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Contest ideas...


Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
I'd like to offer some more contests, however I'm going to put the CP Chili Challenge III on hold for awhile. Time to try something different.

Here's the goal, the contest must somehow include a Youtube video. Post your ideas, and hopefully a few will become CP Sponsored contests.
How about something like, smoke a reputably strong cigar on an empty stomach (something like a LFD double ligero chiselito), or another that is always recommended to be smoked after a big meal. Document the progress in an edited down video. If you can make it through without seeming phased at all, you win something. I'm not sure...might not be much of a contest as I'm sure some could do it no problem, just throwing an idea out there.
I have a humongous cigar I'm willing to offer up for a contest :D
How about something like, smoke a reputably strong cigar on an empty stomach (something like a LFD double ligero chiselito), or another that is always recommended to be smoked after a big meal. Document the progress in an edited down video. If you can make it through without seeming phased at all, you win something. I'm not sure...might not be much of a contest as I'm sure some could do it no problem, just throwing an idea out there.

I'd do this one in a heartbeat. Strong cigars don't seem to have much of an impact on me at all, full stomach or not.
The puros Indios big chief challenge. Smoke one of those big sobs in one sitting. 5-6 hour ordeal. With no break. We have had a few guys do it at some of the Padron Outlaw events. Loren and Tony have taken it all the way down.

Video of power herfing an Opus or like super strong cigar?
A YouTube video on smoking one of Phil's White Owls he sends (or something comparable) and doing a review while smoking it. Watching someone smoke something like that, that they aren't used to, would make for a hilarious video.
The cinnamon test. Person eats a spoonful of cinnamon. There are some funny youtube videos of it.
Cinnamon test is funny but its one of those impossible thing to accomplish. Like the gallon milk challenge. Or the 15 saltines.
What about a physical challenge like standing on a log on one foot to see who can balance the longest. Post the video with a timer on the camera.
Maybe instead of something horrible, we could do something good. Like the first person to post them visiting Veterans in the hospital and thanking them for their service as they slip them a stogie ?

Something that has a positive twist. Just a thought. . .
All great ideas, keep them coming...
Craptastic cigar review. Watch em choke through a really crappy cigar review.
Not especially YouTubeish, but with the trend towards making the forum more visually dynamic, cigar themed photography contest(s) seems appropriate, especially if the submissions can be incorporated into the forum's design needs.
Got to say, I'd enjoy the contests more if pain and puking were not part of goal.

I guess it's fun to watch some dude try to down a Ghost pepper or a spoonful of cinnamon or barf his guts out after smoking a really strong cigar on an empty stomach, but I'd like to think this group could come up with something a little more creative.

As they say, one guy's opinion....B.B.S.
How about a spelling contest? :thumbs:

You could have people film themselves smoking a cigar in an unusual or famous place and the most unusual/famous/cool place wins. I'm not exactly sure how one would judge that, but that was the first thing that popped into my head (after the spelling contest).
Cigar related:

1) Maybe a contest where ppl compare lung capacity? By all smoking the same cigar and measuring the length of time the amber stays visibly lit during one draw.

2) Simultaneously smoking and eating/drinking without spilling contest

3) Something along the lines of LilBastage's idea where the goal is the most creative way of smoking, maybe hanging upside down or balancing on a barstool at the edge of a diving board.

Non-cigar related:

4) One's greatest achievement or failure in public. (candidly or staged)

5) Best prank (extra points if the victim is a CPer)

6) Unusual talent or hobby