars to run it's corruption..LMAO
I've found that getting married is way over rated I've ben there and done that and the herf would be better :D j/k I think maybe it coyuld have ben me, I mean that is what all women say right it is always not there fault right????? :D
Hey Techmaster, get with Beast and come down to the Land of Lincoln Herf next month. Gonna be a blast!
Yeah, that's the cA Big Smoke. Beast is going to that too, I think. I've been to several of the Big Smoke events. It's worth $$ if you smoke the kind of stuff they hand out. I prefer the event they have at the end of the year in Las Vegas. Well, worth the money just for the food and beverages out there. Our event is free and will be more fun though, I would almost guarantee it! :)
Matt R said:
Beast is going to that too, I think... It's worth $$ if you smoke the kind of stuff they hand out.
I've been hearing alot of similiar comments about the "stuff" they hand out at the "Big Smokes". Not sure if TheBeast is up to spending his scratch on some mid-line crap (ya all know I'm a snob...lol), food isn't that big a deal to me and I can only drink so much considering I need to be in Springfield the next day. I guess in a nutshell, I'm not going.

Bring on LOLII!!! :D
LMAO!! Yeah, save the $150 for the auction!! Better smokes at better prices!! Oh and lots of aged Havanas will be floating around I'm sure!
hmmmm...well i guess I will go to both maybe. I'll have to check for all of the time off of work. they both sound like a bunch of fun.