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Creamsickle Moonshine


Ye Old Newbie
Apr 8, 2008
I was looking to expand on the flavors of moonshine from the two basics I already make, the Apple Pie and the Peach...so I set out hunting on the Internet. A lot of them are pretty convoluted or they were too much like a 'chick drink' for my tastes....plus it had to fit my two most basic requirements, it had to be easy to make and get me good and buzzed. I found two that appealed to me and bought the ingredients.

The first of the two is the Creamsickle Moonshine.

2 cups white sugar
1 gal orange juice, no pulp
2/3 cup powdered French Vanilla coffee creamer...get the good stuff, not Walmart brand!
2/3 cup Dry Milk dissolved in a cup of warm water
4 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 750 ml bottle of 190 proof Everclear
1/2 of a 750 ml bottle Vanilla flavored vodka...I may have used a bit more


This isn't rocket science here guys. Add the orange juice, vanilla extract, sugar, dissolved dry milk, and coffee creamer to a medium size pot and bring it slowly to a boil while constantly stirring it. If you walk away from the pot for any length of time when it's close to boiling, it will quickly boil over the top and make a huge mess...and I know this as fact. :(

Lightly boil and keep stirring for about 10 minutes until all the dry ingredients are completely dissolved. You'll know this when none of it will be floating on top anymore.


Once it's done cooking, turn it off and let the pot completely cool down at room temperature. My routine is that I make this in the afternoon one day and then bottle it the next morning over a cup of coffee.

When it's all cooled down, add all the liquor and stir well. Then I just ladled it into the containers. This batch made 2 750ml bottles and seven 16oz Mason jars.


Let this sit for at least a week or two before drinking, the flavors need to meld together over time. Also, this will separate when left to sit, just give it a shake before pouring a glass.

From what I've read, it doesn't need to be refrigerated if consumed within 2-3 months, the alcohol does a good job of preserving it. I've been sipping a little here & there and it's really good...either cold over ice or at room temp.