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CP Outtakes with MattR


Mar 11, 2002
[emodx] Good morning, how ya been?
[MattR] Yes it is and a good morning to you.
[MattR] Busy, but very well, thank you
[emodx] Cool...For the record, how long have you been on CP, and how/why did you join?
[MattR] I don't remember the exact date, but I think it was in July of 2000. The same month that Rod created the site. I saw a thread posted at ICG about the site and thought I'd check it out.
[emodx] Which other cigar boards are you active on? How do you think CP stacks up to the others?
[MattR] I post at Cigar Family, Club Stogie, Cigar Pass, a little bit at Cigar Weekly. I read ICG (Internet Cigar Group) but don't post there much anymore. Oh and also a bit at Cigar Divan. I think Cigar Pass have carved itself a nice little niche in the Cigar Forums. I like it here most of the time.
[emodx] How and when did you get into cigars?
[MattR] I smoked cigars every now and then back in college ('86-'90), but never really knew much about them until about 8 years ago. I started hanging out at a local shop after buying online for a bit and then it just grew from there.
[emodx] So what have you been smoking a lot of lately? What is it that makes you pick that one?
[MattR] I have been pretty much stuck on Cohibas for the last year and a half. Not sure why, but they have a unique taste that I seem to enjoy more than the other lines right now. I also enjoy a vintage Davidoff or Dunhill from time to time too.
[emodx] lol...rough life... I have never been a fan of Cohibas. The taste never did anything for my. I guess I am in the minority on that one.
[emodx] So tell CP what it is you do for a living. Gotta have a decent job to pay for those 'hibas.
[MattR] I don't think so. A lot of people find them to be too expensive for what you get.
[MattR] I am the Operations Manager for a manufacturing company that is in our family. We build sports lighting systems.
[emodx] So USL is family owned and operated. What do you like about working for the family business?
[MattR] Someday I'll change my title to boss, but for now it has to stay politically correct I guess. LMAO!
[emodx] LMAO@politically correct
[MattR] Yes, my father started the company about 8 years ago after working at the same place for 30+ years. My brother also works here as well as a friend of his who has pretty much grown up around our place. Working for a family business is nice when we are turning a profit.
[MattR] When times are tough though, it can get a little straining
[MattR] Luckily we all get along and have learned to do our own thing and strive to make the business better.
[emodx] So is it work that has been keeping you busy lately?
[MattR] Work and family. I have a beautiful wife of almost 13 years now and twin boys who will turn 5 in July. So, I'm kept on my toes all the time. Tonight we are going to the Monster Truck Show. My kids can't wait!
[emodx] I bet they are a handful sometimes. Kids that age have so much energy.
[emodx] So besides cigars, do you have any other hobbies that you enjoy?
[MattR] They are non-stop! Trust me, I rest at work and work at home!! LMAO!
[MattR] I play golf on occasion, or at least try. LOL! I also ride motorcycles. I enjoy getting out and seeing as much live music as I can find time for too.
[emodx] I know the feeling, I go to work so I don't have to work so hard at home. LOL
[emodx] What kind of bike do you have? What is it about riding that appeals to you?
[MattR] Right now I have a Honda Shadow ACE 750. I almost traded it in last weekend on a Honda VFR800 Interceptor, but decided against it. There's just a feeling of freedom when I ride. I don't think about anything else while I'm riding, except riding.
[MattR] I have a need for speed sometimes too and riding motorcycles seems to quench that more than cars. LOL!
[emodx] For the record, are you a Republican, a Democrat, or an Independent?
[MattR] Hmmm.. good question.. a little bit of all three. LOL! I don't vote party lines, I vote for what I believe to be the best for me. ROTFLMAO!!
[emodx] I can understand that. I’m kind of fed up with both major parties because of all the mudslinging that goes on... It detracts from the issues at hand.
[MattR] yep
[emodx] Hear any good jokes lately?
[MattR] Yeah, probably, but I can never remember them. LMAO!
[emodx] So how are you involved with the LOL events?
[MattR] Myself and two other gentleman do almost all of the planning, though lately I've been too busy to do anything much with it. I help with the donation raising, setting up accommodations and so forth. I also do the auctioning and raffling at the herf itself.
[emodx] What charity are you giving to this year?
[MattR] It is the same every year, so far, The Springfield Area Boys and Girls Club.
[emodx] What kind of turn out do you guys average?
[MattR] Last year I think we had around 75 people show up, give or take one or two.
[emodx] Wow, that's a pretty good turn out.
[MattR] Yeah and we hope for more this year. If it gets too much bigger though, we'll have to find a larger room. LOL!
[emodx] In closing, is there anything you want to say to CP? Anything I may have missed along the way.
[MattR] Yeah, whenever you have extra vintage Havana’s or extra Cohibas laying around, send 'em to my attention.
[MattR] Oh and also... come to the Land of Lincoln Herf IV October 8-9, 2004!!!
[emodx] Keep us posted with the latest news about LOL...Thanks for sharing with CP bro!
[MattR] Thank you my friend and best wishes to you and all the other CP’ers for a wonderful summer!
[emodx] Thanks, have a good one. And get back to work! Must be tough being boss.
Another good one!!

But Emo, you didn't ask him any embarrassing questions ??? :p
PuroBrat said:
Another good one!!

But Emo, you didn't ask him any embarrassing questions ??? :p
Isn't it embarassing enough just being MattR? :0 :p

aeroswat said:
great interview emo matt
emo why havent you ever been interviewed
Because the Beast didn't think I was interesting enough to interview at the time. But people have asked the same thing. So instead of doing an interview, I just did my post contest. You'll find a bunch of stuff in there. Also, by participating in the contest, you probably n=know more about me than anyone should want to know. LOL

Great interview Emo.

So Matt have you installed one of the companies systems in your backyard?

BenjieV :D
benjiev said:
Great interview Emo.

So Matt have you installed one of the companies systems in your backyard?

BenjieV :D
LMAO! Nope, but one of our competitors equipment is installed so that it shines in my window every night! :0 :sneaky:
Do you get all access to the stadiums where your stuff is installed? And if so, are you hiring? :D
other1 said:
Do you get all access to the stadiums where your stuff is installed? And if so, are you hiring? :D
Not generally. But, we did the Chicago White Sox's re-modeling a couple of months ago and got some seats for a couple of games. We are basically just a vendor to electrical contractors. So, unless we have direct involvment with the stadium owners, they probably have very little idea of who we are.
Another great interview emo! Thanks Matt for being a willing participant!
Bryan :thumbs:
Nice interview. Matt, thanks for sharing! Emo, thanks for takin' the time!

Floyd T. :sign: